Survivor Cook Island


New Member
meangirl said:
Man, that was good! Not happy with the one they voted off though. :ohwell:

I am still thinking it over..... He made a mistake when he told that girl that once he was gone, that they would have no fire. You could see the strong woman in her saying, "Yeah, right."


Pitty Party
HillBillyChick said:
I am still thinking it over..... He made a mistake when he told that girl that once he was gone, that they would have no fire. You could see the strong woman in her saying, "Yeah, right."

He was trying to make fire and wanted to take a break :shrug:

See ya :buttkick:


unixpirate said:
He was trying to make fire and wanted to take a break :shrug:

See ya :buttkick:

Yeah that, he was taking a break with most everything he did it seems like... BTW, what took them soo long to figureout how to put the boat together??? :lol: Not trying to be funny and I have alot of African American friends and I'm really close friends with them but none of them know how to swim...... did anyone really see them swimming to the raft once they were all jumping off the boat?
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Pea Brain
PREMO Member
I picked JP and Stephannie in the Survivor pool. C_Jo picked Nathan and Jessica. Last year, C_Jo picked Sally and she lost the fishing spear the first day they had it. This year, his pick lost the chicken. :ohwell:


Nice lady!
dems4me said:
Yeah that, he was taking a break with most everything he did it seems like... BTW, what took them soo long to figureout how to put the boat together??? :lol:

That and he stepped up as a "leader" right away. You'd think by now EVERYONE would know to never, ever do that. Never be bossy or know it all. :jameo:

As for the boat... :lmao:


Nice lady!
K_Jo said:
I picked JP and Stephannie in the Survivor pool. C_Jo picked Nathan and Jessica. Last year, C_Jo picked Sally and she lost the fishing spear the first day they had it. This year, his pick lost the chicken. :ohwell:

:killingme He picked HER? On purpose?


I think Stephanie is a strong contender but you can't stay the swing vote... if there's two alliances within the tribe and you're not part of either one, they will easily turn and merge to vote you out and thereby allowing themselves to squeek by for one more week. River likes cowboy... I thought it was histerical he healed the guys headache by giving him a skin contusion between the eyes :killingme: Good thing Cowboy didn't have a hammer :killingme:


dustin said:
yeah that guy Cowboy is getting voted off... :lol: although he seems like a cool dude.

I don't think he's going anywhere but I think its funny. Kind of like if a tribe mate complained of an arm hurting he'd break their foot and then say "See... arm healed!!" :killingme: "See Bad Wind in Arm.... Gone!" :killingme:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
dustin said:
yeah that guy Cowboy is getting voted off... :lol: although he seems like a cool dude.
:yeahthat: The headache thing cracked me up. :lol:

He spells his name Cao Boi. I swear.


K_Jo said:
:yeahthat: The headache thing cracked me up. :lol:

He spells his name Cao Boi. I swear.

I tell ya' what, if I was in Cowboy's tribe, I'd NEVER complain of any maladies.. :lol:


Well-Known Member
The chicken thief who was sent to Exile Island was an actor. After the show I went to IMDB and realized where I had seen him. He was in the Kelsey Grammar movie "Down Periscope". Played one of the two guys steering the sub.


Nice lady!
dems4me said:
I don't think he's going anywhere but I think its funny. Kind of like if a tribe mate complained of an arm hurting he'd break their foot and then say "See... arm healed!!" :killingme: "See Bad Wind in Arm.... Gone!" :killingme:

:roflmao: So far I like him though. He DID get rid of the guys headache. (so what if he had a hideous contusion. :lmao:)


K_Jo said:
I haven't a clue, but it makes me think of Roller Girl from the Dirk Diggler movie. What did she do? :confused:
Yall dont know aobut the "roller-ball"??? I think that used to be an actual show back in the 80's...


Nice lady!
K_Jo said:
:yeahthat: The headache thing cracked me up. :lol:

He spells his name Cao Boi. I swear.

Yes, he does. :lol:

Now was he IN the Vietnam war or he was a refugee while it was going on? I was confused about that.