The case against Trump


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Is your savior going to own up to ANYTHING bad during his tenure?
Did Obama? Clinton?

Hell... Does ANY Democrat ever own up to their ####-ups?

####, the perpetually criminal, repeatedly indicted, sleazeball from NJ is still in Lie, Deny and Obfuscate Mode in full view of all the evidence against him and his crooked wife. :lmao:


Well-Known Member
Is your savior going to own up to ANYTHING bad during his tenure? How can 1 President be responsible for EVERYTHING bad that happens between January 2017 to Now?
If all the bad things are Trump's fault.. and they are STILL Trump's fault, then what exactly has your savior done to fix any of it? According to you, there are still lots and lots of badness that is Trump's fault, right? When is your boy gonna step up and make everything good again?
It's Democrat tradition. Clinton blamed everything on "12 years of Republican administration" - kind of overlooking that the general upward boom of the economy was also part of that. Obama made a career out of "It's Bush's fault". Joke in Washington was that earthquake that happened in Virginia? It was on a heretofore unknown plate boundary known as "Bush's Fault". Obama blamed everything on Bush up until halfway through his second term.

Hence - my oft repeated argument - if I hired a mechanic or plumber who screwed things up royally after working on something for days and got paid a lot of money, especially if they GOT THE JOB by insisting they could fix it ........

I would FIRE THEIR ASS, because "it was that way when I got here" is exactly why I hired them - it is not an excuse.

I would LOVE TO HEAR ONE DEMOCRAT say, it's a mess, but it is MY MESS now. And you can fire me if I don't get it done.

The closest we get is what we have now - a complete chit show and they come in and say see how great it is? It's the best it's ever been!


Well-Known Member
Is your savior going to own up to ANYTHING bad during his tenure? How can 1 President be responsible for EVERYTHING bad that happens between January 2017 to Now?
If all the bad things are Trump's fault.. and they are STILL Trump's fault, then what exactly has your savior done to fix any of it? According to you, there are still lots and lots of badness that is Trump's fault, right? When is your boy gonna step up and make everything good again?

You just said the numbers were going down on inflation right? So that shows things are changing for the better under Biden right?

So his economic policies are reversing the effects of Trumps bad policies.

Like where he cuts taxes for large businesses and the rich increasing the national debt by almost $8 billion

Why must i explain these things to you when they are all easily found by doing the dmallest amount of research?


Well-Known Member
It's Democrat tradition. Clinton blamed everything on "12 years of Republican administration" - kind of overlooking that the general upward boom of the economy was also part of that. Obama made a career out of "It's Bush's fault". Joke in Washington was that earthquake that happened in Virginia? It was on a heretofore unknown plate boundary known as "Bush's Fault". Obama blamed everything on Bush up until halfway through his second term.

Hence - my oft repeated argument - if I hired a mechanic or plumber who screwed things up royally after working on something for days and got paid a lot of money, especially if they GOT THE JOB by insisting they could fix it ........

I would FIRE THEIR ASS, because "it was that way when I got here" is exactly why I hired them - it is not an excuse.

I would LOVE TO HEAR ONE DEMOCRAT say, it's a mess, but it is MY MESS now. And you can fire me if I don't get it done.

The closest we get is what we have now - a complete chit show and they come in and say see how great it is? It's the best it's ever been!

Well then how come the democrat presidents were able to balance the budget and reduce the national debt while all the republicans presidents did the opposite?

Like Mike Johnson just said you can't turn around an air craft carrier over night.

The pandemic and supply chain caused inflation throughout the entire world.

Backed by Trumps tax cuts for the wealth you've got a recipe for disaster.

Our inflation rate is the lowest of the G7 nations as is our unemployment.

Things are improving and will continue to do so.


Well-Known Member
You just said the numbers were going down on inflation right? So that shows things are changing for the better under Biden right?
Amazing that inflation was sitting nice and pretty until January 2021. Impeccable timing huh? Remind me again.. what happened in January 2021??


PREMO Member
You just said the numbers were going down on inflation right? So that shows things are changing for the better under Biden right?

So his economic policies are reversing the effects of Trumps bad policies.

No Dumbass Inflation did not rise to 15% ... that happened because of BIDENOMICS


Well-Known Member
And absolutely nothing to do with your savior coming in and wiping out all of the policies previously put into place that people were thriving on huh?

Why do you always say these people are our "saviors". normal people don't think of elected officals as saviors. Only people like you in cults do. Trump was your savior.

Obama and Biden are people elected to do a job

In fact, most of the rise in inflation in 2021 and 2022 was driven by developments that directly raised prices rather than wages, including sharp increases in global commodity prices and sectoral price spikes driven by a combination of pandemic-induced kinks in supply chains and a huge shift in demand during the pandemic to goods from services. Fiscal policy contributed to the inflation, but primarily through its effects on consumer demand for commodities and goods in limited supply rather than through the labor market.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member


PREMO Member
Inflation is lower in the United States than in other comparable nations. Column graph showing harmonized inflation across nations, with headline inflation highest in the United Kingdom at 8.7 percent and lowest in the United States at 2.7 percent.Jul 25, 2023

While it’s true that the annual rate of inflation has cooled from its high last summer, this doesn’t translate directly into falling consumer prices. It only means that prices are rising at a lower rate.