Surprise, Surprise: Another Muslim American Soldier Targets Americans


Well-Known Member
PsyOps said:
And Americans (based on this last election) are asleep.

:nono: They're awake... they did what they had to do, the traitors needed spanked. Conservative Americans sent a message: if you turn on your base your base will turn on you.


Dancing Up A Storm
Homesick said:
:nono: They're awake... they did what they had to do, the traitors needed spanked. Conservative Americans sent a message: if you turn on your base your base will turn on you.

I thought the phrase was: "All your base belongs to us?" :shrug:


Homesick said:
:nono: They're awake... they did what they had to do, the traitors needed spanked. Conservative Americans sent a message: if you turn on your base your base will turn on you.
From a politically unedcuated standpoint I think you're right (that is not directed at you). That's the problem. I don't think Americans realize quite yet what they have voted into power. Even if the GOP turned their back on their base Americans still had to evaluate who had the better plan for national security. It sure isn't the liberals. But somehow Americans think so. Now we have to find out the hard way.
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Kyle said:
I can think of a lot better, more agonizing, methods of execution for treason.

Make way for the SHARK-TANK, CHIPP-O-MATIC and VAT-O-ACID.
The firing squad was always quick, easy and inexpensive. Bullets don't cost that much. :shrug:


Dancing Up A Storm
Vince said:
The firing squad was always quick, easy and inexpensive. Bullets don't cost that much. :shrug:

Bah! That is inhumane, and you know it! :razz:

If we're gonna do it, let's hang 'em!


New Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Kill every effing muslim on the planet and live in a peaceful world. :yay: :patriot:
Surprise, Surprise: Ano... 03-12-2007 04:02 PM Followed your comments for a while now, concluded you really are an #######.

:bawl: Yea, I'm an #######. And I'm right too!! :killingme

Tell me moron, what religious group is causing all the war in the world right now? Hmmmm???

What religious group is strapping bombs to kids & blowing up bus stops and open air markets? Hmmm??

What religious group is fighting and killing amongnst themselves? Hmmm???

I may be an ####### but you're an ostrich with your head in the sand dolt. :smack: :buttkick:

I say what most believe but won't say out loud because I have the balls to do so. :patriot:

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Islamics are a bit like termites that invade your home.They come in and help themselves to a free meal, they eat your walls and floors and destroy the home.

They are not easy to get rid of, If you dont get them all they will return and destroy whats left. If you leave any they will return to do more damage. Extermination and rebuilding what they destropyed is expensive and hard ,but if not destroyed completely they will eventually become strong again and come back to finish what they started.

Islamics have been doing this ever since Mohammed raped his first child, boy/or girl we cannot tell which, as he had no special preference ,and used both for his sexual gratification. One of his wives was 6 years old when he married her but he decided to wait until she was 9 before he broke her in. Anyway Islamics are taught to kill the infidel or convert him. There is no in between except slavery. Every 400 years or so they become stronger and go about doing their thing. In the present oil,and the money it produces has made them strong, they will not quit until they have been killed back enough to go back into hibernation and wait for the next uprising. Extermination isnt PC.


Well-Known Member
Someone I know talked with an Arab-Israeli a few months ago. He is a Gunnery Sergeant in the US Army and is with military intelligence. He does a lot of translating for us. My friend asked him what we should do in Iraq. Here is what he said:

He said that we need to gather up all the children and put them in schools and give them a real education. Everyone from 10 years old and up, kill them. There is nothing that can be done with them. A deep hatred of the West has been thoroughly embedded in their minds.


Dancing Up A Storm
Homesick said:
Someone I know talked with an Arab-Israeli a few months ago. He is a Gunnery Sergeant in the US Army and is with military intelligence. He does a lot of translating for us. My friend asked him what we should do in Iraq. Here is what he said:

He said that we need to gather up all the children and put them in schools and give them a real education. Everyone from 10 years old and up, kill them. There is nothing that can be done with them. A deep hatred of the West has been thoroughly embedded in their minds.

Too true.

Glen Beck did a segment on his show, maybe 3 to 4 weeks back, where he put up Islamic terrorist cartoons, aimed at 4 and 5 year olds! Then pictures and films of Imams preaching hatred for Jews and the West to pre-teenagers on up to 16 and 17 year old kids.

