The Child Support Solution.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
RoseRed said:
Pick your battles. This just ain't it. He is worthless and doesn't even know it.
Well, I looked in the fight club, but that isn't worth fighting either. Another SC thread thingy. Think I"ll just meander down to the kitchen and eat my 6th thin mint of the night, tyvm.......


American Beauty
PREMO Member
BS Gal said:
Well, I looked in the fight club, but that isn't worth fighting either. Another SC thread thingy. Think I"ll just meander down to the kitchen and eat my 6th thin mint of the night, tyvm.......

That is just another train wreck, another not bothering to respond to. :lmao:

Enjoy your cookies... :lol:

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

Toxick said:
... ... If you were simply opining that 65% is excessive, that would be one thing - however you are completely misunderstanding or misreading the page you cite, or you're being deliberately obtuse, and propagating a thinly veiled deception.
:coffee: Actually parents that have the hard fixed set amounts set based on 25 percent will miss one day of work and the child support law still demands that same fixed amount thus then the 65% comes in.

Like $10. per hour having child support set at $75. per 40 hour week will miss one day of work so then 32 hours but the child support law still takes the full fixed set amount of $75. so then the $75. is now 33 percent instead of the Court ordered 25% ($75.) of the parents paycheck. And when the parent misses two days of work (snow, sick, etc.) then the fixed set amount of $75. is 40 percent of the parent's paycheck, miss 3 days and it is 60% and if the parent gets laid off or sick all week then the law still requires 100 percent of the $75. even though the parent made nothing. Thus we have baseless arrears and deadbroke parents in jail with the arrears going up based on no percentage at all. One hundred percentage payment with zero salary. It is senceless and oppressive and unjust and it needs to be stopped.

:bigwhoop: ---------------------------- :wench:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
JPC said:
:coffee: Actually parents that have the hard fixed set amounts set based on 25 percent will miss one day of work and the child support law still demands that same fixed amount thus then the 65% comes in.

Like $10. per hour having child support set at $75. per 40 hour week will miss one day of work so then 32 hours but the child support law still takes the full fixed set amount of $75. so then the $75. is now 33 percent instead of the Court ordered 25% ($75.) of the parents paycheck. And when the parent misses two days of work (snow, sick, etc.) then the fixed set amount of $75. is 40 percent of the parent's paycheck, miss 3 days and it is 60% and if the parent gets laid off or sick all week then the law still requires 100 percent of the $75. even though the parent made nothing. Thus we have baseless arrears and deadbroke parents in jail with the arrears going up based on no percentage at all. One hundred percentage payment with zero salary. It is senceless and oppressive and unjust and it needs to be stopped.

:bigwhoop: ---------------------------- :wench:

What about the custodial parent who has to stay home with the sick child and miss a day of pay if they do not have any sick or vacation leave?

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

RoseRed said:
I am SO lucky that my ex is more than happy to pay support for our daughter. He knows I cannot afford all the extras (dance classes, field trips, etc.) if I were all left up to me. He WANTS to help make sure that she gets the extras, in addition to food, a decent roof over her head and clothing.

Some people get it...
:popcorn: I do get that. Everybody gets that. Except for the baseless child support laws that do not get it at all.

RR's ex WANTS to help as does all parents want to help their own children but we have child support laws that only demand excessive petty cash so that many separated parents are forced into poverty and into crime.

:wench: ---------------------------- :buttkick:


Well-Known Member
JPC said:
:coffee: Actually parents that have the hard fixed set amounts set based on 25 percent will miss one day of work and the child support law still demands that same fixed amount thus then the 65% comes in.

Like $10. per hour having child support set at $75. per 40 hour week will miss one day of work so then 32 hours but the child support law still takes the full fixed set amount of $75. so then the $75. is now 33 percent instead of the Court ordered 25% ($75.) of the parents paycheck. And when the parent misses two days of work (snow, sick, etc.) then the fixed set amount of $75. is 40 percent of the parent's paycheck, miss 3 days and it is 60% and if the parent gets laid off or sick all week then the law still requires 100 percent of the $75. even though the parent made nothing. Thus we have baseless arrears and deadbroke parents in jail with the arrears going up based on no percentage at all. One hundred percentage payment with zero salary. It is senceless and oppressive and unjust and it needs to be stopped.

:bigwhoop: ---------------------------- :wench:

with a mind like that, its no wonder you can't keep a job- not that you are looking.

So what happens in your example there, does the child stop having needs because you get snowed in for a day, or are too lazy to get up for work?


JPC said:
Like $10. per hour having child support set at $75. per 40 hour week will miss one day of work so then 32 hours but the child support law still takes the full fixed set amount of $75

Uh - YEAH!

Just because someone takes a day off, their kid still has to eat the same amount of food, and wear the same amount of clothes, use the same amount of electricity, needs the same amount of gasoline to get to soccer practice...

And for the sake of argument, we'll ignore the fact that almost every place of employment that hires American citizens has sick-days or paid-time off for full time employees.

JPC said:
so then the $75. is now 33 percent instead of the Court ordered 25% ($75.) of the parents paycheck. And when the parent misses two days of work (snow, sick, etc.) then the fixed set amount of $75. is 40 percent

I can do the math.

But you still seem to be missing the point (or more accurately ignoring the point) that no matter what, your child requires the same amount of nourishment, shelter, transportation, etc. regardless of snow or flu-bugs.

And MY TAXES - money that I earned shouldn't be used for that purpose.

I have my own kids to feed and clothe and send to college, thank you very much. And I manage to do it when over 1/3 of my income is stolen from me on a bi-weekly basis.

