Is your savior going to own up to ANYTHING bad during his tenure? How can 1 President be responsible for EVERYTHING bad that happens between January 2017 to Now?
If all the bad things are Trump's fault.. and they are STILL Trump's fault, then what exactly has your savior done to fix any of it? According to you, there are still lots and lots of badness that is Trump's fault, right? When is your boy gonna step up and make everything good again?
It's Democrat tradition. Clinton blamed everything on "12 years of Republican administration" - kind of overlooking that the general upward boom of the economy was also part of that. Obama made a career out of "It's Bush's fault". Joke in Washington was that earthquake that happened in Virginia? It was on a heretofore unknown plate boundary known as "Bush's Fault". Obama blamed everything on Bush up until halfway through his second term.
Hence - my oft repeated argument - if I hired a mechanic or plumber who screwed things up royally after working on something for days and got paid a lot of money, especially if they GOT THE JOB by insisting they could fix it ........
I would FIRE THEIR ASS, because "it was that way when I got here" is exactly why I hired them - it is not an excuse.
I would LOVE TO HEAR ONE DEMOCRAT say, it's a mess, but it is MY MESS now. And you can fire me if I don't get it done.
The closest we get is what we have now - a complete chit show and they come in and say see how great it is? It's the best it's ever been!