The Brett Favre Saga


Dancing Up A Storm
Favre speaks: Packers should let me leave

Is this ongoing, epic story sounding more like a sad joke, as each day goes by?

There was a poll posted on ESPN earlier today, asking a number of Green Bay fans their opinion of Favre's actions. Something like 65% said he was going about this all wrong.


Supper's Ready
Favre speaks: Packers should let me leave

Is this ongoing, epic story sounding more like a sad joke, as each day goes by?

There was a poll posted on ESPN earlier today, asking a number of Green Bay fans their opinion of Favre's actions. Something like 65% said he was going about this all wrong.

I go away for a couple of weeks, and look what happens... :lol: I guess I shouldn't be surprised he wants to come back and play. But maybe I don't understand something. What's the dilemma with Green Bay and him competing for the playing spot? I'd think if he decided to stay with Green bay, he'd start. Or maybe there's more to this, I know he'd want to play.

Management threw an angle at him when he decided to retire in March or something? Personally, I hope he does come back...and in a Green Bay uniform starting.


Dancing Up A Storm
I go away for a couple of weeks, and look what happens... :lol: I guess I shouldn't be surprised he wants to come back and play. But maybe I don't understand something. What's the dilemma with Green Bay and him competing for the playing spot? I'd think if he decided to stay with Green bay, he'd start. Or maybe there's more to this, I know he'd want to play.

Management threw an angle at him when he decided to retire in March or something? Personally, I hope he does come back...and in a Green Bay uniform starting.

That's just it; it's hard to know what's really going on with him and the Packers. But last I saw on ESPN, the fans in Green Bay aren't happy with the way it's going down, and the way he's playing it.


Supper's Ready
That's just it; it's hard to know what's really going on with him and the Packers. But last I saw on ESPN, the fans in Green Bay aren't happy with the way it's going down, and the way he's playing it.

My first gut instinct was the $$$, but I'm not sure that's all of it. He is an emotional competitor type for sure, and maybe management is taking issue with it for the stability benefit of the franchise? Heck, I don't know. When I finally turned on the radio the other day and heard Brett Favre was in the news, I knew it had to be about him coming back to play. :lol:

We'll see how this plays out, but I'm thinking the end result will be that he'll be back with the Packers and starting.

Good to start thinking about football again!


New Member
He has been a crybaby for years now. Hates training camp, calls out Javon Walker for holding out through camp, then missed time himself.

Plays these same stupid games every year. It is about time someone calls him on it. Now he is trying to turn the Favre fan base against Green Bay.

What a joke.
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Football addict
Is this ongoing, epic story sounding more like a sad joke, as each day goes by?
Nope. Sounds like business to me. Of course, this is the entertainment industry we're dealing with so drama gets thrown into the mix. I haven't seen him T.O. his way through this. He wants out of Green Bay, plain and simple. As soon as a team member says that, the fans turn against him. To the average fan, what good is he to the their team anymore?

I don't see Favre as a cry-baby but he does like attention.

BTW, who does like training camp?:eyebrow:


Football addict
Now he is trying to turn the Favre fan base against Green Bay.
If you're a true fan of the team then no one single individual will make you turn against your own team. Favre isn't turning fans against Green Bay. I won't judge Green Bay because training camp hasn't even started so they have time to make a decision. If they were wise they'd either trade or cut him.

jackers said:
what a joke.
Sounds more like history to me. Remember Montana vs. Young?


Well-Known Member
If you're a true fan of the team then no one single individual will make you turn against your own team. Favre isn't turning fans against Green Bay. I won't judge Green Bay because training camp hasn't even started so they have time to make a decision. If they were wise they'd either trade or cut him.

Sounds more like history to me. Remember Montana vs. Young?

They really can't do either. They would be incapable of trading him because they would NEVER get anywhere close to value for him. Nor would they be smart to just cut him. Could you see the bidding war that would ensue between Chicago/Detroit/Minnesota? And if(when) he signed with one of those three and came back to win the season series against Green Bay, everyone in that organization, from Mark Murphy down to the towel boy would be run out of town.


New Member
All of this is getting out of hand! I'm a Packers fan and would love to see Favre play but then again Rogers has been waiting for his time in the spotlight and now its here and Favre is taking that away from him. Favre is a Packer and I can't see him playing for anyone else, that is why GB is not releasing him. Plus GB does not want him in Minn. or Chicago. I think that GB should tell both Rogers and Favre that the QB job is up for grabs and whoever does the best in training camp gets the starting job. We all know who will win that job though!


