Thanks for those great remarks


New Member
I tell you what you people are the tops. Who gives a crap what I spelled like as long as you knew what I was saying. I can spell just fine,I just can't type very well and I didn't proof read it. So lighten up and I am athentic. I would give you Lori's number but you would be wasting your time , she need's a real man.


I think they were more razzing ya than anything.....lighten up and have fun with's not like any of us hasn't screwed the goose on typing. :lol:

yakky doodle

New Member
boy; this is getting old. i'm about to join Sxy in a game of Literati if this crap continues. Geez. Some people's kids! :rolleyes:


New Member
SxyPrincess, is this the way you'd treat someone who admitted to problems in his life if he were face to face? Unless you're completely heartless, the answer would be no.

Why would you do it here? Even if you suspect he's ingenuine, what if he's being honest?

MARSAM, this is the same way I was welcomed to the conversation. Just push through it, you'll be alright.

By the way, there seems to be a "family" here, a BBS Mafia of sorts. There is a certain group of users the flaunt a lot of supposed power. I experienced it when I was new here, too. If you question the opinion of one of the "family," watch out!

...might be one of the main reasons that the same group of people is here, and new members sometimes never return. Flame me if you will, but at least give it a thought.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by MDindef By the way, there seems to be a "family" here, a BBS Mafia of sorts. There is a certain group of users the flaunt a lot of supposed power. I experienced it when I was new here, too. If you question the opinion of one of the "family," watch out![/B]
Would that be a "clique" or a "group"? :rolleyes:

yakky doodle

New Member
Originally posted by MDindef
SxyPrincess, is this the way you'd treat someone who admitted to problems in his life if he were face to face? Unless you're completely heartless, the answer would be no.

Why would you do it here? Even if you suspect he's ingenuine, what if he's being honest?
Oh please MDindef! First off, who comes on a forum that is about an area vs. a personal problem-fest and lays that stuff out for one of their first five posts? Secondly, he posted his personal info out there, and just like many before him, opened the door to opinions. Many others have walked that path and lived to regret it. :bubble:

By the way, there seems to be a "family" here, a BBS Mafia of sorts. There is a certain group of users the flaunt a lot of supposed power. I experienced it when I was new here, too. If you question the opinion of one of the "family," watch out!
oh great; he found out about us. guess we all outta move on out to that ranch in, what was it, Waco, Texas that guy David was telling us about? :rolleyes: puhlease! there are no secrets around here about whose board this is! :lol: She made that perfectly clear several times! :lol: :wink:


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by MDindef
By the way, there seems to be a "family" here, a BBS Mafia of sorts. There is a certain group of users the flaunt a lot of supposed power. I experienced it when I was new here, too. If you question the opinion of one of the "family," watch out!

So would star in the Forum version of the Godfather? Would Vrai be the Godmother? How about Bruzilla as Sonny and Kyle as Luca Brasi? Maybe SxyPrincess or Kain99 could be Michael, er, Michelle. Any thoughts?


Indy Bound
Alright now kids, we are all entitled to our opinions. Can't we just agree to disagree and be nice to the newbies? If not if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
So would star in the Forum version of the Godfather? Would Vrai be the Godmother? How about Bruzilla as Sonny and Kyle as Luca Brasi? Maybe SxyPrincess or Kain99 could be Michael, er, Michelle. Any thoughts?
Who would be the horse's head or A$$ (whichever fits)?


New Member
Originally posted by MDindef
SxyPrincess, is this the way you'd treat someone who admitted to problems in his life if he were face to face? Unless you're completely heartless, the answer would be no.

What complete stranger would confess his inner most heartache to me? Hhhmm...:rolleyes: not many, so the answer is YES, I would treat someone (a stranger) like they were crazy!

Now if it were a friend, I'd offer up some Dicken's Cider. :lmao:


Originally posted by SxyPrincess
What complete stranger would confess his inner most heartache to me? Hhhmm...:rolleyes: not many, so the answer is YES, I would treat someone (a stranger) like they were crazy!

Now if it were a friend, I'd offer up some Dicken's Cider. :lmao:

You mean it's not normal to tell your deepest darkest secrets to perfect strangers??


Cleopatra Jones
MARSAM, this is the same way I was welcomed to the conversation. Just push through it, you'll be alright.

By the way, there seems to be a "family" here, a BBS Mafia of sorts. There is a certain group of users the flaunt a lot of supposed power. I experienced it when I was new here, too. If you question the opinion of one of the "family," watch out!

...might be one of the main reasons that the same group of people is here, and new members sometimes never return. Flame me if you will, but at least give it a thought.

:bawl: :bawl: :bawl: Cry me a freakin river would ya!


New Member
to the family:

yawn... how boring...those are the best you could come up with?

I should have learned my lesson the first time...don't bad-mouth The Family!

By the way, Yakky, I thought you were in charge!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
So would star in the Forum version of the Godfather? Would Vrai be the Godmother? How about Bruzilla as Sonny and Kyle as Luca Brasi? Maybe SxyPrincess or Kain99 could be Michael, er, Michelle. Any thoughts?
I want to be Tom Hagen! And I nominate either Kain or Yak as Sonny Corleone (temper, temper :nono:)


Originally posted by MDindef
to the family:

yawn... how boring...those are the best you could come up with?

I should have learned my lesson the first time...don't bad-mouth The Family!

By the way, Yakky, I thought you were in charge!

It seems MD that you take these frivolous attacks way too personal and are in dire need of some testosterone. Live a little and have fun on here, whining does nothing but feed the sharks.

yakky doodle

New Member
Originally posted by MDindef
to the family:

yawn... how boring...those are the best you could come up with?

I should have learned my lesson the first time...don't bad-mouth The Family!

By the way, Yakky, I thought you were in charge!

Okay, calss is almost in session, and now we can sign another one up for kindergarten folks. :rolleyes:

what is it with people these last few days? did someone skip the wheaties and aim in your mouthes? :confused: why are everyone's panties in such a terrible bunch?

wait, let me guess, someone doesn't like what is posted in response to their 'issue.' What else is new? :rolleyes: