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Nucklesack said:Who has justified the acts of Fanatatics, who are a Minority of a particular relgion?
Not a minority. And you were given the facts and refused it.
Nucklesack said:Who has justified the acts of Fanatatics, who are a Minority of a particular relgion?
I don't care if it's majority or minority. I know that it's not all Muslims. Therefore, not all Muslims are the enemy.Homesick said:Not a minority. And you were given the facts and refused it.
Midnightrider said:I dont justify any of their acts, but i see hate for what it is, ignorance
The Coming War with Islam
By Solly Ganor
FrontPageMagazine.com | March 15, 2007
Five years ago, I had a conversation with a young Palestinian student who in short precise terms explained how Islam will defeat the West. The conversation opened my eyes to a much larger picture in which Israel plays only a minor role in the Islamic game of conquest. Since then I tried to speak to some Arabs who come to pray at the Mosque, but they were not as outspoken as the student.
Last week, I had another conversation with an Israeli Arab construction boss by the unlikely name of Francis who was in charge of building a villa near our house in Herzelia. He told me that his family was Christian, and his name was given to him in honor of the Franciscan monks. Our conversation was as interesting as the first conversation I had with the Arab student five years ago and I would like to share it with you. Francis frequently parked his car near our house and we would exchange polite greetings.
About a week ago, the water was shut off for repairs in the house he was building, and Francis asked me if I could give him some hot water for his coffee. He was a tall man of about forty, with reddish hair and blue eyes. He spoke a perfect Hebrew, and I naturally became curious about him. I felt that he may the right person to exchange some views with. By his looks, I assumed that he was either a Druze or from the Syrian region. He looked more like a teacher than a construction worker and, as I later found out, he was actually a teacher by profession. Since my conversation with the student five years ago, I was always curious to hear their side of the story; therefore, I decided to invite him for a cup of coffee to our house. I saw him hesitate for a moment; then he smiled and thanked me for my hospitality.
While we drank our coffee, he told me that he was from a small village in the Galilee called Jish, near the present Kibbutz Sassa. I remembered the village very well as I was one of the soldiers who captured the village while serving in the 7th Armored brigade during the War of Independence in 1948. I decided not to tell him about it because at the time we encountered some stiff resistance at that village and quite a few of the inhabitants were killed.
He went on to tell me a little about himself. “For a while I was a teacher and I loved teaching, but I couldn’t make a living at it and I decided to join my father in law who is in the construction business.” Judging by the large Honda he was driving, I figured that he didn’t do too badly changing his profession.
Our conversation soon turned to the present situation in the Middle East, about Hamas winning the elections, the situation of the Israeli Arabs, and the last Lebanese war against Hezbollah. “As Christians we are in a difficult situation here in Israel. Unfortunately, the Moslems and especially the extreme Islamist section, are giving the tone here. My family who lived in Bethlehem probably since the Crusaders, had to flee for their life. The Moslems have been forcing us out, by threats and even murder. Bethlehem that was once predominantly Christian is now predominantly Moslem. Very little is written about it even in the Israeli press.”
He sipped his coffee and gave me a long look. He seemed like someone who wasn’t quite sure whether to say what he was about to say. I gave him an encouraging nod.
“I have to tell you something which very few of you seem to comprehend.” He continued, “Your bungling war against a few thousand Hezbollah fighters which you should have crushed no matter what, considering the importance of the outcome, has created a completely new situation, not only for this area, but globally. Your inept leadership totally misunderstood the importance of winning this war."
“As a matter of fact, the whole Moslem world, not only the Arabs, simply couldn’t believe that the mighty Israeli Army that defeated the combined Arab forces in six days in 1967, and almost captured Cairo and Damascus in 1973, couldn’t defeat a small army of Hezbollah men. As usual the Moslems see things the way they want to see things. Most think that the present generation of Israelis have gone soft and can be defeated."
“The American bungling of the war in Iraq only added to their conviction that victory not only over Israel but also over the West is not only possible, but certain. The ramifications of these two bungling wars may bring an Islamic bloody Tsunami all over the West, not only in Israel. The sharks smell blood and these two wars gave them the green light to attack sooner than they had in mind. Your problem is that you are on the defensive and they have the option to choose the time and the places when and where to attack and there is nothing much you can do about it. When will you Westerners realize that half measures don’t work with people who are willing to die by the thousands for Allah to achieve their goal? In their eyes the Western World is simply an abomination on earth that has to be wiped out.”
He spoke quietly and I could just picture him in the school giving his students a lecture. I poured him another cup of coffee and encouraged him to continue.
“The Americans, the Europeans, and even you Israelis really don’t know what it is all about, do you? During the last generation hundreds of thousands of children have been taught all over the Moslem world in Madrass schools to become martyrs for Allah in order to kill the infidels. These youngsters not only are ready to do it, but are actually in the process of doing it. Bombs are going off all over the world killing and maiming thousands of people, not only on 9/11 in the US, in London Madrid and Bali, but in Africa, India, Bengladesh, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and many other places. The first signs of the Islamic Tsunami is already here, but the West doesn’t understand, or doesn’t want to understand what is coming."
“The Americans, instead of realizing that this is as bad as World War Two, or even worse, are going to pull out of Iraq, handing it over to Iran on a silver platter. Next may come the Saudis and the rest of the Gulf states. When dirty bombs go off all over Western towns, who is going to stop the Iranians?"
“Now is the time to stop them, not only because they are developing nuclear bombs, but because Iran has become the base for all Islamic terrorist. They supply, money, men, and weapons to Islamic terrorist around the world, quite often through their diplomatic mail. Billions of petro-dollars that are pouring into Iran are being funneled into terrorist organizations world-wide. They believe, and perhaps rightly so, that the West will do nothing to stop them in achieving their goals. Is history repeating itself? Are the Iranians making the same mistake that Hitler made when he attacked Poland? Is the situation similar?"
“As a history teacher who studied the subject thoroughly I can tell you that Western victory in World War Two was not all certain. Hitler could have won the war if he would have gone ahead with the atomic bomb development before the Americans. The Germans began working on it in the thirties, and it was Hitler’s decision to prefer building more conventional arms, as he considered atomic weapons sheer fantasy. Hitler made the wrong decision, but had he made the right decision the world would have been a different type of world today, wouldn’t it? The West won the war against Hitler by sheer chance. Very few people seem to realize that.”
I must say that his last words shook me up quite a bit. Had Hitler made a different decision, I would have died in Dachau, there wouldn’t have been a Jewish state called Israel, and most likely there wouldn’t have been any Jews left in the world. The idea that the Western democracies in general and the fate of the Jewish people in particular could have hinged on Hitler’s one decision, is a scenario of the worst nightmare.
He notices that his last words had an effect on me, and he smiled. “I see that my words are not wasted on you,” he said dryly. I nodded, and he continued with his lecture. “Coming back to our time, the Iranians rely on the West doing nothing about their development of nuclear bombs. They also rely on their secret weapon: an inexhaustible supply of Islamic suicide bombers, some of them who are already planted all over the Western World. Besides the Islamic countries that supply these suicide bombers, a second front has been opened, and that is the Internet with more than five thousand Islamic web sites, brain washing and urging young Moslems to become martyrs for Allah. They especially target young Moslems who live in Europe and the West in general. The Western intelligence authorities consider these web sites a bigger threat than the Iranian atomic bomb. Al-Qaeda recently issued a television broadcast that promised a devastating attack against its enemies this spring. As we all know, Al-Qaeda doesn’t make empty threats."
“Actually, I don’t understand why the Iranians bother to develop atomic bombs and bring the whole world down on them. Every suicide bomber is a potential atomic bomb, or a biological, chemical or dirty bomb that can be no less devastating than an atom bomb. The Americans and Europeans have no defense against this type of war."
You completely glazed over what I wrote. I am concerned about the silence from the overall Muslim community. There is no global condemnation from them. In most of the Muslim countries you will find they are in general support of the terrorists. If this doesn't disturb you, then you have issues.Nucklesack said:And you seemed to lump the acts of a minority faction of a religion with all followers of that religion. I HATE the friggin terrrorists, but not Muslims. if you cant tell the difference then you have issues.
You overlook Mike's racism and are using the Terrorists racism as an excuse.
They are both equally repugnant and ignorant.
PsyOps said:I think what I am trying to say is this is how some folks express their outrage over what Muslims are doing and how silent the overall Muslim world is. To compound that you have folks like you that call Mike racist while remaining silent about the racist acts of the terrorists. I realize some things need not be said but for once I'd like to hear you say "I can understand why you would hate such people".
Thats just stupid, many muslim contries have joined us in our fight or terrorism.PsyOps said:You completely glazed over what I wrote. I am concerned about the silence from the overall Muslim community. There is no global condemnation from them. In most of the Muslim countries you will find they are in general support of the terrorists. If this doesn't disturb you, then you have issues.
