New Member
Here's why. You and Knucklesack are oblivious dolts who need to pull your heads from your asses. Read about Jamal. Thanks to the person who left it in my karma. Yes, I would kill him too. Read the koran.Midnightrider said:why would i understand hating someone you have never met, or interacted with. The majority of those people are jsut like us, they just pray different. Just like the majority of white americans are not supporters of the KKK, i believe that the majority of muslims dont support the terrorists actions. BTW, very few people spoke out against the KKK when it was most active, did that mean all of those people supported them?
It seems that all too often, terrorist attacks are met with silence by the Muslim community, especially here in America.
Miftah expected leaders of his local mosque to approve of the article, since it condemned Islamic extremism. He was wrong. Miftah thought his fellow Muslims would support his stand. But he says that when he came to the al-Salam mosque, he was surrounded by a group of angry Arab men who physically threatened him.
He says that the imam of the mosque called him "anti-Islamic," and that another mosque official branded him a traitor to his faith.
A witness who wishes to remain anonymous verifies Miftah's version of events. He told cbn News that several men also shook their shoes at Miftah during the confrontation -- a major sign of disrespect in the Middle East.
He added, "It was not just ordinary people. It was the mosque leadership."
Miftah filed a police report after the incident. In the meantime, the Tulsa Islamic Society banned him from the al-Salam Mosque.
There are many other great quotes but I'll let you read (if you can comprehend) for yourselves.