The Brilliant protesters...


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: What's up with the Post these days?

Originally posted by Larry Gude
First, Richard Cohen, unabashed liberal lays the stupidity of affirmative action to rest and now...

While I think it fundamental to freedom to be able to argue ones point publicly, isn't there a point where the facts matter?
:cool: Interesting article, Larry. I'd heard that the chief sponsors for "peace" rallies were of the organization International Answer, and that it has communist roots: the Workers World Party. The author implies that this is the group the left is running with now. That is a fairly serious charge. Two questions that bother me:
(1) Does the hierarchy of the Democratic Party know this group IA is a Communist front group?
(2) How will the revelation effect American votership, knowing the Democrats aligned themselves with a Communist group?
The Workers World Party? That's with whom the Democraps are joining hands with when they march in rallies in Washington and San Francisco, even if they do not realize who their benefactors are; hell, that makes it worse because it shows blind ignorance as to whos' cause you are really supporting!
:mad: penn
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endangered species
This is actually a very serious issue and debate among leftist activists. (I don't think it has anything to do with "democrats" per se).

Yes, we know who these guys are, and as distasteful as it is to be supporting them in some way, they are the only game in town right now. There is a furious effort to get a "cleaner" organization in place to oppose the war, but can we do it? Don't know yet. As ANSWER'S roots become more widely known, their ability to organize these events will diminish, but it will also open the door for somebody else to move in. Stay tuned, we shall see how it turns out.


Dancing Up A Storm
Left-wing Stalinists

Originally posted by MGKrebs
This is actually a very serious issue and debate among leftist activists. (I don't think it has anything to do with "democrats" per se).

Yes, we know who these guys are, and as distasteful as it is to be supporting them in some way, they are the only game in town right now.
MGKrebs, when I posted that last, I was thinking "these fools(McKinney and Conyers) don't even know who is organizing and sponsoring these rallies, yet they are perfectly willing to get up on a platform and stump for those Int. ANSWER stooges. They played right into their hands - BUT - as you say "they're the only game in town right now", it is more than highly possible that these people know damn well who they are working for!

:burning: penn
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Asperger's Poster Child
Re: What's up with the Post these days?

Originally posted by Larry Gude
First, Richard Cohen, unabashed liberal lays the stupidity of affirmative action to rest and now...

While I think it fundamental to freedom to be able to argue ones point publicly, isn't there a point where the facts matter?

Thanks for the article, Larry. Michael Kelly is often too extreme for me, but he makes an excellent point. I wish he had mentioned that the Communist Party in America have a long history of attaching itself, like a leech, to progressive political movements. Back in the '30s, it convinced many segregation opponents that it was the only group doing anything for that cause. For decades, unions fought for years to stay away from the Commies.


endangered species
It's unfortunate, but for whatever reason, ANSWER was able to come up with the organization (and money presumably) to coordinate these events, and nobody else has been able to get cranked up. I'm pretty sure that a different incarnation of them arranged a lot of the VietNam era stuff too.

This has all happened relatively quickly- the intent is to PREVENT the war, at least until we get international support, so it had to happen fast.

I think all sides recognize that if/when the war starts, it will be over quickly, therefore too late to have any influence on the debate, and also the damage will be done.

It seems unlikely war will be avoided, so the association of anti-war activists with these guys will be short lived and moot very soon. I think it is a mistake to discredit the motivations of the bulk of anti-war protesters because of ANSWER'S involvement, but we made the bed.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Let's not be naïve…

Of course everybody knows the players in these games, their history and their real agenda: the advancement, success and sustenance of global communism.

Senator Joseph McCarthy (not Eugene, in case anyone gets them confused, like I did) was not making everything up. The Rosenberg’s did work for the Soviets. Alger Hiss was a Soviet spy. Red China is making attempts at espionage in Los Alamos today and anywhere else they consider it in their national interest. There has been an organized, foreign sponsored communist apparatus in this country for as long as communism has had the ability to maintain it, at least since the early 1900’s.

That should not be surprising. What I find surprising (not really...let's call it...wrong) is the apologists and history revisionists. These people just KNOW everything Trent Lott REALLY means and what republicans REALLY think about you, me and the man in the moon yet, Lott, David Duke and the like are publicly and unequivocally denounced as misrepresentative of what Republicans stand for and what they will and won’t tolerate.

Then, these same critics sanctimoniously stand with and/or behind organizations who work for one thing; the downfall of Constitutional government that holds the individual preeminent over the state; government of the people, for the people, by the people.

They say things like “Yes, we know who these guys are, and as distasteful as it is to be supporting them in some way, they are the only game in town right now. There is a furious effort to get a "cleaner" organization in place to oppose the war, but can we do it?”

Slavery used to be the “only game in town” to. Look at the “outrage” whenever Christianity proffers a broad opinion. Bob Jones University, the CCC. The cacophony is unified: “Evil!” they shout.


It's a price of doing business as a free country. The problem is when institutions like the New York Times don't want you to know the truth.


endangered species
Disgusting, half-as*ed comment as usual.

Unlike slavery, this is a battle between two groups who have free will. It becomes a question of who is using whom. If the socialists (I'm not certain they are communists. They are Stalinists- is that communist? I don't know.) can provide the venue for anti-war protests, must they be avoided because of other, albeit significant, differences? Even if they are not promoted at the anti-war rallies?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's a good one!

You must be kidding.

Unlike slavery, this is a battle between two groups who have free will

Do you know who Vladamir Lenin was?

(I'm not certain they are communists. They are Stalinists- is that communist? I don't know.)

Do you know what he stood for?

Do you know who Joeseph Stalin was?

Do you really expect me to believe that you just have no idea who the greatest mass murderers and subjectors of people the world has ever known are and what they stood for???



Dancing Up A Storm
Re: That's a good one!

Originally posted by Larry Gude
You must be kidding.

Do you know who Vladamir Lenin was?

Do you know what he stood for?

Do you know who Joseph Stalin was?

Do you really expect me to believe that you just have no idea who the greatest mass murderers and subjectors of people the world has ever known are and what they stood for???
The way I see it Larry, is this: More Americans across this country need to be aware of who is organising and sponsoring these rallies across this country. What I intend to do is E-Mail Bill O' and post this information to him. He's very good at investigative reporting and we'll see if he picks up on this.
I think their goal is anti-American sentiment, and if the Democrats are in bed with them, reliable news services ought to be reporting it. I haven't seen anything on this on ABC, NBC, or CBS yet.

PS: I copied/pasted the URL above into an E-Mail and a little blurb and have sent it on. We will see if he reacts to it.
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endangered species
I admit a lack of familiarity with these guys. Of course I've heard of the historical figures, but that doesn't help me understand what a "stalinist" is. I assume they aren't pro-mass murder. How does "stalinist" differ from "marxist-Leninist"? Politically, were they all communists? Are the current "-ists"?

I'll be looking into it. If they are horrible people, then yes, I will avoid them, but that won't change my anti-war view anyway.

I apologize for the earlier harsh comment. I need to be able to make my points without losing my temper.