I don't accept racism from any front. I find it deplorable. But I do find it understandable to harbor a certain hatred toward them (not that I harbor this hatred) because they (the Muslims) have been completely uncooperative and absent in the fight against terrorism. This causes many of us to be suspicious (at a minimum) of their possible involvement.
I’m not talking about individuals. I am talking about a community of people. Their organizations, their Mosques, the countries they live. I want to see their leaders come out with global and unison condemnation. Then I want to see them take up arms against it.Nucklesack said:No they are not, and thats just idiotic. The muslims i work/have worked with have a TOTALLY different feeling towards the Minority Fanatics of their Religion than you get from MSM. Google the counter media in Iraq, guess who's doing most of the reporting? MUSLIM Iraqi's (as well as our own soldiers).
You will come and Post on SOMD about the Liberal Media, and comment about media bias, but are blind to the fact that the same Media has an agenda it is attempting to push. When they base their coverage on how terrible America is for punishing the Muslim Insurgents (thats cover for Terrorist Fanatic) do you honestly think they will willingly put on some Muslim who thinks America is great, and the fight against the Fanatics is wonderful?
Pakistan has been most uncooperative. They will not allow us in their country to go after UBL. It doesn't do much to be an ally in voice only. If we had their complete cooperation Bin Laden would be a past discussion right now.Midnightrider said:Thats just stupid, many muslim contries have joined us in our fight or terrorism.
How about pakistan, estimates indicate about 97% of their population is muslim, yet they are one of our biggest allies in the war on terror.
Midnightrider said:Thats just stupid, many muslim contries have joined us in our fight or terrorism.
How about pakistan, estimates indicate about 97% of their population is muslim, yet they are one of our biggest allies in the war on terror.
Nucklesack said:SNIP
And many have talked, on HERE, about the experiences they've had serving in Muslim Countries, and dealing with Muslim personal, why do you ignore that? (besides it negates any point you think you have)
Nucklesack said:Jesus talk about Cherry Picking, Read your own link,
Sorry Death Penalty is Death Penalty no matter the religion.
Christian Heretics and Apostasy is 2 different things, but the Meaning for Apostasy is the same for all religions, Christians aren't any better at it.
Hudna: Honest Reporting has a good definition of the Arab/Muslim concept of hudna:
Hudna has a distinct meaning to Islamic fundamentalists, well-versed in their history: The prophet Mohammad struck a legendary, ten-year hudna with the Quraysh tribe that controlled Mecca in the seventh century. Over the following two years, Mohammad rearmed and took advantage of a minor Quraysh infraction to break the hudna and launch the full conquest of Mecca, the holiest city in Islam.
In essence, this is religious license to renege on ones word, and to regroup, rearm, and reorganize to attack when ones enemy is lulled into thinking that one will be honest and fulfill ones side of a truce. This is tactic has been used over and over in Islam's history, and is used to great effect today by Yasser Arafat, Hamas, al-Aqsa, and other Islamic terrorists all over the world. Recent examples include Fallujah and Najaf. What Westerners need to do is to read Islamic scripture and learn that in Islam there is no concept of permanent submission to any other power than God's. Treaties mean nothing. Beware the hudna.
Nucklesack said:Notice you didn't ask about the Bosnians hmmm, wonder why![]()
Since you were silent on it, i guess we can deduce you supported the Christian Kindness that was on display in that country
Seems with your link, that you are making an argument for is support for keeping ANY religion out of Government. Since what you are showing is that Government and Religion should be kept seperate.
Roughidle said:My only arguement is that the current "war on terrorism" is a war againt Muslim extremists that wish to kill Christians. I see that, by what is reported, as indisputable. Now wether or not anyone wants to lump people into mass groups is up to the individual. I merely stated my agreement with another, that the "silence" of the worlds Muslim populace understandably raises suspicion as to were they stand in regards to Christians.
For me, war in the name of religious difference has always been puzzling.![]()
Nucklesack said:Do you want scripture from the Bible (either prequel/sequel) about how to handle Unbelievers/Heretics etc?
This is a Silly argument, more of "My religion is better than that one" BS. The same types of Passages (both nice and violent) are found in both books.
The quandry for you, is why do you cherry pick what you follow in the Bible? Seems your making the argument that Muslims are better followers than Christians (and you are all outta your gourd since you dont follow the Flying Spaghetti Monster)