Survivor Cook Island


Well-Known Member
Boy did Yul and company screw the pooch last night or what? No way I vote off Jonathan in that spot. Parvati had to be the one to go. If I'm Yul, I take either of "his" ladies to the final two with me. Because then he gets to lay claim to being a master strategist and the other gets the "you were just along for the ride" outlook.

Nanny Pam

I am still voting for Yul to win.
Jonathan had to go! That voice :blahblah: was making me crazy. He doesn't know when to STFU.


Well-Known Member
I think so too. I really liked Yul's line about being a "Godfather". But what
he(and the other guys) needs to worry about is the women. They sort of "bonded" last night over Parvati's accident and if they get together like a few years ago they'll pull Adam to their side and pick the guys off one by one.


b*tch rocket
Nanny Pam said:
Jonathan had to go! That voice :blahblah: was making me crazy. He doesn't know when to STFU.

Yeah, but now it will be boring without him there to stir the pot and cause hate and discontent. The perfect setup would've been for him and Yul to be the last two standing.


curiouser and curiouser
Nanny Pam said:
I am still voting for Yul to win.
Jonathan had to go! That voice :blahblah: was making me crazy. He doesn't know when to STFU.
I want Ozzy to win. He reminds me of a little monkey. :lmao:
Nickel said:
I want Ozzy to win. He reminds me of a little monkey. :lmao:

He kicks butt in swimming...more like an otter :lol:

I'm for Yul and/or Ozzy, but I am thinking that Adam and Pavarti are going to try to flip Ozzy and probably try Sandra from the review of next weeks episode. Hopefully not. I like the tight four that they have now. I think that either Yul and Ozzy or Yul and Becky should get final two. Becky has been Yul's right hand man since day one.


curiouser and curiouser
teverheart2002 said:
He kicks butt in swimming...more like an otter :lol:

I'm for Yul and/or Ozzy, but I am thinking that Adam and Pavarti are going to try to flip Ozzy and probably try Sandra from the review of next weeks episode. Hopefully not. I like the tight four that they have now. I think that either Yul and Ozzy or Yul and Becky should get final two. Becky has been Yul's right hand man since day one.
I'd go for Yul and Ozzy, but not Yul and Becky, I don't think she deserves to win. Ozzy has worked very hard, and IMO deserves to win. Yul's "puppetmaster" status is going to come back and bite him in the butt, but I think he deserves to win too. I realize that part of the game is "outlast", so the people that fly under the radar have played the game well, but I have more respect for the people who are out there working their butts off.

Nanny Pam

Nickel said:
I'd go for Yul and Ozzy, but not Yul and Becky, I don't think she deserves to win. Ozzy has worked very hard, and IMO deserves to win. Yul's "puppetmaster" status is going to come back and bite him in the butt, but I think he deserves to win too. I realize that part of the game is "outlast", so the people that fly under the radar have played the game well, but I have more respect for the people who are out there working their butts off.
I have more respect for the workers, as well. Becky is definately under the radar, but for some reason,.... :confused:....I like her.
Ozzy is definately doing great on the challenges. Especially last night! He was remarkable! The way he went across those big barrels, he looked like a construction worker, up on a roof, or something. But I see he is a waiter.
I like lots of the people this year, VS other seasons of Survivor.


Well-Known Member
What amazes me is how Ozzy has survived. He's won damn near every challenge and once Jonathan showed his fishing skills; I like you Ozzy, but...... buh-bye.


New Member
I've come to really like Ozzy too. I would like him or Yul to win. I hope Ozzy stays strong though and doesn't flip because I can't stand Adam with all his winking and sly smiling like he thinks he's "Mr. Studly". I'm so ready for him to go. I would have definitely liked to see him or Pavarti go last night even though Jonathan got on everyone's nerves. I think leaving them two another week was a mistake on Yul's part. Adam and Pavarti played it good bringing all that food back, it laid on the guilt big time.