Stock Market is tanking!


Well-Known Member
Wow, every time I look the Stock Market it is down another 500 points or so. It doesn't look good for the future. Normally people buy when it is low. The problem is it will lilkely tank more. I fear this is just the beginning. Some experts predicted this. Not good. Look at how much it lost since Trump was in office.


Opinions are my own...
PREMO Member
All of the key economic indicators say that we are months away from a recession. Things are just going to keep getting worst and worst.

This has been brewing for decades. Never-ending government spending topped by near-zero interest rates from the fed to keep the balloon from popping. The stock market and housing bubbles are the direct result of all that money they have been printing.

The reason the gov is trying to squeeze every last penny out of us in taxes is because they need the money to pay the interest on the debt. Between the massive national debt and increasing interest rates on that debt, they're in a tough place. Its kinda like maxing out your credit cards, as long as you can make the minimum monthly payment, you can keep the ship afloat.

Get out and go into T-Bills or Gov T-Bills Money Markets. After the bottom really falls out, you can start buying at bargain basement prices. Hopefully you've already hedged with some precious metals and maybe Bitcoin.

Finally, if you look at a chart for the SP500 going back decades you'll see that the price really started its higher than previously normal trend a few years after Nixon took us off of the gold standard.


Well-Known Member
Wow, every time I look the Stock Market it is down another 500 points or so. It doesn't look good for the future. Normally people buy when it is low. The problem is it will lilkely tank more. I fear this is just the beginning. Some experts predicted this. Not good. Look at how much it lost since Trump was in office.
You're right. It is concerning.


Well-Known Member
All of the key economic indicators say that we are months away from a recession. Things are just going to keep getting worst and worst.

This has been brewing for decades. Never-ending government spending topped by near-zero interest rates from the fed to keep the balloon from popping. The stock market and housing bubbles are the direct result of all that money they have been printing.

The reason the gov is trying to squeeze every last penny out of us in taxes is because they need the money to pay the interest on the debt. Between the massive national debt and increasing interest rates on that debt, they're in a tough place. Its kinda like maxing out your credit cards, as long as you can make the minimum monthly payment, you can keep the ship afloat.

Get out and go into T-Bills or Gov T-Bills Money Markets. After the bottom really falls out, you can start buying at bargain basement prices. Hopefully you've already hedged with some precious metals and maybe Bitcoin.

Finally, if you look at a chart for the SP500 going back decades you'll see that the price really started its higher than previously normal trend a few years after Nixon took us off of the gold standard.
Bit coin just tanked did it not and what good is gold or silver if its worth nothing invest in ammo youll need that more than money


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Every month Joe Biden erases more of my retirement money. But the joke's on him - I've moved on to Plan B.


Well-Known Member
Bit coin just tanked did it not and what good is gold or silver if its worth nothing invest in ammo youll need that more than money
Crypto made a significant recovery, but then in the last 24 hours has taken a 10% hit.

While not exactly ethical, it's legal you can do something like a wash sale to erase some taxes.


Well-Known Member
Too bad for you. You should have been managing your retirement a bit more intelligently.

I'm sitting back counting the GAINZ LOL.
I'd be interested what you are investing in. I've made some money in the market the last two years, but it's been rather modest compared to the previous 10 years.


Well-Known Member
I'd be interested what you are investing in. I've made some money in the market the last two years, but it's been rather modest compared to the previous 10 years.

Energy/petroleum. Solar/photovoltaic cell manufacturers. Domestic steel.

Certainly there have been periods of better returns. But anyone who blames Biden is just willfully ignorant and lazy.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Energy/petroleum. Solar/photovoltaic cell manufacturers. Domestic steel.

Certainly there have been periods of better returns. But anyone who blames Biden is just willfully ignorant and lazy.

Not seeing any investment potential with domestic steel since steel mill employment declined 58% between 1990 and 2021. And that we import a great quantity of steel form other countries, the majority from China.


Well-Known Member
Ah modest gains
I wouldn't call STLD modest

Screen Shot 2023-03-10 at 10.28.52.png


Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

I stand corrected.
To be fair, there is a renewed interest in domestic steel (and other building supplies) even if they are small, boutique type of operations. For all of the economic problems Trump started with his little vanity tariff project, it did cement the importance to shorten the supply chain on lots of things.

Tariffs still a terrible idea that didn't work, but some good can often come out of bad decisions.