T_bone and Heather


How you like me now?
RadioCtrlDWife said:
Thanks for the kind words.

First, It is not my intention to hijack the thread or sour the milk regarding everyones' love of T&H. They are great folks in person. I consider them friends from long ago and wish them only success and happiness.

My wife and I tried to settle-- offering them time to pay us. All offers were rejected. The delay was us trying to work with them until it was obvious there was not good faith on their part.
Now collection is is in the hands of the state and those wheels turn very slowly.
This is five months worth of "extra hours" we put in. Ironically the reason the amount is now so much is because last march management asked us to withhold submitting those "extra" hours due to them being low on cash.
We had already moved here and had taken out a mortgage. We wanted to be team players, so we held back submitting the hours. As the past due wages due approached forty thousand dollars for the two of us, we could not get a meeting with management. We told them we had encysted our cash reserves and could no longer carry them. I wish I were free to tell more, it will all be public record soon.
The only thing we did wrong was to lend them money in the form of unpaid labor. We also lent them equipment they are still using.
Maybe I should post the letter we sent to the MD dept of labor.

I wish I could be less angry, but understand I came here because I needed the promised health insurance covering pre-existing conditions that I could not get as an independent consulting engineer.
I am an honest person and I try to see others as intrinsically honest. I was fooled.
The nature of radio engineering work is being on call like a fireman. I cannot take 2 hours to drive in response to an emergency from here, so my options are very limited as far as traditional on call work and telecommuting seems the best option.


I really do not like the station at all but I do love T and Heather. I wish I could offer you something that would help you out, but I can't. Only that I wish you and your wife quick and just help.

I am sorry I called you bitter. I hope things work out for you.


How you like me now?
RadioCtrlDWife said:
I offered the co owner to stay and form a search committee consisting of the department heads and DJs. We wanted to put the guy who is running it now out to pasture to play with his collection of racehorses.
We wanted to interview professional radio managers for the co owner's approval. He was powerless because the guy "managing" the place has majority of ownership.
The co owner is a very good guy who is as frustrated as any of us.

Jeez. What a sad situation. SO there is nothing we or anyone else can do to improve this?


Finishing last
RadioCtrlDWife said:
I separate the issues with the management from my genuine affection for both T Bone and Heather-- they know this.
I wish them success and many loyal listeners. :larry:
I also deeply miss Mojo and Frank-- they are also wonderful people and the best co-workers anyone could ask for.
All of them are still welcome in our home.


From what I have read you are a genuinely good person with a sense of work ethic this country needs to see more of. I feel for your plight and hope you get reparations in a timely manner. (Although it seems that time has passed.) It's good to see you have not turned to bitterness or unreasonable hatred of anything to do with the station. I only wish I could offer more than just kind words. Good to see you don't hate the whole world at this point.

Best of luck.


Relax, it's fedex
I was listening this morning, and T was making Heather laugh, it was pretty funny. They made some pretty valid points on the show. I hope they stick around this time for a while !
I listen on the drive in (when I sleep in and they are actually on when I am in range of the station, normally well beyond listening range by the time they come on) only because of T & H.


verucasalt said:
are back!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!! anyone else excited?
Definitley :clap:

Only I missed the part where they siad what they've been doing for the last year...can anybody fill me in??



Lovin' Life
I too as estatic when I was flipping through the stations and I heard Heather's voice first. I was very surprised and couldn't belive it. I wanted to shout out to everyone T and Heather are back!! I really missed them.

Welcome back T & Heather. :howdy: