Suspended License


Be about it
Originally posted by Sharon
I totally agree Christy. :yay:

You just must to talk to the employee first. I would never report someone to the police based on gossip. This person just seems pissed about other matters involving the employee.

It's true. And if the job isn't a job that requires driving (like UPS or some other form of transportation) it doesn't directly relate. I mean, as long as the employee is coming to work and doing the job it really shouldn't concern the manager how he gets there. On the other hand, he's still breaking the law. I'm slightly torn, but see both sides I suppose.


Originally posted by Christy
I'd tell him myself that he can't be driving due to the suspended license, and get the entire story behind the suspended license before going off half cocked from second hand information. Once again JMHO.

Hooligan can't help it. She's a half cocked PMS machine! :roflmao:


Be about it
Originally posted by cariblue
Nope. I've had my panties in a twist for about a month now.

I thought your panties were ALWAYS in a twist, Cari?! That's why I enjoy your posts so much! :wink:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Christy
If it were my subordinate I'd speak to him first and let him know your concerns rather than being shady and placing an anonymous call into the Sheriff. I don't know, it just shows lack of character to not have the courage to speak with someone one on one that you are ultimately responsible for in the workplace.

Granted the guy shouldn't be driving on a suspended license and if it were one of my folks I'd say so and probably offer up some alternatives to driving, like "hey, maybe you can carpool or take bus until the situation gets resolved".


At last, the voice of reason.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by kwillia
the person should have a chance to explain the allegations prior to any action/reaction.
Not me. I'd give people the death penalty based on gossip.
:gossip: :dead: :lol:


Originally posted by Yahooligan03
Anyone have the number to the Calvert County Sheriff's Office?

Don't take this the wrong way but you're a goober.:biggrin:

First you claim to be a supervisor, but you chose to come here to ask what you should do about one of your employees?

Then after you get someone to reassure you that you are doing the right thing you have to ask for the number to the Sheriff?

If you are working in PAX, why are you calling the Calvert Sheriff?

If the Gomer lied on his application and you don't have the stones to call him on it, or at least speak to him about missing work over buying a truck maybe your supervisor needs to log on and ask what to do about you.

Your intent might be good but you are running off the road getting to your destination. People have suspended licenses for various reasons, perhaps taking a deep breath and asking him directly might be in order. I don't have a problem with you doing what your concience tells you to do, but don't sneak about, do it directly.


Football season!
Lets take a step back from this for a second. We have a person who is breaking the law, and someone who wants to turn them in. Simple as that. I feel the fact the person going to the cops is the supervisor is completely irrelevant in this case since it is not impacting the work environment. I see it as a concernced citizen.


Originally posted by kwillia
Think real hard... does the voice sound familiar? :twitch:

As a matter of fact she sounds just like my whiney azz mother! However since my momma hasn't worked a day in her life I doubt this is her. :lmao:


Originally posted by kwillia
Do you recall blacking out a few times this afternoon? :twitch:

I wasn't here for most of the day. Guess I missed something.

Or maybe, you're gaslighting. :biggrin:


aka Mrs. Giant
Vrai - Jingle Bells, Jingle bells, Jingle All the Waaaay. Oh What Fun It Is to Ride In a One Horse Open Sleigh! Dashing Through the Snow, In a One Horse Open Sleigh. Over the Fields We Go, Laughing All the Way.....:kiss:


Originally posted by willie
This thread is going to make first page of SomdSucks.

It should, cuz' it's about the gheyest SMIB post I've seen in a long, long time. :wink: