The American Child After Same-Sex Marriage


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by Pete
There is a great distance between these two statements. But you recanted the first one by the second so my :bs: is vindicated.
Granted I misspoke. I should have said "needs to keep looking" because he'd be looking again and again. Because needy chicks can never find what they need.


Originally posted by *archimedes*
Why aren't all the needy forum chicks rushing in here to defend themselves? :confused:

this subject is over their heads; they're too worried about their next tanning session and how to decorate their kitchen.:shrug:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by *archimedes*
Why aren't all the needy forum chicks rushing in here to defend themselves? :confused:
because their mens haven't given them permission.


Originally posted by ceo_pte
Actually I do.. But not that type.. It's some stinkin Christmas Pictures. :biggrin:

shoot; i've still got to get pics from my sons bday party developed (that was before thanksgiving)


New Member
Originally posted by nomoney
shoot; i've still got to get pics from my sons bday party developed (that was before thanksgiving)

I thought I was bad... The rolls actually made it out of the house and into the car though. :crazy:


Originally posted by cmcdanal
Granted I misspoke. I should have said "needs to keep looking" because he'd be looking again and again. Because needy chicks can never find what they need.
Entirely different meaning to which I would agree. Having done the knight in shining armor thing myself, the best move I ever made was shooting the stupid horse and pawning the armor. Needy women are a dime a dozen, hence my decision to remain the guy who has never had a sucessful relationship but just sits back making observations.:cheers:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by DoWhat
I think I know were you are coming from, I just looked at your location.
:confused: Soooo, you're saying I think too much? Is that supposed to be a bad thing?


Originally posted by Pete
Entirely different meaning to which I would agree. Having done the knight in shining armor thing myself, the best move I ever made was shooting the stupid horse and pawning the armor. Needy women are a dime a dozen, hence my decision to remain the guy who has never had a sucessful relationship but just sits back making observations.:cheers:




Originally posted by nomoney
Sad and Broke


Yes that is it !! Actually I am looking to spend the second half of my life doing the reverse. I am going to make some woman miserable and treat her like crap while I suck out her will to live.

j/k of course


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by DoWhat
Lost in Thought
I know what it says. I also know that, knowing you, you meant to be insulting. I don't understand why that should be insulting.