Stray Cats in St. Inigoes


Well-Known Member
kwillia said:
I didn't think you were baiting her. I understood exactly what you were trying to say and I agree with you. Death is not nice. Death is not pretty. Unfortunately there are times when it is the lesser of two evils.

Thank you! I am just sick of her trying to make everyone feel like a piece of crap if they disagree with her. She uses scare tactics to try to get her point across. While it's great that she tries to protect animals, her extremist ways are very annoying.


Christy said:
:offtopic: But did you know earth worms are not a native species? (Learned that in a National Geographic story on Jamestown).

I don't think she was yelling at people for feeding feral cats, so much as telling whatshername (too far back in the thread to remember) that she caused the problem she has now by feeding them.

There's more than one way to skin a cat (hehe) and I believe inkpen was simply offering up an alternative option. :shrug:

I caught bits and pieces of that special but missed that part. Where did earthworms originate? Did I hear right in that special that there were signs of cannibalism during one winter? Certainly makes history a little more interesting huh?


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elaine said:
Is your vacuum cleaner broked?
No, the maid didn't show up today. I will probably have to do it since I tracked in that crap from weed whacking and Chopper is blowing out his coat damn hair everywhere.
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24/7 Single Dad
aps45819 said:
Why is it to much to ask that pet owners keep their little darlings on their own property.
Stray Cats in St. Inigoes 05-14-2007 09:24 AM Your stupidity shows through again

Sorry :shrug: didn't realize your cat is exempt from leash laws, and has the right to trespass on everybody's property.


24/7 Single Dad
Stray Cats in St. Inigoes 05-14-2007 10:26 AM didn't realize you were exempt from speed limits when you zoom your ghey motorcycle all over the backroads. :bubble: glass houses. :nono:
Not exactly sure what this has to do with feeding wild cats, but yes I think it's great that the St. Mary's police don't enforce the speed limit if you're on a bike. They might pull you over and ask you to slow down but that's about it. Last time I got a warning ticket for 75 in a 45.

Enjoy your SUV ( Slow Ugly Vehical) :howdy:
Did I mention I get over 45 mpg :lol: