Swalwell Opens His Mouth


Well-Known Member
Is there such a thing as Twitter addiction? It's almost a hourly occurrence that some politiician of any party says something so clearly stupid and yet, they can't seem to stop themselves.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Is there such a thing as Twitter addiction? It's almost a hourly occurrence that some politiician of any party says something so clearly stupid and yet, they can't seem to stop themselves.
It's not just twitter.

Think of how many times a day SMC does the same.


Well-Known Member
It's not just twitter.

Think of how many times a day SMC does the same.
I occasionally wonder if SMC isn't some kind of parody, like the Weekly World News, the Onion or Babylon Bee - you know, SO intentionally idiotic that it's intended to be funny.

Then again, I've known people who BELIEVE those stories.

As Mencken once said, “No one in this world, so far as I know — and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me — has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.”


PREMO Member

Greene’s comments toward Swalwell represent another embarrassment for the Californian in what has been a rough week so far.

Just yesterday, Fox News host Tucker Carlson criticized Congressman Eric Swalwell for luxury travel to Miami, New York, and other places paid for by his campaign donors. Carlson referenced Swalwell’s past relationship with Christine Fang, an alleged Chinese spy, and joked about his spending habits.

Chadwick Moore, a contributor at The Spectator, joined Carlson to discuss the congressman’s spending, citing large amounts spent on hotels and speculating about his activities in different cities.



PREMO Member

Swalwell Melts Down, Curses After GOP Congressman Calls Him Out For Relationship With Chinese Spy

In the video, Rep. Nehls can be heard stating that Swalwell has a “checkered past” and has been alleged to have had affairs and relationships with a Chinese spy. Swalwell immediately erupted in anger, cursing at Rodriguez and demanding that his words be taken down, claiming: “You don’t get to say that sh*t!”

Swalwell’s close ties to a Chinese spy have been well-documented. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene also mocked Swalwell’s past relationship with Fang Fang during a past hearing.


PREMO Member


He's full of it.

But you guys knew that. According to the Community Note sitting on his crap tweet, this is what they ACTUALLY did:

An amendment to the NDAA proposed by Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green (R-GA), failed to pass by an 89-341 vote. The amendment sought to reduce the amount of Congressionally authorized funds for Ukraine by $ 300 million. $75b has been spent in support of Ukraine by the USA.

Either he's completely ignorant of how this works OR he's lying his arse off to appeal to the dummies who still think he's worthwhile.

Probably a little bit of both.



PREMO Member

Swalwell: Republicans Are a Party of Violence, Chaos and Grievances

Anchor Joy Reid said, “Based on a Rolling Stone reporting this Trump war room we heard a lot about at the Willard Hotel was the subject of particular interest for the January 6th committee’s investigation for its role as the hub of the Trump campaign’s attempts to block the counting of electoral votes on January 6th. Top Trump advisors used the so called command center while pressuring Vice President Pence to reject the electors and encourage state legislatures to send the fake electors in. This is Rolling Stone reporting, not independently confirmed by NBC. However, we do know who was in that room, congressman, Steve Bannon, Mike Flynn, Roger Stone, Bernard Kerik, Boris Epshteyn, Rudy Giuliani and John Eastman. Some were using Oath Keepers as security. What do you make of this war room piece of the investigation?”

Swalwell said, “This ain’t my parents’ Republican Party. I was raised by two Republicans who told me about the values of Ronald Reagan. I didn’t agree with them, obviously, but they were rooted in principles. When you listen, you know, to Bannon and Stone, it’s a party of violence, it’s a party of chaos, it’s a party of grievances and a party that’s trying to win through subtraction, by taking away your rights, by taking away your freedom and taking away your votes. That’s what they’re going to run, the same playbook in 2024.”


PREMO Member

‘Hunter Biden Has Tried to Accept Responsibility’ for Crimes

Swalwell responded, “It sure looks like it. I’ll tell you about a guy named Roger Stone, who owed, allegedly, $1 million in back taxes, and the DOJ went after him civilly and not criminally. I don’t want Hunter to be treated any better or worse. He did attempt, so far — he’s a private citizen, by the way — to resolve this case and has paid the back taxes. But, to me, my experience in something like this is the judge wants to make sure both parties understand what they’re agreeing to, and they’re going to come back I guess in two to four weeks and try and resolve that. But, at the end of the day, Hunter Biden has tried to accept responsibility. No Democrat, when Hunter Biden was indicted, said that we should burn down the rule of law and that the prosecution’s rigged. We accept the outcome, because that’s how the rule of law works. That’s not what you’re seeing from Donald Trump.”


PREMO Member

Exposing Eric Swalwell’s Friendship with a Child Pornographer

Last week I revealed that Eric Swalwell had campaigned with Stacie Laughton for office.

Stacie Laughton is the Nation’s first transgender elected State Representative and was arrested a few weeks ago on child porn charges.

Stacie Laughton’s mugshot
Last week, the DOJ charged Stacie with child exploitation and horrific text messages were revealed where Stacie talks about being sexually interested in 2-year-olds. Stacie has had run-ins with the police for years and has a long criminal history.

So why did Eric Swalwell, a sitting US Congressmember, campaign for him?! This week I traveled to DC with TPUSA to find out! I camped out outside his office and eventually went inside in an attempt to confront him. Watch the full video here. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!



PREMO Member

Eric Swalwell HECKLED at town hall over affair with Chinese spy

Swalwell was in the middle of a tirade against what he referred to as "government-mandated pregnancies" when he paused and looked into the crowd. He hesitantly continued, but was soon interrupted by the heckler, who sat at the back of the room, out of the camera's view.

"Where's Fang-Fang?" the man shouted.

Swalwell refused to engage, and went on speaking, but before long the situation derailed as people began shouting over one another. One woman shouted "Be respectful!" every time the heckler tried to get a word out, while a man screamed at him to "leave!"


PREMO Member

Democrat Eric Swalwell Calls for Buyback of All AR-15s

The attacker that struck the Jacksonville Dollar General on Saturday was armed with a Glock handgun and an AR-15-style rifle. Therefore, banning the rifle would not have prevented the attack from occurring.

Moreover, on October 10, 2022, Breitbart News reported FBI data showing more than twice as many people were killed with knives and other cutting tools than were killed with rifles in 2021.

Additionally, on October 11, 2022, Breitbart News pointed to FBI data showing more people were beaten to death with fists and feet in 2021 than were killed with rifles.

It is important to understand that the rifle category includes rifles of every kind: lever action, pump action, single shot, semi-automatic, bolt action, and the rifles that Democrats refer to as “assault weapons.”



Well-Known Member
Two Biden wars. Where will the next one be.

Will we have any weapons left to fight it?


Well-Known Member
Cut back on allowing drilling ruined our self-sufficiency, sold off our reserves.

Was it all party of the plan? That question is starting to look legitimate.