Surreal Life 5 airing in Canada right now

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Excuse me, Canuk, but I said he is hot and you just ignored me. I have tried to be nice to you, but now you are ignoring me and I find that quite rude.

canuk woman

BS Gal said:
Excuse me, Canuk, but I said he is hot and you just ignored me. I have tried to be nice to you, but now you are ignoring me and I find that quite rude.

Oh I'm sorry so who did you say you knew?

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
canuk woman said:
Oh I'm sorry so who did you say you knew?
thatkidistight. You asked who he was and I said he was hot and you ignored me. I'm thinking about not being your friend anymore cause you are not paying attention to me.

canuk woman

BS Gal said:
thatkidistight. You asked who he was and I said he was hot and you ignored me. I'm thinking about not being your friend anymore cause you are not paying attention to me.

I'm sorry but I forgot so what is he like?

canuk woman

Ok I've seen the second episode of the season and they were bowling with people that have developmental disabilities. Well I can relate to that episode since I do that too (and Omarosa did a great job with that team) and one of the cast mates calling one of the disabled bowlers "Rain Man" well about that ok I know that the "Rain Man" in the movie was autistic but Janice Dickenson (or was it Caprice) really had no right to call him that.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
canuk woman said:
Ok I've seen the second episode of the season and they were bowling with people that have developmental disabilities. Well I can relate to that episode since I do that too (and Omarosa did a great job with that team) and one of the cast mates calling one of the disabled bowlers "Rain Man" well about that ok I know that the "Rain Man" in the movie was autistic but Janice Dickenson (or was it Caprice) really had no right to call him that.
I live in America and already saw the finale. They all die at the end. :ohwell:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
canuk woman said:
Ok I've seen the second episode of the season and they were bowling with people that have developmental disabilities. Well I can relate to that episode since I do that too (and Omarosa did a great job with that team) and one of the cast mates calling one of the disabled bowlers "Rain Man" well about that ok I know that the "Rain Man" in the movie was autistic but Janice Dickenson (or was it Caprice) really had no right to call him that.
You bowl, or you bowl with people that have developmental disabilities, or you have developmental disabilities? Please clear it up for us.

canuk woman

BS Gal said:
You bowl, or you bowl with people that have developmental disabilities, or you have developmental disabilities? Please clear it up for us.

I bowl with them.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
canuk woman said:
No way prove it.
Did you miss the post when I told you about my being a limo driver in the 80's?????? Maybe a different thread, however, I took Aerosmith, ZZ Top, Jethro Tull and many others from Fresno to Bakersfield, CA on many trips, and back and got to know them all. Now, I'm just saying that there are a few that I am still in contact with and on this board, but under different names. Steven Tyler and I are quite close and he could be one cause he is aware of this forum and we e-mail back and forth about it and he DOES make comments about stuff posted on here. Dusty from ZZ Top is on here and so is Frank from that band, so you might want to start listening to that music, in case they out themselves. They only usually post during the afternoon because of their gigs. I should have just pm'd you so that this is not all out there.

canuk woman

BS Gal said:
Did you miss the post when I told you about my being a limo driver in the 80's?????? Maybe a different thread, however, I took Aerosmith, ZZ Top, Jethro Tull and many others from Fresno to Bakersfield, CA on many trips, and back and got to know them all. Now, I'm just saying that there are a few that I am still in contact with and on this board, but under different names. Steven Tyler and I are quite close and he could be one cause he is aware of this forum and we e-mail back and forth about it and he DOES make comments about stuff posted on here. Dusty from ZZ Top is on here and so is Frank from that band, so you might want to start listening to that music, in case they out themselves. They only usually post during the afternoon because of their gigs. I should have just pm'd you so that this is not all out there.

Oh you're so lucky. I can't wait to see Aerosmith in concert (with kravitz of course).

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
canuk woman said:
Oh you're so lucky. I can't wait to see Aerosmith in concert (with kravitz of course).
Um, why aren't you at school? Or are you hanging out in the library again?

canuk woman

BS Gal said:
Um, why aren't you at school? Or are you hanging out in the library again?

I am at school it's my lunch break right now.


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
canuk woman said:
I am at school it's my lunch break right now.
Wow, you have a lot of red karma. I'm sorry everyone is so mean to you. I don't understand why.