Thanks for those great remarks


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
That should be my new sig line - "Please don't feed the sharks".

I did notice that MARSAM's spelling and grammar got MUCH better with their second post. That tells me something. And we do have a high incidence of people pretending to be someone else to get everyone's goat.

But MD's right - ya'll should be nicer to newbies, even if they're not really newbies. The MPDs are just trying to rile you up and if you don't give them any attention, they'll quit it. And occasionally it IS a real newbie and some of you aren't particularly welcoming.


I may be up for a starring role in the God Father but...... I was nice to MARSAM you peanut heads! :wink:


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by vraiblonde
That should be my new sig line - "Please don't feed the sharks".

I did notice that MARSAM's spelling and grammar got MUCH better with their second post. That tells me something. And we do have a high incidence of people pretending to be someone else to get everyone's goat.

But MD's right - ya'll should be nicer to newbies, even if they're not really newbies. The MPDs are just trying to rile you up and if you don't give them any attention, they'll quit it. And occasionally it IS a real newbie and some of you aren't particularly welcoming.

I'm plenty nice to newbies. Except the one's I KNOW are MPD's. I didn't say anything at all to MARSAM. If MD thinks we're so mean he should just leave instead of freakin' whining about it. If you don't like us GO AWAY! It's that simple. Geez!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
So would star in the Forum version of the Godfather? Would Vrai be the Godmother? How about Bruzilla as Sonny and Kyle as Luca Brasi? Maybe SxyPrincess or Kain99 could be Michael, er, Michelle. Any thoughts?
I won't be the one sleep'n with the fishes! :really:


Originally posted by kwillia
Yeah... that's because you are still feeling guilty about Bruce... :lmao:

Leave it to Kwillia to "Tell it Like it is!" Dang woman! Do you ever miss a trick?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The "not nice to newbies" people know who they are - Pixie, I've never known you to be mean to anyone on this board so obviously I wasn't talking about you. :razz:

There have been real newbies who were flamed right off the bat because someone thought they were an MPD. I'm just saying that I think we should err on the side of good manners and courtesy.


Cleopatra Jones
Vrai, please tell BK how nice I am. Apparently I'm not nice to him. :rolleyes: And please don't post all this nonsense about me not being mean, you're going to ruin my "total biatch" image! :lol:


New Member
pixie! ...and barelyhangn!, really, I can take it. That's why I'm still here. I don't post all that much, but I do watch what's going on. Maybe you should, too!

Pixie, I'm not going anywhere. I check this board from time to time. Sometimes I start a thread and sometimes I contribute to one. It's my right to do so since I'm a member in good standing, just as it's your right to tell me to "quit freaking whining." I do wish you'd be more imaginative with your insults though. Everything you've said so far has been done several times before. Got anything original?

Anyway, I think you guys just enjoy a good flaming, so I'll be happy to supply the ammo for you.


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by MDindef
pixie! ...and barelyhangn!, really, I can take it. That's why I'm still here. I don't post all that much, but I do watch what's going on. Maybe you should, too!

Pixie, I'm not going anywhere. I check this board from time to time. Sometimes I start a thread and sometimes I contribute to one. It's my right to do so since I'm a member in good standing, just as it's your right to tell me to "quit freaking whining." I do wish you'd be more imaginative with your insults though. Everything you've said so far has been done several times before. Got anything original?

Anyway, I think you guys just enjoy a good flaming, so I'll be happy to supply the ammo for you.

Got anything original. Sorry but I only use my powers for good. Why rack my brain for something clever to say when I could really give a $hit about you? I'd rather spend my energy on someone I actually care about.


Originally posted by MDindef
...and barelyhangn!

Talk about un-original!!! :lol:

It's all good MD, like I said, just take it as it comes, no one here is actually ticked off at you.



Cleopatra Jones
OH, and I wasn't insulting you. You need to check yourself and make sure your "junk" is still there if you think I was insulting you. Just like you wish I'd be more original I wish you'd stop your freakin' whining. It's good to want things.


New Member
Originally posted by pixiegirl
Why rack my brain for something clever to say when I could really give a $hit about you? I'd rather spend my energy on someone I actually care about.

Wow...I guess that will do the trick.

For further reference, see justhangn's response above. He and I understand that we just enjoy a good verbal joust from time to time. Don't take this so seriously. It's just the internet, not real life.


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by MDindef
Wow...I guess that will do the trick.

For further reference, see justhangn's response above. He and I understand that we just enjoy a good verbal joust from time to time. Don't take this so seriously. It's just the internet, not real life.

I don't take anything on here seriously. Too many other people do. You will never see me starting a thread or even posting in someone else's crying over how mean people are. If someone offends me, pisses me off or just flat out hurts my feelings I will confront that person DIRECTLY. If someone is bothering one of my friends or does something I find unacceptable I will confront that person DIRECTLY. I don't need to whine about it in a round about way and talk about how mean everyone is. I was annoyed with something you said, I quoted you and told you to "cry me a river." You are the one that generalized all of us. I have a problem with that.


b*tch rocket
Originally posted by cattitude
aaahhhahahaha! Looky what Vrai just said!!!

Holy bat crap Robin! Was that a BK quote that just came from Vrai! :yikes:

Admit it Vrai, he won you over with his Christmas poetry didn't he!

:wink: :lmao:


Originally posted by MDindef
Don't take this so seriously. It's just the internet, not real life.

What! :confused: The internet is not real life?


New Member
Originally posted by pixiegirl
I was annoyed with something you said, I quoted you and told you to "cry me a river." You are the one that generalized all of us. I have a problem with that.

No, I just generalized the mafia here. I see that I've gotten to you in a way that was unintended. It's plain to see that you are very loyal to your friends here. If the membership here is more welcoming in the future, we may all make even more friends. It doesn't have to be limited to such a small "inner-circle." In any case, let me end this. I sincerely apologize for offending you. I mean it.

Peace out...