The debate...


Super Genius
aps45819 said:
I like what Kerrry had to say about health care.
My program (run by civil servents, funded by taxpayers) is not a government program.
You (and I) get low rates from the various health insurance companies (that Kerry constantly slams) because of the buying power of the government. Our rates are being offset by the people who do not get those bulk rates. Consider if everyone was allowed into that program... Your health care costs would go up because there would no longer be anyone to offset your low rates. A smaller-government, cheaper plan with the same effect would be to not allow health insurance companies give discount rates to companies (or the government). Why do we need government involvement in health insurance?


How many times did Kerry say he has Blue Cross Blue Shield? I lost count. Let’s be realistic. Managed healthcare would put everyone in an HMO with people in administrative positions making decisions. The government already has a hand VA hospitals and medicare, look how bad that has been.


Super Genius
Ken King said:
Damn, he got wounded again? :confused: Did he get another Purple Heart for this alleged wound too?
Was that wound actually severe enough to require more than a band-aid?


Bush likes to FLIP AND FLOP!!!!!

oldman said:
BL, to me that simply means GWB is/will stand firm on his convictions. He just doesn't change his convictions because it may change peoples minds to vote for him, it's what he believes. I just can't find to much wrong with someone like that, although I have already said I'm biased. To me it's better than saying I'll do this and then changing it the next week.

During Bush's first campaign in 2000 he said he would leave gay marriage to the states, and then what did he do.... he flipped flopped. Now he wants amend the constitution. Bush also wanted to lower funding for Pell Grants, but thanks to his sway with public opinion he changed his mind, and upped the ante. :killingme Plus one minute we went to war because of WMD, now we went to war because Saddam is a Dictator???? Can anyone tell what are Bush's real convictions? It seems like he changes his mind all the time. :lol:


Kizzy said:
How many times did Kerry say he has Blue Cross Blue Shield? I lost count. Let’s be realistic. Managed healthcare would put everyone in an HMO with people in administrative positions making decisions. The government already has a hand VA hospitals and medicare, look how bad that has been.
Last time I checked Blue Cross and Blue Shield wasn't a part of the Federal Government. I believe it's a private company. So, you don't think that American citizens deserve healthcare that our Congress enjoys???? You must be crazy... everyone is already wrapped iup in HMO's..... :confused:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
During Bush's first campaign in 2000 he said he would leave gay marriage to the states, and then what did he do.... he flipped flopped. Now he wants amend the constitution. Bush also wanted to lower funding for Pell Grants, but thanks to his sway with public opinion he changed his mind, and upped the ante. :killingme Plus one minute we went to war because of WMD, now we went to war because Saddam is a Dictator???? Can anyone tell what are Bush's real convictions? It seems like he changes his mind all the time. :lol:
Try listening, he said that he proposed the amendment due to activist judges legislating to the states. And another point, while the President sends a proposed budget to Congress it is Congress that sets the budget, so all these problems being brought up are more of Kerry's responsibility than Bush's. But wait, Kerry isn't around enough to vote, now there is some real conviction for you. As to Iraq, WMD was only one small part of the IWR. Read it and then come back and talk about when you know what you are talking about.


ylexot said:
Was that wound actually severe enough to require more than a band-aid?

I take offense to that comment. Our Veterans (including John Kerry) deserve better from inconsiderate citizens such as yourself. If your going to poke fun you should check Bush's record...if he lets you

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
I take offense to that comment. Our Veterans (including John Kerry) deserve better from inconsiderate citizens such as yourself. If your going to poke fun you should check Bush's record...if he lets you
Why does that offend you, do you have medals you didn't earn too?


Ken King said:
Try listening, he said that he proposed the amendment due to activist judges legislating to the states. And another point, while the President sends a proposed budget to Congress it is Congress that sets the budget, so all these problems being brought up are more of Kerry's responsibility than Bush's. But wait, Kerry isn't around enough to vote, now there is some real conviction for you. As to Iraq, WMD was only one small part of the IWR. Read it and then come back and talk about when you know what you are talking about.

Activist Judges???? That's just a lable that conservatives throw around like a dirty hooker :lol: . We have Judges to interpret the constitution and laws. They keep the executive branch in check. If you ask me Bush wants to add activist judges to the Supreme Court who will reverse Roe vs. Wade. That sounds like an activist judge......

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
Activist Judges???? That's just a lable that conservatives throw around like a dirty hooker :lol: . We have Judges to interpret the constitution and laws. They keep the executive branch in check. If you ask me Bush wants to add activist judges to the Supreme Court who will reverse Roe vs. Wade. That sounds like an activist judge......
Wrong Turbanassflake, many judges act beyond their scope and fashion the law with opinions that have nothing to do with Constitutionality. Not to mention that the judges in this reference are providing a check to the legislative body and not the executive. And if you listened to the debate Bush said he would not have a litmus test for a judge, unlike what Mr. Kerry stated.


I bowl overhand
cattitude said:
You posted this in the wrong thread....try the Kaz and ItsBob tread.
DAMN, what have I ever done to YOU?? Or for that matter, anyone else in here to warrant that?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
So why would it offend you when we were talking about Buddylee's reference to a fourth wound, you know one more then what had actually happened?


Super Genius
UrbanPancake said:
No. My father was in the Military, and I have a brother in Iraq.
So do you think either of them would take a Purple Heart for a minor wound? Try asking them.


I bowl overhand
Kizzy said:
How many times did Kerry say he has Blue Cross Blue Shield? I lost count. Let’s be realistic. Managed healthcare would put everyone in an HMO with people in administrative positions making decisions. The government already has a hand VA hospitals and medicare, look how bad that has been.
When Kerry made the comment about VA healthcare I was SOO hoping that Bush would reply with something like .. well you should know, seeing all the followup care you get for those three wounds you recieved in combat.. ohhh wait, you were never hurt bad enough to warrant more then a babd-aid.


Ken King said:
Wrong Turbanassflake, many judges act beyond their scope and fashion the law with opinions that have nothing to do with Constitutionality. Not to mention that the judges in this reference are providing a check to the legislative body and not the executive. And if you listened to the debate Bush said he would not have a litmus test for a judge, unlike what Mr. Kerry stated.
You really believe that??? Even after he "mislead you about WMD". You Republicans really are gullible! :killingme

I think it's funny that Chenny disagrees with his boss about the Federal Marriage Amendment. You know you would think that Republicans (With Newt's and Chenny's lesbian daughters and all) would have figured out by now that Gay persons don't choose to be that way, God makes them that way.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
UrbanPancake said:
You really believe that??? Even after he "mislead you about WMD". You Republicans really are gullible! :killingme

I think it's funny that Chenny disagrees with his boss about the Federal Marriage Amendment. You know you would think that Republicans (With Newt's and Chenny's lesbian daughters and all) would have figured out by now that Gay persons don't choose to be that way, God makes them that way.
Hey Bucko, keep up, I am a registered Democrat. I just choose not to march in lockstep with every breath that the leadership makes. Try it, you might just enjoy getting a whiff of air that isn't directly out of someone's sphincter.


Ken King said:
Hey Bucko, keep up, I am a registered Democrat. I just choose not to march in lockstep with every breath that the leadership makes. Try it, you might just enjoy getting a whiff of air that isn't directly out of someone's sphincter.
I'm just tired of "The Same". We need a change. Bush can't admit that things are going wrong. He thinks everything is ok, so he can't fix the problem if he doesn't think its broke. This reminds me of the time when his Dad was up for relection...his father didn't think there was anything wrong with his domestic policy and he got voted out of office. The first Bush was worried to much about Iraq. It must run in the family. :killingme