Surprise, Surprise: Another Muslim American Soldier Targets Americans


New Member
Midnightrider said:
why would i understand hating someone you have never met, or interacted with. The majority of those people are jsut like us, they just pray different. Just like the majority of white americans are not supporters of the KKK, i believe that the majority of muslims dont support the terrorists actions. BTW, very few people spoke out against the KKK when it was most active, did that mean all of those people supported them?
Here's why. You and Knucklesack are oblivious dolts who need to pull your heads from your asses. Read about Jamal. Thanks to the person who left it in my karma. Yes, I would kill him too. Read the koran.


It seems that all too often, terrorist attacks are met with silence by the Muslim community, especially here in America.
Miftah expected leaders of his local mosque to approve of the article, since it condemned Islamic extremism. He was wrong. Miftah thought his fellow Muslims would support his stand. But he says that when he came to the al-Salam mosque, he was surrounded by a group of angry Arab men who physically threatened him.

He says that the imam of the mosque called him "anti-Islamic," and that another mosque official branded him a traitor to his faith.

A witness who wishes to remain anonymous verifies Miftah's version of events. He told cbn News that several men also shook their shoes at Miftah during the confrontation -- a major sign of disrespect in the Middle East.
He added, "It was not just ordinary people. It was the mosque leadership."

Miftah filed a police report after the incident. In the meantime, the Tulsa Islamic Society banned him from the al-Salam Mosque.

There are many other great quotes but I'll let you read (if you can comprehend) for yourselves. :duh:


Well-Known Member
RadioPatrol said:
Hmm Cherry Picking ......... Christians are not killing or advocating killing non believers today ......... I think your missing the point, sure the Bible instructed in the Old Testament what to with those who turned their back on God and you can Cherry Pick quotes - out of paragraph context - all sorts .... I am referring to current events - current teachings in Muslim Madras ( schools )

They do not want to talk present, they want to talk past events. Time and again to throw present day off course they do this, it shows clearly. They remind me of black people that cannot live today because of living in the past. :rolleyes:


Nucklesack said:
And my point was it was Christian Fanatics who inflicted the War Crimes (post USSR Breakup) against the Non-Believing Muslims

How are they Christian Fanatics ? how about a link or 2 to read ......... seems to me it has been more centuries of ethnic hatred not religious hatred - but I will concede that their has probably been a bit of religious (lacking and direct information from you) as well ......... the Serbs were in it for Ethnic Reasons:

From Wikipedia Article .......
The Ottoman Empire Influence:

The Ottomans were one of the most powerful and influential civilizations of the modern period. The Ottoman Empire (1299 to 1923), created by Turkish tribes in Anatolia, persisted until the 20th century and did not end until after World War I when Turkey adopted a more European style secular government (under Kemal Atatürk).

Ottoman rule over the Balkans was characterized by centuries of bloody struggle for freedom and protracted periods of stalemate with the Habsburgs along the border in Hungary as well as anti-Turkish propaganda in Europe, and with invasions from the east. Even before the conquest of Constantinople, the Ottoman Empire controlled much of Greece, Bulgaria and had Serbia and Wallachia as vassals.The defeat in the 1456 Battle of Belgrade stopped Ottoman expansion for a while, but by the middle 16th century Serbia and Hungary were occupied, while Moldavia and Transylvania also became vassals. With the failed Siege of Vienna in 1683 begins the prolonged agony of the Ottoman Empire, faced with the growing threat of Austrian and Russian expansionism, the entangled interests of Britain and France and with the rise of national consciousness among its inhabitants.

Ethnic cleansing

During the Yugoslav wars of the 1990s, the breakup of Yugoslavia caused large population transfers, mostly involuntary. Because it was a conflict fueled by ethnic nationalism, people of minority ethnicities generally fled towards regions where their ethnicity was in a majority.

SNIP Continued:

