Really!? REALLY!? They go only 5 - 7 over. It is 45 on Rt 235. I'll typically speed about 6-8 mph over to keep from getting rear ended. I don't feel comfortable driving that road faster then that. In the morning (between 5 and 5:30 am) I am getting passed by the MAJORITY of vehicles who are doing quite a bit faster than me (I would guess at least 15 mph over the posted speed).
I daily see drivers pushing through lights after they have changed to green in the direction I'm in. Especially turning into the base or onto 235. I'm surprised that the accident rate from that is not higher.
The other big 'accident waiting to happen' factor are the drivers pulling into the Right Turn only lanes to pass traffic and either shooting through the intersection in that lane or jamming theirselves back into traffic right before the intersection causing everyone behind them to slam on their brakes. I've had two vehicles in the past three months do that to me while I'm on my motorcycle, trying to slip into the same spot I'm occupying. Both times took some drastic manuevering on my part to keep from being squashed into the vehicle beside or behind me. One time I fended off with my boot denting their drivers door and the a-holes still didn't stop.
I am glad that you spoke up. I thought for awhile I was the only one who saw the crazy driving EVERYWHERE in the county ! I will affirm your statement !!!! 100 %