The Brett Favre Saga

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Why in the world would you just let a player like Brett Favre go with an unconditional release?

...avoid the public relations nightmare they have now where the only people who are on their side are accountants, lawyers, vampires (sorry, I already said vampires once) folks who root for the Empire and the Dark Side of the Force, meter maids and people who drive exactly 55 mph.


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Who do...

Last, I like the desires of the fans. I am a fan myself. What makes you think from anything that I wrote that I am not in support of the fans? root for, the team or the players?

I am a Redskins fan BUT I have always rooted for and been attached to the players. Sonny, Billy, Larry, Charlie, Chris, Joe, Riggo, Art, Russ, Jake, Monte, another Charlie, Gary, CP, Jason, etc and so on and so on and so forth.

The players are the only thing that make the games matter to me.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

What I don't like is a superstar playing with his fans to oust the Front Office so he can get what he wants, especially when he wants to play for an excellent division rival with almost every piece in order to make a Superbowl run. Like I said before, he is using his fans and they are the exact ones that will be hurt when this is all said and done. the one who said this team, the Packers, is the best team he's ever been on. He wanted to be a Packer again. They could have said "We'll take Brett Effing Favre back any day" or "We've moved on." They could have said from day 1 "If you come back, we'll trade you but we won't release you."
They, with all the power and the rules and the league backing them could have avoided the fiasco of alienating one of the greatest players of all time who just had, BTW, another great year.

I'm sorry. I am not rooting for the machine.


HY;FR root for, the team or the players?

I am a Redskins fan BUT I have always rooted for and been attached to the players. Sonny, Billy, Larry, Charlie, Chris, Joe, Riggo, Art, Russ, Jake, Monte, another Charlie, Gary, CP, Jason, etc and so on and so on and so forth.

The players are the only thing that make the games matter to me.

I agree....I'm a Browns fan for Christs sake and I wish that we had the kind of icon/player/personality that Brett an age where the most id'd faces in football are Pacman Jones for being arrested, Tony Romo for doing Jessica Simpson, and Tom Brady cause he's just so gosh darn pretty:lmao: how about we have someone who can come out and play the game like a kid day in and day out...sure he throws some picks..but he's obviously thrown a lot of TD's....and one thing you will never have to worry about Brett doing is laying down...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I can not...

I agree....I'm a Browns fan for Christs sake and I wish that we had the kind of icon/player/personality that Brett an age where the most id'd faces in football are Pacman Jones for being arrested, Tony Romo for doing Jessica Simpson, and Tom Brady cause he's just so gosh darn pretty:lmao: how about we have someone who can come out and play the game like a kid day in and day out...sure he throws some picks..but he's obviously thrown a lot of TD's....and one thing you will never have to worry about Brett doing is laying down...

...conceive of anyone not wanting Brett to come back until he just can't compete. My God, there are only so many players that are worth watching a game just to see what they will do each and every time they touch the ball.


HY;FR's not like Brett is going to be teaching applied chemistry. :lmao:

You like Winslow or no?

ugh.......Yes when he's on the field and not talking to a reporter.

Brett does do some sweet A$$ Wrangler commercials

Do you think Brett came back to keep the Madden Cover Curse going?


New Member
...avoid the public relations nightmare they have now where the only people who are on their side are accountants, lawyers, vampires (sorry, I already said vampires once) folks who root for the Empire and the Dark Side of the Force, meter maids and people who drive exactly 55 mph.


So the Bengals should have just released Chad Johnson then? Brett Favre created this mess because he didn't get what he wanted...Mooch as coach, Moss as receiver, to be allowed to skip OTAs and training camp. When GBs Front Office refused to cave to his demands and threats (last year looking to be traded) he pulled off the biggest P.R. stunt in the history of the league to get his release. This was Favre's fault, not GBs. Remember, they accepted him back before the draft. He re-retired forcing them to draft backups for Rogers.

