The American Child After Same-Sex Marriage

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by ceo_pte
Yes, it should be a partnership... with one head. I've heard it said like this. The man is the head and the woman is the neck. Men should take the lead in their family(i think), but the woman has alot of pull/direction/effect on the man. I think women are very powerful when they use their strengths in the right manner.

To quote Vrai: "BULL####"

Power in a marriage does not come from being able to influence a decision made by the husband. It comes from being EQUAL to him and making the decision WITH him. I don't NEED a man; I want one. I don't NEED a father; I want a partner. I don't NEED anyone; I want a person to share my hopes and dreams with and make them come true TOGETHER.

You don't walk two steps behind your husband; you walk beside him as an equal.
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New Member
Originally posted by jazz lady
To quote Vrai: "BULLSHIT"

My power in my marriage does not come from being able to influence a decision made by my husband. It comes from being EQUAL to him and making the decision WITH him. I don't NEED a man; I want one. I don't NEED a father; I want a partner. I don't NEED anyone; I want a person to share my hopes and dreams with and make them come true TOGETHER.

I don't walk two steps behind my husband; I walk beside him as an equal.

never said you weren't equal. Just said that there can be only one head in the house. If there is more than one head it is a monster. Not a good thing. If your husband is a man and undestands God, he will know that he should be the 'head and not the tail' above and not beneath. It's called SUBMISSION... but you wouldn't understand it unless you read the Bible.


I Need a Beer
Originally posted by jazz lady
My power in my marriage does not come from being able to influence a decision made by my husband. It comes from being EQUAL to him and making the decision WITH him. I don't NEED a man; I want one. I don't NEED a father; I want a partner. I don't NEED anyone; I want a person to share my hopes and dreams with and make them come true TOGETHER.

I don't walk two steps behind my husband; I walk beside him as an equal.

:yeahthat: AMEN Sister!


New Member
I know my last remark will spark some remarks, but that's the way God intended it. It's not my Christianity or Relegion. I just take what I read from the Bible. I've seen examples of both in marriages and when the wife is not in-line with her husband their are problems. You can say there are not, but there are.


Yo Gabba Gabba
Originally posted by ceo_pte
never said you weren't equal. Just said that there can be only one head in the house. If there is more than one head it is a monster. Not a good thing. If your husband is a man and undestands God, he will know that he should be the 'head and not the tail' above and not beneath. It's called SUBMISSION... but you wouldn't understand it unless you read the Bible.
:snort: That was pretty funny. I know you were joking right? If not, that is the most sexist statement I've ever heard.


Yo Gabba Gabba
Originally posted by ceo_pte
I know my last remark will spark some remarks, but that's the way God intended it. It's not my Christianity or Relegion. I just take what I read from the Bible. I've seen examples of both in marriages and when the wife is not in-line with her husband their are problems. You can say there are not, but there are.
You with the jokes! You're killing me! :lmao:


Originally posted by ceo_pte
I know my last remark will spark some remarks, but that's the way God intended it. It's not my Christianity or Relegion. I just take what I read from the Bible. I've seen examples of both in marriages and when the wife is not in-line with her husband their are problems. You can say there are not, but there are.

ya that bible says some crazy stuff.


New Member
Originally posted by Ehesef
:snort: That was pretty funny. I know you were joking right? If not, that is the most sexist statement I've ever heard.

Read the Bible.. When women hear Submission they say, OH NO... but it's not just the woman being in submission. The man must be in submission to God's will for his life, FIRST.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by ceo_pte
never said you weren't equal. Just said that there can be only one head in the house. If there is more than one head it is a monster. Not a good thing. If your husband is a man and undestands God, he will know that he should be the 'head and not the tail' above and not beneath. It's called SUBMISSION... but you wouldn't understand it unless you read the Bible.

Sorry, I'm not a Bible freak, but I have read quite a bit of it and don't agree with a lot it says. My opinion is it is a work written by MAN for MAN and interpreted by MAN for a patriarchal society. I don't think there has to be a HEAD of the house just as there doesn't need to be subservient individuals in it either. Just what makes anyone the head of the house anyway? Because they're male? They make the most money? They don't have a spouse so it's a default?

Anyway, back to the topic. If it works for you and your wife and she's fine with being SUBMISSIVE to you, good for you guys. I'm just saying not everybody interprets things framed in reference to the Bible.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I am the "head" in our household, and Larry would agree with me. I don't consider Larry and I equals at all. I could live without him a LOT easier than he could live without me. Being secure in this knowledge allows me to turn the reins over to him and let him be the boss. He pretty much gets his "way" with everything that goes on, from how the money gets spent to what color I'm going to paint the dining room.