A massive and systematic deportation of Serbia's Albanians took place during the Kosovo War of 1999, with around 800,000 Albanians (out of a population of about 1.5 million) forced to flee Kosovo. This was quickly reversed at the war's end, but thousands of Serbs were in turn forced to flee into Serbia proper. Unfortunately, the 20th century has been one of the most violent centuries in recorded history (Kegley & Whitkopf, 2004); not only has the globe been captivated by major media stations relaying stories of death and destruction, rather, we have also seen the brutality and asymmetrical attributes of ‘war’ that do not only encompass death, genocide, ethnic cleansing and combatant on combatant confrontations. The attributes of ‘war’, also encompasses the rapes of men, women and children - (mass-rapes included), the pillaging of towns, villages and homesteads with the aim of inflicting as much pain and trauma upon its unwilling participants as possible (Diken & Lausten, 2005). We were captivated by images of refugees streaming across regional borders looking for assistance from neighbouring countries (Judah, 2000). People that once had somewhere to live, a place to call home, were now internationally displaced, begging authorities for food, water, and basic healthcare (Judah, 2000). Furthermore, the civil and political ramifications of ethnic conflict, particularly violent, can also be linked to the successive stages of transnational organised crime (Carment & James, 1998:3). With the increased movements across borders by refugees seeking shelter and safety, we also see the increased exploitation of criminal gangs seeking to expand their business. For instance, within the refugee exodus, we may also see the blending of criminal elements trafficking in drugs, people smuggling, weapons trafficking (conventional and potentially nuclear weapons), transportation of currencies and products (Carment & James, 1998; T. Nikolic, 2006).


Well-Known Member
PsyOps said:
Pakistan has been most uncooperative. They will not allow us in their country to go after UBL. It doesn't do much to be an ally in voice only. If we had their complete cooperation Bin Laden would be a past discussion right now.
while they may not have completly given up their sovereignty, they have helped. We couldn't have done anything substantial in afganistan if it weren't for pakistans help. They have hunted and detained their own citizens in our effort, and continue to be our allies in this fight.
You have got to relize that America is seen as "the man" on the world level, and none likes "the man". Pakistan siding with the man is a very precarious position to take in such a tubulent part of the world. I think pakistans president has done a decent job of balancing his country's needs and expectations with those of the world.
Think about it, would America let pakistani troops have free roam of our country just because a couple of random americans plotted a terrorist attack in pakistan. F NO, we would search out the responsible parties on our own in good faith, and then depending on our policies with that country determine if those parties are extridited or punished here.


Midnightrider said:
Thats just stupid, many Muslim countries have joined us in our fight or terrorism.
How about Pakistan, estimates indicate about 97% of their population is Muslim, yet they are one of our biggest allies in the war on terror.

Anything Mubarak is doing is for self preservation not because He is any great fan of the USA .......... He has had and continues to have major problems with in his gov. with Intelligence agencies subverting official Gov policy

or in html

Washington offered Musharraf an aid package of nearly $1 billion for border control, refugee assistance, and poverty alleviation.

The Pakistani leader took an ambiguous and restrained approach toward Islamabad’s ties with Washington and expressed only a qualified backing for the U.S. position.

Musharraf, as head of Pakistan’s military, used his alliance with radical Muslim clerics to provide legitimacy to his dictatorship

Despite denials by Musharraf and his aides, Pakistan’s ISI continued to provide military and financial assistance to the Taliban in Afghanistan even after September 11, 2001

Oh Yeah Good Friends .......... bought with a billion dollar aid package ....


Nucklesack said:
And you are changing the argument.

You stated (and i quote)

Those same types of passages can be found in the Bible. Once again why arent you following the scriptures that tell you to Stone unbelivers?

The fact that a minority of followers of the religion are following the scripturs literally doesnt damn the rest of the followers. Otherwise Fred Phelps, Abortion Clinic Bombers, and countless other examples of Christian Fanatics could be making the same case against you (if your Christian, sorry making an assumption)

The fact that NOT EVERY Muslim is a Terrorist (besides what Mike wants you to believe), proves the point that no matter what the belief there will always Fanatics


You are absolutely right .... there will always be fanatics I despise white supremacists who pervert the Bible to denigrate Blacks, Jews and Others ....

but while there is the occasional episodes from these folks - you mentioned others - they do not have a world wide movement to destroy Jews, Christians, and the Western lifestyle in general .

When I last went to church I was not being preached @ to go kill people, our Christian Schools are not teaching a new generation to Kill and Hate those not like us ....... Check on whats going on in Palestine these days

This Loads and Awesome click able Java based map of the global terror network and who is tied to who ........ and how deep connections go or how the money is getting passed around amongst liberal groups Foundation


Surprise, Surprise: Ano... 03-15-2007 08:17 AM no, judging from your karma, you are an idiot

tis always the fall back of people without facts to back up assertions that start personal attacks ...... :whistle:

So Your Opinion is I am an Idiot :razz:

Mine is you are a No Balls Anon Red Giver ....... :smack:

If you'd like to back up your assertion here that I am factually wrong, or have some point of history incorrect ...... - please provide facts for the education of us all, or some better basis than YOU THINK I am an Id10t



Active Member
Mikeinsmd said:
Here's why. You and Knucklesack are oblivious dolts who need to pull your heads from your asses. Read about Jamal. Thanks to the person who left it in my karma. Yes, I would kill him too. Read the koran.


So, I read that article. One of your points is that you hate muslims because of their silence. Here is a muslim WHO IS SPEAKING OUT AGAINST MUSLIM TERRORISTS. He's trying to help your cause. Yet, you still want to kill him. So that proves you to be a bigot.


New Member
Bushy23 said:
Mikeinsmd said:
Here's why. You and Knucklesack are oblivious dolts who need to pull your heads from your asses. Read about Jamal. Thanks to the person who left it in my karma. Yes, I would kill him too. Read the koran. Source
So, I read that article. One of your points is that you hate muslims because of their silence. Here is a muslim WHO IS SPEAKING OUT AGAINST MUSLIM TERRORISTS. He's trying to help your cause. Yet, you still want to kill him. So that proves you to be a bigot.
Bushy, you still have no reading comprehension. I hate them because they attack innocent people, kill each other, believe if you're not a muslim, you should die, saw off peoples heads..... The silent ones only tell me they condone terrorist activities.

Call me anything you want to. I have big shoulders and can handle the rantings of ignorant folks like you & Midnight. I am right and know how to solve the problem regardless whether or not you can't see the obvious.

There have been muslims serving in our military that were waiting for their opportunity to kill us. You're a moron if you trust any of them. They all need to be annihilated!!


Active Member
I have plenty of reading comprehension and I know a bigot when I see one. Why would you kill Jamal?? He is on your side. Why don't you just get a militia and go muslim hunting?? Put actions where your mouth is. You can use all of these concrete arguments to use in your self defense story for the courts if you ever get caught. I mean, surely all the people that are so much smarter then me can see your point of view better. Heck, they might make you president!


New Member
Bushy23 said:
I have plenty of reading comprehension and I know a bigot when I see one. Why would you kill Jamal?? He is on your side. Why don't you just get a militia and go muslim hunting?? Put actions where your mouth is. You can use all of these concrete arguments to use in your self defense story for the courts if you ever get caught. I mean, surely all the people that are so much smarter then me can see your point of view better. Heck, they might make you president!
I would kill jamal because although he professes disgust against terrorisim, I don't believe or trust him. As I said before, read the koran. There are threads and posts with exerpts from it here. They are chilling and these kooks are following it.

I don't go muslim hunting because unlike those animals, I live within the law and morality. Yes it is moral to want to kill a virus eating the world.

If I were president and could nuke the entire area, I would. How's that skippy?? :jet:


Well-Known Member
Mikeinsmd said:
I would kill jamal because although he professes disgust against terrorisim, I don't believe or trust him. As I said before, read the koran. There are threads and posts with exerpts from it here. They are chilling and these kooks are following it.

I don't go muslim hunting because unlike those animals, I live within the law and morality. Yes it is moral to want to kill a virus eating the world.

If I were president and could nuke the entire area, I would. How's that skippy?? :jet:
Its pretty retarded, thats how it is :yay:


New Member
Midnightrider said:
well thats a lot more than most muslims have done to you, i guess you can add me to the killin list :howdy:
My anger is at their actions to my country and my fellow citizens and what they do to innocent people around the world, not what they've done to me personally.

If you are not a muslim, I have no cause to want you dead.


Well-Known Member
Mikeinsmd said:
My anger is at their actions to my country and my fellow citizens and what they do to innocent people around the world, not what they've done to me personally.

If you are not a muslim, I have no cause to want you dead.
But the majority of them have done nothing....

and if you want to go back to your koran argument, the bible has equally violent passages speaking to how none believes should be dispatched, but we don't focus on them b/c we dont see the value. I am sure most mosques have the same stance towards those passages from the koran


Active Member
Mikeinsmd said:
I would kill jamal because although he professes disgust against terrorisim, I don't believe or trust him. As I said before, read the koran. There are threads and posts with exerpts from it here. They are chilling and these kooks are following it.

I don't go muslim hunting because unlike those animals, I live within the law and morality. Yes it is moral to want to kill a virus eating the world.

If I were president and could nuke the entire area, I would. How's that skippy?? :jet:

But you said yourself that these "animals" are just waiting to kill us. Just by existing they are a threat. So it would be self defense. So that is within the law. Sounds like you are too afraid to save us.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Midnightrider said:
But the majority of them have done nothing....

and if you want to go back to your koran argument, the bible has equally violent passages speaking to how none believes should be dispatched, but we don't focus on them b/c we dont see the value. I am sure most mosques have the same stance towards those passages from the koran
Matthew 5:43-45

43"You have heard that it was said, 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy.'

44"But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

45so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
Luke 6:27-28

27"But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,

28bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.
Luke 6:35-36

35"But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men.

36"Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.