Favre can't have it both ways.
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New Member root for, the team or the players?

I am a Redskins fan BUT I have always rooted for and been attached to the players. Sonny, Billy, Larry, Charlie, Chris, Joe, Riggo, Art, Russ, Jake, Monte, another Charlie, Gary, CP, Jason, etc and so on and so on and so forth.

The players are the only thing that make the games matter to me.

I root for both. I love to see my team win but hate to see players get used in the process. When it comes down to it though, football is a business. You can't screw over the entire organization for one difficult individual.

I am telling you right now, even though I am a Saints fan I will be Rogers' biggest supporter this year. He has been nothing but professional this entire time and it is unfair that he will not get a fair shot.

If you care for players you should be supporting him, not Favre here.


New Member the one who said this team, the Packers, is the best team he's ever been on. He wanted to be a Packer again. They could have said "We'll take Brett Effing Favre back any day" or "We've moved on." They could have said from day 1 "If you come back, we'll trade you but we won't release you."
They, with all the power and the rules and the league backing them could have avoided the fiasco of alienating one of the greatest players of all time who just had, BTW, another great year.

I'm sorry. I am not rooting for the machine.

If he wanted to be a Packer then why the day he retired did his agent say that he couldn't see Favre playing in GB again? I will find the quote for you.

And GB did take him back. It is just he re-retired before it was announced. They had no choice but to move on and find a backup, which they did immediately afterwards in the draft.

When did they say they wouldn't trade him? They were clear from the beginning that he was Rogers' backup and was free to seek out a trade, just not with a division rival that they have to face twice a year.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

If he wanted to be a Packer then why the day he retired did his agent say that he couldn't see Favre playing in GB again? I will find the quote for you.

And GB did take him back. It is just he re-retired before it was announced. They had no choice but to move on and find a backup, which they did immediately afterwards in the draft.

When did they say they wouldn't trade him? They were clear from the beginning that he was Rogers' backup and was free to seek out a trade, just not with a division rival that they have to face twice a year.


Fight the power!

Rage against the machine!!!

Viva Fa-vre! Viva Fa-vre!


Larry Gude

Strung Out
The hell...

I root for both. I love to see my team win but hate to see players get used in the process. When it comes down to it though, football is a business. You can't screw over the entire organization for one difficult individual.

I am telling you right now, even though I am a Saints fan I will be Rogers' biggest supporter this year. He has been nothing but professional this entire time and it is unfair that he will not get a fair shot.

If you care for players you should be supporting him, not Favre here. can't.

Ever hear of Hershel Walker or Ricky "ear" Williams? :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out

So the Bengals should have just released Chad Johnson then? Brett Favre created this mess because he didn't get what he wanted...Mooch as coach, Moss as receiver, to be allowed to skip OTAs and training camp. When GBs Front Office refused to cave to his demands and threats (last year looking to be traded) he pulled off the biggest P.R. stunt in the history of the league to get his release. This was Favre's fault, not GBs. Remember, they accepted him back before the draft. He re-retired forcing them to draft backups for Rogers.

Favre can't have it both ways.

...are the way insinutating a marginal star like Chad into this conversation about God, not me.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think...

Do you think Brett came back to keep the Madden Cover Curse going?

...Favre came back because A, he got his head clear. B, he got rested, C, he got bored and D, he knows he's still one of the very best in the game and E, he wants to PLAY football and I think every single one of us knew, in our hearts, there was NO way he was done.

Which makes the Packers uber hella stupid.



Nothing to see here
Which makes the Packers uber hella stupid.


Uber stupid is all the fans buying into poor ole country boy Bretts song and dance, IMO. The Pack would have gotten nothing with Brett retired, possibly could have paid 20 mill to keep him retired, but now will be compensated quite handsomely by the bidding war between the Buccs and Jets..Of course this is all my opinion, but the Packers are gonna be the winners in all this hoopla.

Also,remember to beware of opinions of guys that grow flowers.