The only thing that really matters to me is how the children are being raised and that is where I exercise my authority. He can have everything else.

20 years from now, I'm not going to remember what kind of car we drove or what color the bathroom was. Or that he bought a $2000 Marshall stack for his birthday. What I will remember is that the kids were raised to be productive, thoughtful, intelligent people. So even though it would appear that HE is the decision maker in our family, the REAL decision maker and head of the household is me.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by ceo_pte
Read the Bible.. When women hear Submission they say, OH NO... but it's not just the woman being in submission. The man must be in submission to God's will for his life, FIRST.

You sound like those Promise Keepers. Not that you're doing this yourself, CEO, but it bugs me when fundamentalist Christians insist that the Bible requires men to be in control of women, and then turn around and criticize Islam for teaching the same doctrine.


I know what you're saying ceo. I understand that my husband has hard days at work and that when he comes home (before me) he needs a warm dinner ready and his sore feet rubbed. I don't get upset when he has to smack me around every now and then for not remembering to fold his tshirts right or to tuck in the sheets the right way on his side of the bed. Thats my fault, I should know better by now. Heck just the other night when I was cutting his toenails I told him how lucky I was to have such a good provider for a husband. :huggy:



My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by vraiblonde
I am the "head" in our household, and Larry would agree with me. I don't consider Larry and I equals at all. I could live without him a LOT easier than he could live without me. Being secure in this knowledge allows me to turn the reins over to him and let him be the boss. He pretty much gets his "way" with everything that goes on, from how the money gets spent to what color I'm going to paint the dining room.

The only thing that really matters to me is how the children are being raised and that is where I exercise my authority. He can have everything else.

20 years from now, I'm not going to remember what kind of car we drove or what color the bathroom was. Or that he bought a $2000 Marshall stack for his birthday. What I will remember is that the kids were raised to be productive, thoughtful, intelligent people. So even though it would appear that HE is the decision maker in our family, the REAL decision maker and head of the household is me.

You make me angry because you're able to say what I think much better than I can say it. :frown:


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
I am the "head" in our household, and Larry would agree with me. I don't consider Larry and I equals at all. I could live without him a LOT easier than he could live without me. Being secure in this knowledge allows me to turn the reins over to him and let him be the boss. He pretty much gets his "way" with everything that goes on, from how the money gets spent to what color I'm going to paint the dining room.

The only thing that really matters to me is how the children are being raised and that is where I exercise my authority. He can have everything else.

20 years from now, I'm not going to remember what kind of car we drove or what color the bathroom was. Or that he bought a $2000 Marshall stack for his birthday. What I will remember is that the kids were raised to be productive, thoughtful, intelligent people. So even though it would appear that HE is the decision maker in our family, the REAL decision maker and head of the household is me.

That sounds more to me like a practical division of responsibility. I would guess that you and Larry both agreed to the arrangement. That's not nearly the same thing as a husband demanding submission from his wife, or even a wife demanding submission from her husband.


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by jazz lady
Sorry, I'm not a Bible freak, but I have read quite a bit of it and don't agree with a lot it says. My opinion is it is a work written by MAN for MAN and interpreted by MAN for a patriarchal society. My husband is definitely a MAN, understands God, and does not expect me to be SUBMISSIVE to him, just as I wouldn't want him to be submissive to me. I don't think there has to be a HEAD of the house just as there doesn't need to be subservient individuals in it either. Just what makes anyone the head of the house anyway? Because they're male? They make the most money? They don't have a spouse so it's a default?

Anyway, back to the topic. If it works for you and your wife and she's fine with being SUBMISSIVE to you, good for you guys. I'm just saying not everybody interprets things framed in reference to the Bible.

:yeahthat: The Bible has been translated so many times, and meanings of words change over time. That's why I don't believe the Holy Book can be interpreted literally.


Originally posted by nomoney
Where in the bible does it say "send pics of thy johnson around" ?
:jet: She does have a point other than the one on the top of her head. It seems to me that for a man who took a pic of his johnson and mailed it around you sure do qoute the bible a lot. Not that our views are that much different (except of course the johnson email thing) but it does make you seem hypocritical.:confused:


Originally posted by *archimedes*
:yeah, that^: In most inner city communities the women are the heads of the household, and it is working out great so far.

only cause the daddies are in jail. (being head of something there I'm sure)