Superdome Evacuation Stopped After Shots Fired At Military Helicopter


New Member
Pete said:
I agree in part, the ratio of good to bad it much better in a society where people are self sufficient, responsible and respectful. This is a result of years of conditioning to be "entitlement driven" and the norming of imoral behavior.

I agree with that but I'd like to point out that self sufficient doesn't mean rich. Some poor places (in the U.S. and elsewhere) have faced disasters and not have degenerated into animal behaviors.


curiouser and curiouser
Here's an interesting observation (or maybe just ghey). Almost 4 years ago we were attacked by terrorists, and man did we all band together and all that good stuff...our country was stronger because of it. Now here we are, in the wake of a dang hurricane, and everything's going to shiat. :ohwell:


Football addict
Nickel said:
Here's an interesting observation (or maybe just ghey). Almost 4 years ago we were attacked by terrorists, and man did we all band together and all that good stuff...our country was stronger because of it. Now here we are, in the wake of a dang hurricane, and everything's going to shiat. :ohwell:
It's amazing how quickly we forget, maybe we need another attack. (prepares for the onslaught of red)


b*tch rocket
Nickel said:
Here's an interesting observation (or maybe just ghey). Almost 4 years ago we were attacked by terrorists, and man did we all band together and all that good stuff...our country was stronger because of it. Now here we are, in the wake of a dang hurricane, and everything's going to shiat. :ohwell:
I think we are pulling together, minus the ghetto trash looting and raping, which I speculate would be doing just the same thing if 9/11 happened in the big sleazy. The media is focusing heavily on the bad and barely touching on the enormous outpouring of generosity and human decency. :shrug:

Yeep, I'm in a very argumentative mood this evening. :lol:


New Member
Can't really blame a hurricane on an "outsider." Even the rapists and looters were probably outraged that some Arabs attacked their country.


Football addict
Christy said:
I think we are pulling together, minus the ghetto trash looting and raping, which I speculate would be doing just the same thing if 9/11 happened in the big sleazy. The media is focusing heavily on the bad and barely touching on the enormous outpouring of generosity and human decency. :shrug:

Yeep, I'm in a very argumentative mood this evening. :lol:
You're probably right. I just hate seeing people taking advantage of this whether they're in the city or not. Politics should not be a player in this right now, not now at all.


curiouser and curiouser
Christy said:
I think we are pulling together, minus the ghetto trash looting and raping, which I speculate would be doing just the same thing if 9/11 happened in the big sleazy.
I'm really talking more about the gas thing....people are flipping out. I'm not all too worried about it, because you have to buy it one way or another, so why worry about the price? It's like the price of milk...I seriously don't know how much milk costs. I have to buy it, so I just buy it. But the possibility of $4+ for a gallon of gas is slightly unnerving. I realize that the location of the disaster is to blame for the increase, it just stresses me out to have all this chaos. :lol:


New Member
Word on the news this morning is the "shoot to kill" order will be given. Things are totally out of control down there.


But wait, there's more...
morganj614 said:
Word on the news this morning is the "shoot to kill" order will be given. Things are totally out of control down there.
:yeahthat: Plus there was just a huge explosion of what they believe are rail cars by the riverfront, and cops are said to be turning in their badges (all from GMA).


At what point in time does an average disaster victim surrounded by water starving to death...PICK UP A DAYUM FISHING POLE

homes are destroyed....(there has to be a frying pan around there someplace)
stores demolished........(bet you could walk right in wal-mart and pick up poles/lures/he!! maybe even a handy dandy fillet knife....come to think of it i wouldn't be supprised if tents and sleeping bags are still available)
gas grills....................yup....dig around bet you'll find one, might even find a pot to put water in....hmmm maybe even boil it on that grill you just found....wait a minuite...i bed if i was to put a screen on top of this pot of boiling water....and put a smaller pot on top of it...and the set a piece of glass on top of the smaller pot.....sooner or later i.m gonna get condensation to collect in the smaller pot.
He11 then i'll have clean water to drink with thes fish i just caught with my pole i just looted from wally-world!!!


But wait, there's more...
While it's certainly not a priority issue right now, I am happy to see that in this situation where we have a woman in a position of authority, that she has the kahunas to authorize "shoot to kill". A lot of people have said in the past a woman may not have that sort of edge, if push came to shove. I feel bad for her though; she's on GMA right now, and it's evident the physical and mental toll this crisis is taking on her.


But wait, there's more...
HollowSoul said:
At what point in time does an average disaster victim surrounded by water starving to death...PICK UP A DAYUM FISHING POLE
I don't think it's safe to eat anything that comes out of that water, I don't care how long you cook it. Dead bodies, disease, human waste ... I'd grab leaves off a tree high above the water level first. :ohwell:


But wait, there's more...
AND the race card is played ...

Some Afr-Am idiot on GMA just said "if you had half a million white folks left behind there would be help en route immediately. This is definately an issue of race." :banghead:

Yea, cuz ya know, GW sought out a population where it was 2/3 black to direct the hurricane, cuz he's all powerful like that. :duh:


New Member
crabcake said:
:yeahthat: Plus there was just a huge explosion of what they believe are rail cars by the riverfront, and cops are said to be turning in their badges (all from GMA).

It sounds like something out a movie of the week. All the water is contaminated and it is totally lawless down there. Shooting to kill seems like the only way to control the mob.


But wait, there's more...
That's really sad! It's a shame the National Guard wasn't mobilized sooner and a military-like command post enacted to coordinate the efforts down there. I realize communications are out all over, but hell ... we didn't have any warning for 9-11 and things went wayyyyyy more smoothly than this.


There is a big difference between a 10 city block area of devestation surrounded by the best equiped emergency services departments in the world and a swath of destruction that is thousands of square miles that includes an entire major metropolitan city.


But wait, there's more...
Pete said:
There is a big difference between a 10 city block area of devestation surrounded by the best equiped emergency services departments in the world and a swath of destruction that is thousands of square miles that includes an entire major metropolitan city.
From what I saw, even the tsunami efforts were more organized, and that was in 3rd world conditions. :shrug: