Suspended License


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Okay, I'm smelling the :bs:. Kain, you are NEVER this antagonistic toward newbies. NEVER! And as far as someone driving with a suspended license, I have a hard time picturing you sticking up for this kind of crap.

'Fess up.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Okay, I'm smelling the :bs:. Kain.
'Fess up.

It's true... I'm fulll of it! I wouldn't handle the situation the way Hooligan is but I don't really care.

Just one of them days. :wink:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
If this guy's job doesn't require driving, then as a supervisor, it's none of your business. However, if, as Ken said, your company could be held liable for him driving on base, then you need to investigate it.

If his job requires him to drive, even once, for work related business, you should require a driving record check. Anyone can go to motor vehicles and get a licence check on anyone for $5. The person in question doesn't need to be consulted, you just need his licence number. But if you do this and you are wrong or if it really is none of the company's business, you could get in a lot of trouble at work.

As a concerned citizen, it is your business and you should report as much as you know to the authorities. If he's on base at a given time, report it to them.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kain99
Kenneth! Obviously we have opposite ideas of responsibility! You are the gentleman who posted instructions for building soda bottle bombs the other day! :wink:
I got scolded for it and it was deleted. As a private entity I understand that reserves the right to delete material they find inappropriate. You did notice that I never cried about the site leaving up the simpler, but equally dangerous, dry ice bombs described by another poster. It's not like anything you can't find in your public library or online elsewhere. Ever see the Anarchist's Cookbook?


yeah yeah
Originally posted by vraiblonde
I'm sitting here working away and this stupid BIRD just came crashing into my window! Scared the sh*t out of me! I thought Al Qaeda was attacking! It left a smear mark on the window too. Stupid bird.

That happens to you to huh??

UNBELIEVEABLE! It does scared the poop outta you.

And OH YEA! BTW....Its in the mail know what Im saying right? :smile: Sorry I was slow about it


Football season!
Originally posted by Ken King
I got scolded for it and it was deleted. As a private entity I understand that reserves the right to delete material they find inappropriate. You did notice that I never cried about the site leaving up the simpler, but equally dangerous, dry ice bombs described by another poster. It's not like anything you can't find in your public library or online elsewhere. Ever see the Anarchist's Cookbook?

I didn't even notice your stuff was deleted. That is the beauty of the dry ice bomb, the simplicity-effectiveness ratio. Heck, I think I was doing this stuff when I was 13 or so, before access to the big bad internet.
Point being, giving kids knowledge to do something isn't the problem. Showing them how to use the knowledge is where people slip up. Which is why I advocate gun safety courses for everyone by a certain age, but thats a whole different thread.


Active Member
One time my grandma had her license suspended for 3 years for running over the neighbor when he was mowing the yard. He was chopping up her rose bushes and she ran up in the yard and knocked him into the side of the house. The police tried to bomb her up with pepper sprays but it didn't have no effect no more so they shot her with some rubber bullets and wrestled her to the ground. They said she couldn't drive no more for 3 years but she didn't have no car cuz she hit a tree stump and that car was destroyed. Since then she ain't tried to hit nobody. Even that kid that was throwin' rocks at her car.


Originally posted by Ken King
It's not like anything you can't find in your public library

You said it Ken, the information is perfectly hidden in books, never to be seen again by the common folk. :lmao: