Superdome Evacuation Stopped After Shots Fired At Military Helicopter


HollowSoul said:
I completely understand that this will sound VERY COLD and HEARTLESS....

But here is what i suggest...

the dumb@sses had PLENTY OF WARNING to evacuate before the storm hit!
but they decided to stay and RIDE THE STORM OUT.....soooo LET EM RIDE IT OUT ON THEIR OWN
if they were stupid enough to pop a squat and watch destruction...then fuk em
no medical water, let them fend for themselves. i have no sympathy for these idiots

and now the rest of the country is feeling the effects of their stupidity!

I'd only like to add that the people who did leave and came back to nothing should be helped to the fullest.......

But the looters need to be takem out and removed from the gene pool.

New Orleans is a poor city with high unemployment rates anyway, taking out the maggots would only do the city a favor.


nomoney said:
All they need to do is shoot like 10 of the buggers and the rest will stop.

The news just said they are sending military forces to the Superdome now, but for now, they have stopped the buses going out.

Once they get there, I bet there will be order. :clickclickbang:


Enjoying life!
HollowSoul said:
the dumb@sses had PLENTY OF WARNING to evacuate before the storm hit!
but they decided to stay and RIDE THE STORM OUT.....
if they were stupid enough to pop a squat and watch destruction...then fuk em
no medical water, let them fend for themselves. i have no sympathy for these idiots

and now the rest of the country is feeling the effects of their stupidity!
The people that are looting probably stayed just for that, knowing full well that the city would be in chaos following the storm. No power means no alarms on the jewelry stores, the gun stores, the electronics stores, the pharmacies or the banks.


wandering aimlessly
Steve said:
The people that are looting probably stayed just for that, knowing full well that the city would be in chaos following the storm. No power means no alarms on the jewelry stores, the gun stores, the electronics stores, the pharmacies or the banks.
What happened to the inmates? The ones that were holding hostages? Are they all running around loose now? Seems like they'd blend right in with the remaining citizenry.


bresamil said:
What happened to the inmates? The ones that were holding hostages? Are they all running around loose now? Seems like they'd blend right in with the remaining citizenry.

I haven't heard anything else about that, I was wondering the same thing.


professional daydreamer
nomoney said:
But most of those people are so poor they couldn't afford the gas, the hotels, or they had sick family members that couldn't be moved. There are too many stories of the different reasons that people stayed and you can't condem them all just because of the bad ones being shown by the media.

They don't seem to be having any trouble hoofin' it out now.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Where's the constitutional types in the forum. I know that the Constitution prohibits the federal troops against US citizens, but I don't the if when part.


I'm so heartbroken everytime I turn on the news and see my old neighborhood totally demolished. I used to live in Biloxi and would visit N.O. a lot. There are more gang members than you would think in the Big Easy. I ran into a few from time to time, but never had any problems. Having been through several hurricanes in my lifetime, I know what it's like to have nothing or close to nothing to return to; what it's like to be in a shelter for 3 days because I wasn't able to fill up my car with gas or because I was in the military and was helping man a shelter on base. I can sort of understand looting for things like water or diapers, but certainly not T.V's and such! I personally think that the rescue and restoration efforts are pretty much going as fast as they can be expected. Not having any water or power for weeks is frustrating, but camping out isn't that bad once you get used to it.
I just can't believe I was just there a few months ago visiting, playing roulette in the casinos and drinking hand grenades on Bourbon street! I can't believe my old house is gone. I just can't believe everything is just gone.


rdonthehd said:
I just can't believe I was just there a few months ago visiting, playing roulette in the casinos and drinking hand grenades on Bourbon street! I can't believe my old house is gone. I just can't believe everything is just gone.



Super Genius
Bustem' Down said:
I know that the Constitution prohibits the federal troops against US citizens
Really? Isn't part of the military oath to protect from all enemies foreign and domestic?
Bustem' Down said:
but I don't the if when part.
WTF?????? Speak english!


Super Genius
rdonthehd said:
I just can't believe I was just there a few months ago visiting, playing roulette in the casinos and drinking hand grenades on Bourbon street! I can't believe my old house is gone. I just can't believe everything is just gone.
:yeahthat: I came to the realization last night that I may have enjoyed the last New Years on Bourbon St and the last Superdome Sugar Bowl ever!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Aren't the Guard troops under the control of the Governor of the state, thus not Federal troops?

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
ylexot said:
Really? Isn't part of the military oath to protect from all enemies foreign and domestic?WTF?????? Speak english!
If, when. You know, clauses justifying it and and what not. I don't know the details and that's what I'm asking.


Not dead yet.
FromTexas said:
Shooting at the military? Damn, where is the left screaming its time we pull out of New Orleans and not put our kids in harms way? Is Sheehan going to stage a protest that not one more soldier should be lost in New Orleans?


Get out troops out of harms way now! Put them somewhere safe (like DC?)

You know, in the long run this may work out well for old NO. This is a perfect opportunity to rebuild the entire city infrastructure so that it drains better, is healthier, smells better (because no stagnant water in the pumping system) and has modern homes and workplaces. Sorry if this sounds callous to a beautiful and historic old city, but heck it's destroyed anyway, we may just as well make it the best possible when we fund the rebuilding (and you know we will).


Super Genius
Bustem' Down said:
If, when. You know, clauses justifying it and and what not. I don't know the details and that's what I'm asking.
Ok, I think I undestand what you meant now, but here's how to write that in a somewhat understandable manner.
but I don't know the "if/when" part.
I'm generally not a grammar/spelling nazi, but that was just :confused:


I can't understand what is taking the military so long to react. How long does it take to load up a couple 130s or C5s and get them there. 10,000 national guard troops are ordered already, but in the meantime they've suspended rescue efforts because some paramedics/EMTs have been shot at, and rescuers in boats can't get anywhere without people trying to get in. Now it's been 3/4 days without clean water for alot of these people, I think they need to stop dicking around and move in to establish a little old fashioned fear, arm the paramedics, drop some rafts, water, and MREs to these people and stem some of the death and disease that is likely to happen.