T_bone and Heather


b*tch rocket
RadioCtrlDWife said:
I meant connotatively that I suspect the thread has been "salted" by management.

I suggest they buy an ad in the Enterprise rather than using pseudonyms on a free thread to promote and market.
I am no linguist, so here is a definition:
n : a decoy who acts as an enthusiastic customer in order to
stimulate the participation of others
v : act as a shill
Please dont ask me to define "salted" as used in this context.

:paranoid: :jet: :lol:


Nicole_in_somd said:
Sorry you felt that way. From your other posts, you seem bitter. I could be wrong but that is just the way it is coming off to me. Again, I could be wrong but most everyone I know loved them and when they left many people missed them.

I was not asking you to define the word. I was asking why you would say that.

Did you get fired from 98.3?

Business looks like its about to pick up :buttkick:


Finishing last
Considering the thread was started by a member that has been regularly active since 2005. I don't know if it is a publicity stunt. As for how many are just MPD's "salting" the thread I don't know. I do know I did in fact enjoy their morning show and even called in once or twice. They are cool enough to admit they don't know everything and that they are only expounding their own opinions and asking for other intelligent or not so intelligent opinions.


New Member
Bitter? No, ANGRY

Nicole_in_somd said:
Sorry you felt that way. From your other posts, you seem bitter. I could be wrong but that is just the way it is coming off to me. Again, I could be wrong but most everyone I know loved them and when they left many people missed them.

I was not asking you to define the word. I was asking why you would say that.

Did you get fired from 98.3?
My wife and I were the engineers for that group for the last year and we were fired without cause or warning with them STILL owing us back wages.
Bitter? No, ANGRY I was deceived to move here and buy a house for "a job till retirement"
I want to shout it from the mountain tops, but I am constrained by pending legal issues-- you have no idea how much I have not said.
I can say only that this is the only boss who ever fired me in 35 years in the biz. I have a pristine employment record.
I am also embarrassed by the off air time due to previous neglect and an unwillingness by them to buy any basic backup gear and the normal lightning protection standard in the industry. If something failed, I had to fix it instantly as best I could under pressure.
I was Chief Engineer of both DC101 and WHFS- when was the last time DC101 was off the air? I left full time employment at DC101 in 1979, yet I still am called to help as a consultant [the old man]. When I helped DC101 move their studios a few years ago, some the engineers working under me were not even born when I left. I also maintained a lovely a relationship with WHFS until they were sold to a big company.
At most stations down time is measured in minutes per year, not hours per day-- You have no idea how embarrassing that is to me.
I hold the title of Professional Broadcast Engineer and Certified Senior Radio Engineer. I know how to indemnify stations from off air time.
Did I mention they owe us enough in back wages to shock anyone's sensibilities? The state is pursuing our money now.
Did I mention I was fired via telephone while laid up two days after a serious operation on while on doctor ordered bed rest?
I am not hiding under a pseudonym and I can document every complaint posted here.
Bill Sacks PBE,CSRE
Hollywood Maryland


How you like me now?
RadioCtrlDWife said:
My wife and I were the engineers for that group for the last year and we were fired without cause or warning with them STILL owing us back wages.
Bitter? No, ANGRY I was deceived to move here and buy a house for "a job till retirement"
I want to shout it from the mountain tops, but I am constrained by pending legal issues-- you have no idea how much I have not said.
I can say only that this is the only boss who ever fired me in 35 years in the biz. I have a pristine employment record.
I am also embarrassed by the off air time due to previous neglect and an unwillingness by them to buy any basic backup gear and the normal lightning protection standard in the industry. If something failed, I had to fix it instantly as best I could under pressure.
I was Chief Engineer of both DC101 and WHFS- when was the last time DC101 was off the air? I left full time employment at DC101 in 1979, yet I still am called to help as a consultant [the old man]. When I helped DC101 move their studios a few years ago, some the engineers working under me were not even born when I left. I also maintained a lovely a relationship with WHFS until they were sold to a big company.
At most stations down time is measured in minutes per year, not hours per day-- You have no idea how embarrassing that is to me.
I hold the title of Professional Broadcast Engineer and Certified Senior Radio Engineer. I know how to indemnify stations from off air time.
Did I mention they owe us enough in back wages to shock anyone's sensibilities? The state is pursuing our money now.
Did I mention I was fired via telephone while laid up two days after a serious operation on while on doctor ordered bed rest?
I am not hiding under a pseudonym and I can document every complaint posted here.
Bill Sacks PBE,CSRE
Hollywood Maryland

That is a shame. I remember reading this on another post a long time ago.
That has got to be the most Meffing situtaiton I have ever heard.

Why it it taking so long to settle. This has been going on for a while, right?
Have you been able to find work since? How are you after the surgery?


New Member
We flipped on 98.3 this morning due to the back-up on Route 4. I gave Moose and Mike a shot, thought they were "ok" and then the station messed that up. I didn't turn the station back on until this morning and heard familiar voices. I said "Is that T-Bone and Heather? Or has the station resorted to playing "best of" tapes?" and then heard enough to know to that they are back! And I, for one, am very happy that they are back.

Sorry to the radio guy posting in this thread who has issue with the station, but this thread isn't about THAT radio guy ... it's about T-Bone and Heather. Obviously the station owner realized that 98.3 IS T-Bone and Heather (whether an individual likes them or not) and they finally got back the best southern Maryland local radio program I've heard. Yes ... the news from yesterday is silly, but not much in life is perfect. So, I usually station hop when the news is on.

T ... Heather .... If I remember correctly, you guys read these forums and I'd like you to know that I was getting bored silly with my iPod and I'm looking forward to sharing my mornings with you again. I'm 47 years old and your show is the only one that's ever had me call in ... not just once, but a handful of times.

Welcome back friends.


New Member
I love T-Bone and Heather, I hate their boss

Nicole_in_somd said:
That is a shame. I remember reading this on another post a long time ago.
That has got to be the most Meffing situtaiton I have ever heard.

Why it it taking so long to settle. This has been going on for a while, right?
Have you been able to find work since? How are you after the surgery?
Thanks for the kind words.

First, It is not my intention to hijack the thread or sour the milk regarding everyones' love of T&H. They are great folks in person. I consider them friends from long ago and wish them only success and happiness.

My wife and I tried to settle-- offering them time to pay us. All offers were rejected. The delay was us trying to work with them until it was obvious there was not good faith on their part.
Now collection is is in the hands of the state and those wheels turn very slowly.
This is five months worth of "extra hours" we put in. Ironically the reason the amount is now so much is because last march management asked us to withhold submitting those "extra" hours due to them being low on cash.
We had already moved here and had taken out a mortgage. We wanted to be team players, so we held back submitting the hours. As the past due wages due approached forty thousand dollars for the two of us, we could not get a meeting with management. We told them we had encysted our cash reserves and could no longer carry them. I wish I were free to tell more, it will all be public record soon.
The only thing we did wrong was to lend them money in the form of unpaid labor. We also lent them equipment they are still using.
Maybe I should post the letter we sent to the MD dept of labor.

I wish I could be less angry, but understand I came here because I needed the promised health insurance covering pre-existing conditions that I could not get as an independent consulting engineer.
I am an honest person and I try to see others as intrinsically honest. I was fooled.
The nature of radio engineering work is being on call like a fireman. I cannot take 2 hours to drive in response to an emergency from here, so my options are very limited as far as traditional on call work and telecommuting seems the best option.



New Member
I like T-Bone and Heather too, but I can't bring myself to listen to the station owned by the jerk who fire them, then the ones after them, then Mike, then Moose. This guy is a jack azz and doesn't deserve my loyalty because he doesn't show it to any of his employees. I for one will be sad that I can't bring myself to listen to T- and Heather. I wish them best of luck because they deserve it!


Finishing last
We should start a fund to buy the station and let T-bone and Heather have it!!!
Bet they could do a better job running the place. Certainly couldn't do worse.


New Member
we tried

Foxhound said:
We should start a fund to buy the station and let T-bone and Heather have it!!!
Bet they could do a better job running the place. Certainly couldn't do worse.
I offered the co owner to stay and form a search committee consisting of the department heads and DJs. We wanted to put the guy who is running it now out to pasture to play with his collection of racehorses.
We wanted to interview professional radio managers for the co owner's approval. He was powerless because the guy "managing" the place has majority of ownership.
The co owner is a very good guy who is as frustrated as any of us.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Bean Machine said:
Did you feel it? I felt it! What IT was, was the whole world righting itself and coming back into kilter.
Welcome back T-Bone and Heather!

It was a total accident that I even heard their program yesterday. After they disappeared the first time I was willing to try and listen to the new morning shows, but after the ten thousandth DJ, I completely stopped listening to 98.3.
I just happened to accidentally hit the wrong preset on my radio and heard T-bone talking. I thought maybe the station was being nostalgic and playing old taped T-bone & Heather shows out of desperation, but after a few minutes of listening I determined they must be real.

Unlike a lot of other posters to this thread, I don't care what kind of music they play on 98.3. They could play opera if they wanted....I'm only listening because of T-Bone & Heather. After 10 am, I hit another preset.
I feel the same way. I like listening to them, not the music. The other guy (Mike in the morning) did okay until he started letting the weird woman in for trivia in the a.m. That's when I switched to another station. She got on my LAST nerve. T-bone and Heather - if you're looking at the threads, PLEASE do not let her be a part of the show. TIA and I'm glad you're back. :huggy:


I absolutely love T-bone and Heather! I worked closely with them on an advertising campaign and let me tell ya.... They brought us incredible business! Thank God they are back! To bad I work in Mclean now. :lmao:


Active Member
RadioCtrlDWife, I REALLY am sorry that you had such a problem :huggy:
and I REALLY do hope everything works out well for you :flowers: but......
:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
T-Bone and Heather are back!!!!!!!
I wonder how Li'l Wyatt is doing! :bubble:


New Member
my dislike of the management does not mean i don't like T&H

SLIM said:
RadioCtrlDWife, I REALLY am sorry that you had such a problem :huggy:
and I REALLY do hope everything works out well for you :flowers: but......
:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
T-Bone and Heather are back!!!!!!!
I wonder how Li'l Wyatt is doing! :bubble:
I separate the issues with the management from my genuine affection for both T Bone and Heather-- they know this.
I wish them success and many loyal listeners. :larry:
I also deeply miss Mojo and Frank-- they are also wonderful people and the best co-workers anyone could ask for.
All of them are still welcome in our home.


Active Member
RadioCtrlDWife said:
I separate the issues with the management from my genuine affection for both T Bone and Heather-- they know this.
I wish them success and many loyal listeners. :larry:
I also deeply miss Mojo and Frank-- they are also wonderful people and the best co-workers anyone could ask for.
All of them are still welcome in our home.
Like I said, I REALLY do wish you
GOOD LUCK in all your endeavours :huggy:
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