That Does It!!!!



Why in the holy he!! don't men listen? I'm not talking about to biatching and stuff.. I mean regular stuff.

It's not just my husband, it's everyman! "The meeting has been rescheduled for today at 2:00 -" Can't listen to save their lives! GDIT :cussing: :tantrum :lol:


Kain99 said:
Why in the holy he!! don't men listen? I'm not talking about to biatching and stuff.. I mean regular stuff.

Because women, more often than not, change their minds at least twelve times on any given plan and one final time at the last minute anyway. Why bother retaining information that is subject to so much change?

Not just some women.

All women.


aka Mrs. Giant
I don't listen either. I'm just as guilty of any guy, but sometimes when they are talking about crap it doesn't hold my attention so I tune it out and think about other things that are going on, meanwhile I've only caught pieces of what I was told. :shrug: I guess, my answer is, whatever you are saying isn't interesting to the person (male or female) that you are telling it to.


Nice lady!
Toxick said:
Because women, more often than not, change their minds at least twelve times on any given plan and one final time at the last minute anyway. Why bother retaining information that is subject to so much change?

Not just some women.

All women.

Oh come on...not ALL women change their mind a lot. :duh:

Well...ok you are right!


Toxick said:
Not just some women.

All women.

Wow - my Karma for this post looks like a string of christmas lights. Green-Red-Green-Red-Green-Red.


And to all you red-givers out there, just so you know - my Karma for that post is (and I quote) "extremely positive".

:neener: Nanny-nanny-boo-boo. :neener:

Now go fetch a sense of humor, ya punks.


Kain99 said:
Why in the holy he!! don't men listen? I'm not talking about to biatching and stuff.. I mean regular stuff.

:tantrum :lol:

Maybe they are just stareing at your breasts when your mouth moves? :lol:
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Just being Me !
Kain99 said:
Why in the holy he!! don't men listen? I'm not talking about to biatching and stuff.. I mean regular stuff.

It's not just my husband, it's everyman! "The meeting has been rescheduled for today at 2:00 -" Can't listen to save their lives! GDIT :cussing: :tantrum :lol:
Thats because the head with the brains has no ears :lmao:


New Member
migtig said:
I don't listen either. I'm just as guilty of any guy, but sometimes when they are talking about crap it doesn't hold my attention so I tune it out and think about other things that are going on, meanwhile I've only caught pieces of what I was told. :shrug: I guess, my answer is, whatever you are saying isn't interesting to the person (male or female) that you are telling it to.

:yeahthat: That's what my DH says - he just tunes me out after some amount of time. It gets to the point where I don't talk unless I have something really important to say. But that just gets me in trouble because DH complains I'm too quite and the guys in the white shirts I work with don't think I'm a team player.

So, pray tell, how should women say things so that men will listen? :popcorn:


Well-Known Member
marianne said:
So, pray tell, how should women say things so that men will listen? :popcorn:
Tell them something they want to hear.

Even better, find out what they want to talk about.

If that's too boring for you, ask them questions about themselves. They love to talk about themselves.