That Does It!!!!


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rack'm said:
Get to the point and stop talking around the subject.

:yeahthat: That drives me nuts.

Say [whatever] in as few words as possible before I tune you out; then remind me later or write it down. I have a short attention span. :lol:


rack'm said:
Get to the point and stop talking around the subject. :yay:

Good advice. I think women make an effort to spare feelings so they have to fluff up everything they say, instead of going right for the nuts and bolts, but I have run across more men than ever that do this as well.

Right now, I deal with hundreds of people every month, about 1/2 of them on a weekly basis. I find myself getting frustrated with "fluff" just fricken say it.

And I've ALWAYS hated guessing games. You sense an attitude, ask what is wrong and get that "nothing." :mad: I use to feel I had to get to the bottom of it, now, it is like be mad/upset/whatever, when you are over it or willing to get to the nuts and bolts come to me.
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Well-Known Member
Sharon said:
:yeahthat: That drives me nuts.

Say [whatever] in as few words as possible before I tune you out; then remind me later or write it down. I have a short attention span. :lol:

I have both a little brother and a little sister, who can talk without taking a breath on a subject for at least twenty minutes - and THEN forget their original point. I work with two people who frequently sidle up to your cubicle and suddenly begin recanting all the events of the weekend no matter how inconsequential they are. I work with one woman in particular who can't seem to grasp when a conversation is OVER and will continue to follow you everywhere - I've actually ducked into the men's room to end a conversation she won't finish.

I've had people pollitely dawdle in conversation and my bladder was about to explode.

Say your peace first; THEN elaborate.


Kizzy said:
And I've ALWAYS hated guessing games. You sense an attitude, ask what is wrong and get that "nothing." :mad: I use to feel I had to get to the bottom of it, now, it is like be mad/upset/whatever, when you are over it or willing to get to the nuts and bolts come to me.
OMFG! This is so frustrating! Game playing crap! I hate thsi more than liver...


Well-Known Member
Kizzy said:
And I've ALWAYS hated guessing games. You sense an attitude, ask what is wrong and get that "nothing." :mad: I use to feel I had to get to the bottom of it, now, it is like be mad/upset/whatever, when you are over it or willing to get to the nuts and bolts come to me.
Women do this, too - but I suspect for different reasons.

Most often, when a woman says "Nothing" in response to "what's wrong" - and it's said in such a way that you KNOW it's not true - what's really being said is, I'm REALLY mad at you, and I'm not talking about it, 'cuz I either want to stay mad, or I know I'll just get madder.

When I do it, it's usually because it'll just make *YOU* mad, no matter how much you say it won't.

Hmmm. Maybe it IS the same reason.


SamSpade said:
Women do this, too - but I suspect for different reasons.

Most often, when a woman says "Nothing" in response to "what's wrong" - and it's said in such a way that you KNOW it's not true - what's really being said is, I'm REALLY mad at you, and I'm not talking about it, 'cuz I either want to stay mad, or I know I'll just get madder.

When I do it, it's usually because it'll just make *YOU* mad, no matter how much you say it won't.

Hmmm. Maybe it IS the same reason.

They are both just childish games.........when I'm faced with that crap, I roll over and go to sleep. :yawn:


rack'm said:
They are both just childish games.........when I'm faced with that crap, I roll over and go to sleep. :yawn:
That's true.... There is something obviously wrong and then they deny it. If you get really lucky, you end up with a psycho who is p!ssed that you can't read his mind. :lol:

The Jackoholic

thinning out the tards
SamSpade said:
Most often, when a woman says "Nothing" in response to "what's wrong" - and it's said in such a way that you KNOW it's not true - what's really being said is, I'm REALLY mad at you, and I'm not talking about it, 'cuz I either want to stay mad, or I know I'll just get madder.
i've learned just to say"what i do" then "sorry"and if it was really bad i get the phone book out to see what i have to do to make it right


The Jackoholic said:
i've learned just to say"what i do" then "sorry"and if it was really bad i get the phone book out to see what i have to do to make it right

Classic appeaser…….you voted for Gore didn’t you!!


Well-Known Member
rack'm said:
They are both just childish games.........when I'm faced with that crap, I roll over and go to sleep. :yawn:
Except, I'm just giving up fighting. It's not a ploy to me. Saying "nothing" for me IS the same thing as rolling over and going to sleep.


My father would get mad and just not say a word to you. You'd ask what is wrong and he wouldn't even say anything, he'd just ignore you. :lol: My husband does this too, just doesn't say anything. I appreciate that quality about both of them more than ever, because they THINK about why they are mad before just blowing up about a bunch of crap that is irrelevant. When I find out what it is, it is pretty specific and to the point.

Attitudes are contagious, and some people are just mental.


Is the topic about people who ramble on endlessly with uninteresting trivial crap or the "Whats wrong?" "Oh nothing" game?