That Does It!!!!


You are going to lose either way. If you just say it many people can't take it and you touch off a shiat storm of rationalization and arguing.. If you don't say anything you lose and they will then pester you about it until you blow up and tell them without the sugar coating and you lose.


My Sweetest Boy
Pete said:
You are going to lose either way. If you just say it many people can't take it and you touch off a shiat storm of rationalization and arguing.. If you don't say anything you lose and they will then pester you about it until you blow up and tell them without the sugar coating and you lose.

I didn't pester you, I ignored you. :mad:


bresamil said:
Careful Pete! This woman is armed with :drawers: stories. :lol:
She folded them in the cutest little tri-fold thingy. I was almost sorry I had to ruin it when I rolled them instead. :lmao:


My Sweetest Boy
Pete said:
She folded them in the cutest little tri-fold thingy. I was almost sorry I had to ruin it when I rolled them instead. :lmao:

I suppose you returned the socks to the inside-out position as well. :rolleyes:


Is this thread about men not listening, whores on Great Mills Road, ramble on endlessly with uninteresting trivial crap or the "Whats wrong?" "Oh nothing" game?, phone service, rationalization and arguing, people blowing up, attitude problems, mental people, socks, underwear or laundry in general. :shrug:


wandering aimlessly
Kizzy said:
Is this thread about men not listening, whores on Great Mills Road, ramble on endlessly with uninteresting trivial crap or the "Whats wrong?" "Oh nothing" game?, phone service, rationalization and arguing, people blowing up, attitude problems, mental people, or laundry. :shrug: