The catch of the day


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
This kitten thought about walking into my house, but finally decided that the live trap we set with food was a better choice than the house with the growling adult cats warning him away.

Sorry the picture isn't better, it was the only way I could get him off of my shoulder to take the picture.

This little guy is free to a good home. He is no more than 8 weeks old, possibly younger. Male. He is EXTREMELY affectionate, but despite that I'm certain he is part of the rapidly growing feral cat population around my house, so he has to go.


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My Sweetest Boy
This kitten thought about walking into my house, but finally decided that the live trap we set with food was a better choice than the house with the growling adult cats warning him away.

Sorry the picture isn't better, it was the only way I could get him off of my shoulder to take the picture.

This little guy is free to a good home. He is no more than 8 weeks old, possibly younger. Male. He is EXTREMELY affectionate, but despite that I'm certain he is part of the rapidly growing feral cat population around my house, so he has to go.

No way he's feral.


My Sweetest Boy
He's been seen repeatedly around the house for the last week. In the woods, in the backyard, sitting by the road, darting across the road in front of cars, etc.

A feral kitten would claw you to pieces IF you could even get near it.


Salt Life
He's not, but I bet mom and dad are. No one in their right mind is letting a pet kitten this young out to run loose. He's definitely a stray.

I had two strays show up on my porch a few weeks ago. One disappeared after a few days and the other (younger) stayed. I was able to find him a home with 3 other siblings. He's doing well and the family loves him!!

Keep posting here and on FB; also try the classifieds and CL. Ask friends to ask their friends and co-workers. The rescues are full. Only other option is to drop him off at the shelter if you don't want to/can't keep him. Good luck!


A feral kitten would claw you to pieces IF you could even get near it.

Is that really true? I'm not trying to insult you but I have to ask the question. I am asking because I am a dog person who has recently had four feral cats take up residence nearby. I managed to make a two-fer catch the other night in a humane trap with some Fancy Feast of a Burman (named Budda) style and a black and white (Chick-Fil-A Cow print)cat. My g/f is a cat person so now my little friends are at her house. The Burman seems to be ok in the sense that she has shown no aggression towards a human, she is timid and shakes a bit but is ok with sitting on a lap and be handled. The Cow print on the other hand is not tearing after a person but it definitely does not want much contact, I am assuming that the g/f will have a break through moment in the near future with it. Neither of these cats are adults yet estimates are 6-8 months on the Burman and 9-12 months on the cow print. I still have 2 more to catch as I don't want kittens running amok where there are 3 dogs of various hunting instinct currently living with me.

I am looking for help in the form of answers as I have never taken in any critter other than my dogs that I picked up. I read the post regarding the Feral Cat Rescue is located in Great Mills, does anyone know if anything of the sort is located in or near the Northern end of the county (not the TCAS on 231 either)? If not, does anyone have ideas for a cheap spay/neuter and vaccination place that would be willing to do 4 feral cats? Does anyone do eartipping in the area? I know that it is cruel to some but from what I have read it is the only "safe" method of marking a feral cat that is "cared for" but if it is the only way to keep the critters from being destroyed if caught again then I would be willing to pay for that service too. Do the local animal wardens not put tipped cats down if caught?

Thanks in advance for any helpful responses.
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Well-Known Member
A feral kitten would claw you to pieces IF you could even get near it.

How do you know if a cat is feral? There is this cute white w/ gray patches cat over by our pier. He was chasing and attacking this crap out of these two smaller dogs the other day :lol: Its also done the same thing to a few squirells (sp)

But sometimes it just lays out in the sun and lets you get close enough to pet. I wanna take it home but oh no Big B said no way he hates cats :mad:


Active Member
Ear Tipping is a way to let Rescuers know that the Cat has been Spayed, or Neutered. It's far better than the animal having to be opened up for the 2nd, or even the 3rd time,only to be determined it's already been done. You can contact the Well Pet Clinic in Waldorf. It's also known as Last Chance Rescue. I don't have the number handy right now. Good prices on everything, to include Flea Medications. Oh..I forgot to mention, that ear tipping is usually done on cats in the Feral Communities, like behind Grocery Stores, or at the Landfill. I might be wrong.


My Sweetest Boy
How do you know if a cat is feral? There is this cute white w/ gray patches cat over by our pier. He was chasing and attacking this crap out of these two smaller dogs the other day :lol: Its also done the same thing to a few squirells (sp)

But sometimes it just lays out in the sun and lets you get close enough to pet. I wanna take it home but oh no Big B said no way he hates cats :mad:

A true feral cat is wild..was never tamed or has become wild from being on its own/without an owner for so long. They will not come to a human or even get near one. A feral kitten, even a young one (say 4 weeks) will claw and bite if caught.

Last (semi) feral I attempted to catch (and did) was from a under a dock. Bit and clawed me, but I survived. (queue up Katelin...)


Salt Life
Last (semi) feral I attempted to catch (and did) was from a under a dock. Bit and clawed me, but I survived. (queue up Katelin...)
You deserved it because you did not handle the cat properly. You are such a douche. Geeze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What's the first thing you should do when you encounter a foreign cat?????????? Huh????? Feed or weigh... feed or weigh... quick!!!


My Sweetest Boy
You deserved it because you did not handle the cat properly. You are such a douche. Geeze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What's the first thing you should do when you encounter a foreign cat?????????? Huh????? Feed or weigh... feed or weigh... quick!!!

I determined it to be foreign, from Charles County.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Last (semi) feral I attempted to catch (and did) was from a under a dock. Bit and clawed me, but I survived. (queue up Katelin...)

Gidget still freaks out over humans. Then she'll get a wild hair (ha) and be all over everybody. She'll occasionally let someone else pick her up, but she buries her face in their arm so she can't see them. :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You deserved it because you did not handle the cat properly. You are such a douche. Geeze!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What's the first thing you should do when you encounter a foreign cat?????????? Huh????? Feed or weigh... feed or weigh... quick!!!

Dang, that was pretty good :lol:
You say tomato, I say tomahto.

You say it's not a feral, I say it is because it is a living in the wild kitten with no human owners and it's parent cats do not live in a house or have human owners either.

Whatever it's called, it's still a kitten that needs a home.

Who wants it?