This you believe that christians have a monopoly on the understanding of morals and values? This is a "yes" OR "no" answer. If you answer it any other way, I will no longer have this discussion with you.
I absolutely do NOT (I hope that's close enough to "no" for you to keep talking with me) think that Christians have a monopoly on the understanding of morals and values.
I believe that Christians have a deep foundation for determining right and wrong, that determination being what makes up morals and values to a Christian.
However, I believe that the ancient Greeks had a foundation also. I disagree with Zues being the almighty, but they had a foundation to make up their morals and values.
I believe Wiccans have a foundation that make up their beliefs of right and wrong - those beliefs making up their determinations of morals and values.
I believe atheists have an equation for what determines life, a belief in man's thoughts and theories to try and determine how life works - but no deeper foundation for what makes up right and wrong and therefore no foundation for morals and values. Without a belief system, life can have no higher meaning.
I told you I'd give you my theory when you answered. You haven't answered (or, rather, you have by being unable to give me an answer). My theory is that American atheists are surrounded by religious people (83% of Americans identify themselves as Christians - I'll find the poll again if you dispute), and that atheists have been surrounded by values and morals so much they've adopted the bigger picture of the religious people's morals and values as their own while declaring they don't believe in the system that gives the morals. And, they don't even realize it.