The Brett Favre Saga


A couple of thoughts: One of the most important aspects of a winning franchise is team chemistry.

So, will he add or subtract to the Jets mix?

This thing(debacle) might now draw to a close(finally)

ESPN has now devoted the last 38 minutes of the 8:00am session to this news. :bigwhoop:

well what would you rather hear about....what NY and Boston teams are doing? that seems to be the only other thing they can talk about....


Active Member
A couple of thoughts: One of the most important aspects of a winning franchise is team chemistry.

So, will he add or subtract to the Jets mix?

This thing(debacle) might now draw to a close(finally)

ESPN has now devoted the last 38 minutes of the 8:00am session to this news. :bigwhoop:

Well the Jets are going to have a lot more nationally televised games now :whistle:


I guess I am getting NFL Network as a promo today or its a mistake, but I can't help but be reminded of an old SNL or Fridays skit where Buckwheat(of little rascals fame) was shot..all the news break-ins and such...:

:lmao: But you have to admit, that was some funny stuff. They kept showing him get shot in super slow motion.


New Member you think that will really happen? I mean....this has been a big debacle...I would think this front office will have to leave before something like that happens...

Once again it isn't that I wish the Packers harm because I don't like have AJ!

I just respect and love Brett for the legend he is and more so how he plays the game. I hate to see him treated this way.

I don't see Ted Tompson sticking around to much longer. The Packers are not owned by one person they are owned by the people so it will be interesting to see what happens with that.


New Member
I'm just ready for the season to start and see what Aaron Rogers has. I think he should make out just fine. People are going to give him S**t for a few games but if he does well everyone will forget about what went down with Favre.

Don't get me worng I would love to have Favre as QB, but the cards just did not fall that way this time around.