Nothing to see here
I believe I was listening to a sports talk show last Friday and they talked to a sports reporter for one of the major papers in the Green Bay area. From what the reporter said, they did a poll and it was about 60-40 that the fans didn't want Farve back, they are sick and tired of his annual game of should I retire or not. Its funny that yesterday's hoopla of 100 fans wanting him back got all the media's attention but this poll from last week didn't. If you remember, he left the Pack hanging last year with his indecision and didn't make up his mind until AFTER the draft and free agent period. I doubt they are gonna keep him, they will trade him his rights to an AFC team. Management is probably tired of dealing with him. He's a great QB, fun to watch, I love his attitude on the field, but he has done the pack dirty this year with his retirement/unretirement game thru the media..I would be telling him to go jump in a lake.


Well-Known Member
I believe I was listening to a sports talk show last Friday and they talked to a sports reporter for one of the major papers in the Green Bay area. From what the reporter said, they did a poll and it was about 60-40 that the fans didn't want Farve back, they are sick and tired of his annual game of should I retire or not. Its funny that yesterday's hoopla of 100 fans wanting him back got all the media's attention but this poll from last week didn't. If you remember, he left the Pack hanging last year with his indecision and didn't make up his mind until AFTER the draft and free agent period. I doubt they are gonna keep him, they will trade him his rights to an AFC team. Management is probably tired of dealing with him. He's a great QB, fun to watch, I love his attitude on the field, but he has done the pack dirty this year with his retirement/unretirement game thru the media..I would be telling him to go jump in a lake.

Actually, he did that two years in a row. Wah! Wah! "You gotta pay attention to me!" Talk about tarnishing a legacy...........jeeze!


Dancing Up A Storm
Actually, he did that two years in a row. Wah! Wah! "You gotta pay attention to me!" Talk about tarnishing a legacy...........jeeze!

I read what both you and otter have posted, and all I can say is - it's a damn shame it had to come down to this. There's no doubt Favre is one of the greatest quarterbacks in the history of NFL football; it is without question in my mind, that he will be in the Hall of Fame.

But, why all the drama? His image is being tarnished, the way I see it.


Nothing to see here
Actually, he did that two years in a row. Wah! Wah! "You gotta pay attention to me!" Talk about tarnishing a legacy...........jeeze!

Figured you knew that, Don Barzini, didn't want to bother the peasants with more minutia than, Farve has really dropped in alot of people's eyes with this latest game he's playing. I am probably being unfair by saying he's running a game, very few athletes go into retirement without kicking and screaming all the way.


Well-Known Member
Figured you knew that, Don Barzini, didn't want to bother the peasants with more minutia than, Farve has really dropped in alot of people's eyes with this latest game he's playing. I am probably being unfair by saying he's running a game, very few athletes go into retirement without kicking and screaming all the way.

Wellllll..............I don't think it started as a game. But when he felt what he perceived to be disrespect? "Oh, it's on now, beyotch!". He's got somebody whispering in his ear. "Play the esteemed veteran card. Your feelings are hurt. They're not paying attention. Cut me or trade me.". Anyone know if Drew Rosenhaus is Favre's agent? Cause this thing is as screwed up now from Favre's perspective as TO's "Debacle in the Driveway" with the situps.


New Member
Dan Snyder as we speak is thinking of multi-year deal for Favre. But who would he give to the Packers?


Man of Tomorrow
Dan Snyder as we speak is thinking of multi-year deal for Favre. But who would he give to the Packers?

No, he isn't. Certain members of the local media are trying to drum up some readers by starting the "What if?" game in their papers, but even they admit that its not going to happen.

David Elfin in the Washington Times said:
Yes, the Washington Redskins. Envisioning Brett in burgundy yet?

Redskins owner Dan Snyder just might be, though NFL sources believe it is highly unlikely to happen

You can read the rest of the article here, as the rest of the article is pure speculation on the part of Mr. Elfin. But after watching what the Redskins have done in the last couple of off-seasons building this team, and considering the amount of cap space they'd have to clear to even consider making this move, there is absolutely no chance that Lord Favre comes to D.C. wearing Burgandy and Gold.


New Member
As much as I like Favre and draft him every year in my fantasy leagues, I would hate for him to come to DC. Favre in burgandy and gold still would not be enough for me to like the Redskins!