The American Child After Same-Sex Marriage


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by justhangn
:duh: That's NOT what I said or implied.

Originally posted by kwillia
I know of several successful relationships where spouses are on equal footing....

Originally posted by justhangn I agree, they are out there..........but I would have to say they are NOT the majority.
Exactly, the majority of men want to do right by the wife. They want to provide for her and the family; they want to make her happy and will do most anything to make that happen.

YES, there is the other side of the coin where the guy doesn’t want these things, but there is dirt in every species too.

I think that's EXACTLY what you were implying. :duh:


New Member
Originally posted by cmcdanal
I think that's EXACTLY what you were implying. :duh:

NOT what I got from it. We (hint) were talking about how men enjoy providing for women, never said they need men.


Originally posted by ceo_pte
NOT what I got from it. We (hint) were talking about how men enjoy providing for women, never said they need men.

I think I honestly have to agree with ceo on this one. I think cmc took what jh said way out of context. I think JH was just saying that most men feel the primal need to provide for their families; not that all women are dependent and needy of a man :shrug:


Originally posted by cmcdanal
Care to elaborate?
No, because to do so I would have to say things that would hurt some peoples feelings just to make a point to you thus opening myself up to anger and bashing and upsetting the tranquility we enjoy here at the board. But I know I am right, and as soon as the airplane glue you have been huffing wears off you will too. :cheers:


Originally posted by Pete
No, because to do so I would have to say things that would hurt some peoples feelings just to make a point to you thus opening myself up to anger and bashing and upsetting the tranquility we enjoy here at the board. But I know I am right, and as soon as the airplane glue you have been huffing wears off you will too. :cheers:




My Sweetest Boy
Originally posted by ceo_pte
NOT what I got from it. We (hint) were talking about how men enjoy providing for women, never said they need men.

That's what I got too. It's just how it's evolved over time. Just like I enjoy taking care of the "men" in my life, Otter and my boys (even though they are now men themselves.) Even though I feel overhwelmed at times with working and taking care of the house, laundry, cooking (you know all the wifey crap) I still feel it's my responsibility. Doesn't mean it's right or that I'm not for equal rights or that I need or don't need a man, it's just the way I feel. Am I close JH???


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by ceo_pte
OMG... we didn't need the feminist movement to kick-in... Um, man & woman were created for each other. If you want to be lonely all your life, go for it. I'm off the market, so I won't be searching you down.

How is what CMC said feminist? Shouldn't a marriage be a partnership?


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by nomoney
I think I honestly have to agree with ceo on this one. I think cmc took what jh said way out of context. I think JH was just saying that most men feel the primal need to provide for their families; not that all women are dependent and needy of a man :shrug:
If a man needs to be needed, that implies that the woman needs the man. That is bogus. If a man is looking for a woman who is needy, he will end up with a clingy whiny b!tch, who is always out to find someone better (although she won't seem that way at first), she will lean on him, yes, but he will also blame him for everything wrong in her life.

If instead, the relationship is one of equal footing they will each do certain things, maybe the man takes out the trash and the woman washes the dishes (I'm being simplistic to illustrate). That doesn't mean the woman can't take out the trash, it means her life is easier if the man does it, that's one less thing she has to worry about. But any man who feels that his relationship is complete because he is needed to take out the trash is deluding himself.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by Pete
No, because to do so I would have to say things that would hurt some peoples feelings just to make a point to you thus opening myself up to anger and bashing and upsetting the tranquility we enjoy here at the board. But I know I am right, and as soon as the airplane glue you have been huffing wears off you will too. :cheers:
In other words, you don't like what I said, but can't come up with a valid arguement, so you sling mud instead. Gotcha.


New Member
Originally posted by Tonio
How is what CMC said feminist? Shouldn't a marriage be a partnership?

I was really just being mean, but kind of b/c she said these things when we weren't even putting women down.

Sadly, you are reading the wrong sh!t if you really think most women need a man, that most women aren't strong enough to take care of themselves with or without a man. Contributing to the financial standing of the relationship is one thing, but if you are looking for a woman who needs to be taken care of, you'll be looking a long, long time.

Yes, it should be a partnership... with one head. I've heard it said like this. The man is the head and the woman is the neck. Men should take the lead in their family(i think), but the woman has alot of pull/direction/effect on the man. I think women are very powerful when they use their strengths in the right manner.


Originally posted by *archimedes*

They certainly aren't the endangered species cmc thinks they are.

I agreee; there are definantly plenty of women out there that feel the need to always have a man around. But on the other hand there are men out there who can't stand to be alone also. Its a wide generalization to make about either sex. And that is a whole other discussion. I believe the discussion now is concerning jh's comment about most males needing to feel like the providers and how one would take that to instantly mean that the males wear the pants in the relationship :shrug:


New Member
Originally posted by nomoney
I think I honestly have to agree with ceo on this one. I think cmc took what jh said way out of context. I think JH was just saying that most men feel the primal need to provide for their families; not that all women are dependent and needy of a man :shrug:




Originally posted by cmcdanal
In other words, you don't like what I said, but can't come up with a valid arguement, so you sling mud instead. Gotcha.
No Joan, it means just what I said.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by Tonio
How is what CMC said feminist? Shouldn't a marriage be a partnership?
When people feel threatened, they start arbatrarily applying labels because it makes them feel superior.


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by *archimedes*

They certainly aren't the endangered species cmc thinks they are.
No, unfortunately they are not endangered species. But they do make for doomed relationships. Needy chicks are never happy with what they've got. They are always looking for someone to "save" them from whatever situation they happen to be in. They can never accept responsibility for their own actions.


Originally posted by Pete
No Joan, it means just what I said.



Originally posted by cmcdanal
but if you are looking for a woman who needs to be taken care of, you'll be looking a long, long time .

Originally posted by cmcdanal
No, unfortunately they are not endangered species.

There is a great distance between these two statements. But you recanted the first one by the second so my :bs: is vindicated.


Yo Gabba Gabba
Originally posted by nomoney
I think I honestly have to agree with ceo on this one. I think cmc took what jh said way out of context. I think JH was just saying that most men feel the primal need to provide for their families; not that all women are dependent and needy of a man :shrug: