God bless the USA
But - and I say this while applauding anyone's efforts to feel better about themselves and be able to jump out of bed in the morning ready to take on the day - thin isn't always an indicator of health and stamina. I have a friend who is a plus size chica and she is in better shape than most people I know, although she is technically 70+ lbs overweight. She bikes, runs, does yoga and other class exercises, and is what I would consider a healthy eater without being a nut about it. Her body type will never be slender because she just isn't.
I think the criteria is: if you feel like crap, do something about it; if you feel great, leave yourself alone. But trying to turn your larger (or older) body type into 20-something thin is unhealthy and not good for you either.
Agree and disagree. Yes, you are right that our body type is what it is. But, I don't think anyone that is exercising, runnng, or dieting is trying to be 20 something again. My hub will tell you he looks old as the hills (because of all his sun exposure over the years as in an outdoor person, hunter, ball player, and coach), but his inner body has benefited from the running. I will say that he can eat pretty much what ever he wants now because you need the carbs and sugar for ultra running; which is what he does. He is off cholesterol meds now, and has a body shape of a youngin'. I am jealous he has no varicose veins. And, hub doesn't diet. He overeats to sustain himself. There is something to the running thing, if your body can take it. He has had injuries but nurses them, and learns how not to let it happen again. The question is that I live with this running maniac, and I haven't tagged along. I need to get out there, too.
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