The case against Trump


PREMO Member
We have the lowest rate of inflation in the industrialized world and lowest unemployment

Nice dodge you stupid bint

the current rate of inflation has NOTHING to do with the current price of milk,

COST OF GOODS IS STILL UP Since Trump was in Office ...

I am not spending $ 140 bucks a week for what used to cost 60 - 75


Well-Known Member

Well, Gomer. That tends to happen when you have an incompetent bouffantes buffoon as president who dumps over $8T worth of cash in the economy.



Well-Known Member
Hey it's ALWAYS good news if the sky high prices for everything isn't getting WORSE - as fast.

Kind of like finding out your tumor is only a LITTLE bit bigger.


Well-Known Member
The wall is a glorious example of how stupid and simple-minded these Trump-humpers are.

How do you keep people out? A wall. A tangible item. That's the line of critical thinking, full stop. Nothing is considered beyond that, because it's literally beyond supporters' capabilities in what passes for their minds.

If Trump said we were going to build a big, beautiful TUNNEL to get to Europe instead of airplanes, his retarded base would back “The Tunnel”. They would bend over backwards to defend the most beautiful Tunnel ever.
Because there's only about 60 some countries with thousands of miles of walls around the world. I guess they all love Trump too.

OBVIOUSLY if you build a wall you have to have the structure to police them. The Berlin Wall would have been POINTLESS without someone watching it. During the Soviet Era, for many countries there literally was an Iron Curtain. Right now, Finland is building a wall - fence - along its border with Russia.

Right now, wall or not, we don't even possess the will to turn anyone BACK. They could climb the wall right now in full view of the Border Patrol.

Walls - fences - etc - they impede movement. That's why they exist. Otherwise, why build a wall around a prison - or around a military base - or around the White House?


BTW - a transatlantic tunnel HAS been proposed and examined, in the past. Technology isn't there yet, but I might live long enough to see it get started.


Well-Known Member
Hey it's ALWAYS good news if the sky high prices for everything isn't getting WORSE - as fast.

Kind of like finding out your tumor is only a LITTLE bit bigger.
Our economy is predicated on perpetual growth so this will *always* be the case.


Well-Known Member
Because there's only about 60 some countries with thousands of miles of walls around the world. I guess they all love Trump too.

OBVIOUSLY if you build a wall you have to have the structure to police them. The Berlin Wall would have been POINTLESS without someone watching it.
Other countries are free to do as they wish.

And re: the Berlin Wall? Of course, it was built to keep people IN. Yet, thousands STILL made it to West Germany.

Walls do not work. This is immutable fact. It’s been shown time and time again.


Well-Known Member
Our economy is predicated on perpetual growth so this will *always* be the case.
I'm guessing you don't track the costs of groceries, which unlike cell phones or cars - tend to NOT rise much in price.

THAT - and the fact that until recently - inflation was so low - no one even talked about it. This is the first time I can remember inflation being in the news since the 70's.


Well-Known Member
Other countries are free to do as they wish.

And re: the Berlin Wall? Of course, it was built to keep people IN. Yet, thousands STILL made it to West Germany.

Walls do not work. This is immutable fact. It’s been shown time and time again.
My point was - for some reason - people keep building them. Nations keep building them. People, companies, amusement parks.
They build them to keep people out - they build them to keep people IN. Rich people build them around their estates.

Everywhere I go - I see walls and fences and they are not there for decoration.

I have YET to see a military base without a wall around it. I mean - can't IMAGINE why? right? Because - they don't work?
We built one around the federal center I work at - to stop car thefts. It worked.

They absolutely work BETTER - than nothing. I don't see this as - immutable fact. What is the purpose - at all - at having them around the White House? Because they don't work?


PREMO Member
They absolutely work BETTER - than nothing. I don't see this as - immutable fact. What is the purpose - at all - at having them around the White House? Because they don't work?

Obstructions impede all but the most determined, those you can pick up with Border Enforcement


Well-Known Member
Obstructions impede all but the most determined, those you can pick up with Border Enforcement
I think he's trying to make the case that since SOMEONE *can* get through a wall, having one serves no purpose - and we only have 6000 years of civilization to show, they do accomplish their purpose. Otherwise, one could make the case that you should never build say, a prison because it is actually possible to escape.


PREMO Member
I think he's trying to make the case that since SOMEONE *can* get through a wall, having one serves no purpose - and we only have 6000 years of civilization to show, they do accomplish their purpose. Otherwise, one could make the case that you should never build say, a prison because it is actually possible to escape.

I don't give that much credit ... a troll does not change stripes


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The wall is a glorious example of how stupid and simple-minded these Trump-humpers are.

How do you keep people out? A wall. A tangible item. That's the line of critical thinking, full stop. Nothing is considered beyond that, because it's literally beyond supporters' capabilities in what passes for their minds.

If Trump said we were going to build a big, beautiful TUNNEL to get to Europe instead of airplanes, his retarded base would back “The Tunnel”. They would bend over backwards to defend the most beautiful Tunnel ever.

Are your parents hateful too and raised you to be this way, or are they embarrassed by you?


Well-Known Member
Are your parents hateful too and raised you to be this way, or are they embarrassed by you?
My bewilderment is that he often is quite lucid and has interesting things to say, even if I don't agree.

And there's the times he's just an irritating ass, probably because he DOESN'T have something to say.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My bewilderment is that he often is quite lucid and has interesting things to say, even if I don't agree.

And there's the times he's just an irritating ass, probably because he DOESN'T have something to say.

A lot of times weak men develop an online persona that's belligerent and aggressive because they don't dare assert themselves in real life.


Well-Known Member
Due to Trumps policies and an unprecedented pandemic*

So you admit Biden is fixing Trumps screw up.

Is your savior going to own up to ANYTHING bad during his tenure? How can 1 President be responsible for EVERYTHING bad that happens between January 2017 to Now?
If all the bad things are Trump's fault.. and they are STILL Trump's fault, then what exactly has your savior done to fix any of it? According to you, there are still lots and lots of badness that is Trump's fault, right? When is your boy gonna step up and make everything good again?