And I'm not saying this because I have a superiority complex, or because I think I'm better than anyone else. It's a simple statement of fact. And I daresay that if I can manage to do this, anyone can.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

RoseRed said:
What about the custodial parent who has to stay home with the sick child and miss a day of pay if they do not have any sick or vacation leave?
:coffee: All Custodials (like all humanity) do have big difficulties but that does not justify turning the bitterness against their children's other parent. Justice verses injustice.

:yay: Even if popular opinion keeps believing the shallow slander that those other parents are really "deadbeat parents" (which they are not) then do we not see that this same unjust child support system will keep attacking our society until some one stops it? All the children will grow up and they too will face this unjust system because we fail to correct it today.

So if most do not want to reform the child support system then do teach the young ones today that God said to be fruitful and to multiply but our government says they better be afraid to do it. Tell all the young ones today to get married and be happy but fear divorce and fear "big daddy" government because it is waiting to attack. Teach all our children (male and female) that they better get custody.

Do talk big here on this forum but do not fail to teach the young ones that the Courts are not safe and that the laws are brutal and that their big enemy is to be trusting because this child support system will turn our own children into some of those other parents too.

:wench: ----------------------------------- :smack:


JPC said:
:coffee: Actually parents that have the hard fixed set amounts set based on 25 percent will miss one day of work and the child support law still demands that same fixed amount thus then the 65% comes in.

Like $10. per hour having child support set at $75. per 40 hour week will miss one day of work so then 32 hours but the child support law still takes the full fixed set amount of $75. so then the $75. is now 33 percent instead of the Court ordered 25% ($75.) of the parents paycheck. And when the parent misses two days of work (snow, sick, etc.) then the fixed set amount of $75. is 40 percent of the parent's paycheck, miss 3 days and it is 60% and if the parent gets laid off or sick all week then the law still requires 100 percent of the $75. even though the parent made nothing. Thus we have baseless arrears and deadbroke parents in jail with the arrears going up based on no percentage at all. One hundred percentage payment with zero salary. It is senceless and oppressive and unjust and it needs to be stopped.

:bigwhoop: ---------------------------- :wench:
I totally agree with your point :yay:

If a garnishment is in place to take $100 which is 25% of $400 then your weekly take home is reduced to say $300 the $100 will come out as scheduled which is 33%.

Unfortunately there is no way possible to be sure the exact percentage is taken.

You do of course realize that the #1, BEST way to keep this from happening is to not let the situation get to the point you are in arrears and garnished don't you?

You complaining about an extra percentage or two being taken via garnishment because you missed a day is like a serial killer complaining because his cot in jail is too hard.
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JPC said:
:coffee: All Custodials (like all humanity) do have big difficulties but that does not justify turning the bitterness against their children's other parent. Justice verses injustice.

:yay: Even if popular opinion keeps believing the shallow slander that those other parents are really "deadbeat parents" (which they are not) then do we not see that this same unjust child support system will keep attacking our society until some one stops it? All the children will grow up and they too will face this unjust system because we fail to correct it today.

So if most do not want to reform the child support system then do teach the young ones today that God said to be fruitful and to multiply but our government says they better be afraid to do it. Tell all the young ones today to get married and be happy but fear divorce and fear "big daddy" government because it is waiting to attack. Teach all our children (male and female) that they better get custody.

Do talk big here on this forum but do not fail to teach the young ones that the Courts are not safe and that the laws are brutal and that their big enemy is to be trusting because this child support system will turn our own children into some of those other parents too.

:wench: ----------------------------------- :smack:
:blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:

Same drivel and outright lies different day.

There ARE deadbeat parents.

Not all kids are taken care of.

Child support is NOT unjust.

Calling deadbeats deadbeats is not slander.

Bitterness happens when you fail to provide support and force the custodial parent into having the state track down and jail the kids "other" parent.

The state did not just decide one Tuesday morning to go after James P. Cusick Sr. DING DING DING, your ex had to have asked the state to pursue you.

Courts are just to people who follow the law.


Well-Known Member
Pete said:
Courts are just to people who follow the law.

and they are generally just to those who break it too, might not be fun, but i think its just to send away a deadbeat azzhat like this. His kids were probably better off knowing hios lame azz was in jail.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Pete said:
:blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:

Same drivel and outright lies different day.

There ARE deadbeat parents.

Not all kids are taken care of.

Child support is NOT unjust.

Calling deadbeats deadbeats is not slander.

Bitterness happens when you fail to provide support and force the custodial parent into having the state track down and jail the kids "other" parent.

The state did not just decide one Tuesday morning to go after James P. Cusick Sr. DING DING DING, your ex had to have asked the state to pursue you.

Courts are just to people who follow the law.

I wonder how his son feels about all of this.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
bresamil said:
The temptation to find him and ask him to join the board for a little debate is almost overwhelming at times.
If I were him, I would be mortified.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

RoseRed said:
I wonder how his son feels about all of this.
:elaine: The Custodials notoriously use the children as a weapon against the separated parents and that too is unethical in the extreme.

:yay: Your position is not sustainable except by low cheap shots like name calling slander and holding up the children as hostages to hide behind.

:huggy: ------------------------------ :howdy:


This is fun right?
JPC said:
:elaine: The Custodials notoriously use the children as a weapon against the separated parents and that too is unethical in the extreme.

:yay: Your position is not sustainable except by low cheap shots like name calling slander and holding up the children as hostages to hide behind.

:huggy: ------------------------------ :howdy:

A DEADBEAT graffiti Vandalist CONVICT is complaining about someone slandering him?

you epitomize being a DemocRAT