They are indoctrinated long before the time that they're able to carry a weapon - or a suicide bomb.
He seems to have what needs to be done in Iraq well in hand, but what do we do with the thousands we have in this country. The thousands we have in our colleges being taught by liberal professors. What can we do when the Democrats have given C.A.I.R. a meeting room in the Capitol. Thats right The Capitol. You know that big building in Washington with the statue of Freedom on top. The one where our laws are made.. What can you do when congressman Moran wants to place the Gitmo prisoners on bail and turn them loose in America. (No Kiddin folks) What can we do with the millions of Americans who wish to hand this country over to Islamics like France is handing over their country.

Right now it is a race to see who gets the country first, Islamics or Illegal Hispanics.


Well-Known Member
Tom Sawyer said:
He seems to have what needs to be done in Iraq well in hand, but what do we do with the thousands we have in this country. The thousands we have in our colleges being taught by liberal professors. What can we do when the Democrats have given C.A.I.R. a meeting room in the Capitol. Thats right The Capitol. You know that big building in Washington with the statue of Freedom on top. The one where our laws are made.. What can you do when congressman Moran wants to place the Gitmo prisoners on bail and turn them loose in America. (No Kiddin folks) What can we do with the millions of Americans who wish to hand this country over to Islamics like France is handing over their country.

Right now it is a race to see who gets the country first, Islamics or Illegal Hispanics.

I know exactly what I would do if I was in power because of the care I have for this country and for those that are true Americans.

America needs a serious purging. It will happen. Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better but the day is coming.


Dancing Up A Storm
Homesick said:
I know exactly what I would do if I was in power because of the care I have for this country and for those that are true Americans.

America needs a serious purging. It will happen. Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better but the day is coming.

People out there are saying the End Times are getting nearer and nearer? :shrug:

Yesterday, in our Adult Sunday School class, the leader made a comment:

"People need to wise up across this country, and see what's happening around them before it is too late."

Got my attention........


Active Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Kill every effing muslim on the planet and live in a peaceful world. :yay: :patriot:

Didn't certain people in Germany say that about Jews and others????
Didn't people in this country once say that about black people????
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New Member
Bushy23 said:
Didn't certain people in Germany say that about Jews and others????
Didn't people in this country once say that about black people????
Sure they did and they were idiots. Jews and blacks weren't causing all the war in the world.

They aren't strapping bombs to kids & blowing up bus stops and open air markets.

They aren't fighting and killing amongnst themselves.

The difference between me and them is I am no idiot. Read Tom Sawyers "termite" post. He hit the nail on the head. The sooner these animals are annihilated, the sooner we have world peace. :patriot:
"In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person's becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American...There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn't an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag... We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language... and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people."
-Theodore Roosevelt 1907

The man who loves other countries as much as his own stands on a level with the man who loves other women as much as he loves his own wife.
Theodore Roosevelt


Active Member
The majority of convicts in US prisons are white males. They commit the majority of violent crimes in the U.S. We should kill all the mother effers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tom Sawyer said:
He seems to have what needs to be done in Iraq well in hand, but what do we do with the thousands we have in this country. The thousands we have in our colleges being taught by liberal professors. What can we do when the Democrats have given C.A.I.R. a meeting room in the Capitol. Thats right The Capitol. You know that big building in Washington with the statue of Freedom on top. The one where our laws are made.. What can you do when congressman Moran wants to place the Gitmo prisoners on bail and turn them loose in America. (No Kiddin folks) What can we do with the millions of Americans who wish to hand this country over to Islamics like France is handing over their country.

Right now it is a race to see who gets the country first, Islamics or Illegal Hispanics.

It'll be a toss up / split as it happens, with a Reconquista of some sort in the Southwest, while the Muslims take over starting in the Central Midwest - from what i have read that Imam the Dems had @ there convention has a strong following in Detroit? Chicago? area ...... Although Imam's Preach that hate filled rhetoric here in DC @ the big mosque on Mass Ave NW as well .......... :whistle:

People refuse to acknowledge this is going to be a continuation of the Fight Against Islamic Aggression ie the Crusades between Christians / the west ( Invasion of Spain, and Eastern Europe to the Gates of Vienna Anyone) and Islam. Because it upsets there peaceful little corner of the world, and the Liberals will try talk there way out eventually rolling over for there own good leaving the rest of "US" to fight it off ....... :buttkick: :smack:

I am not Racist I have studied, in the Aggression of Islam in history. :blahblah: Yeah and Don't Give Me that Crap About Christianity and The Swords Either ...... Thats History, Not Current Events.

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