Set Trippin
**Note to self** Coffee and flat panel LCD... Not a good combination...Ken King said:Oh crap, did I spell that out loud?![]()

**Note to self** Coffee and flat panel LCD... Not a good combination...Ken King said:Oh crap, did I spell that out loud?![]()
UrbanPancake said:You really believe that??? Even after he "mislead you about WMD". You Republicans really are gullible!![]()
I think it's funny that Chenny disagrees with his boss about the Federal Marriage Amendment. You know you would think that Republicans (With Newt's and Chenny's lesbian daughters and all) would have figured out by now that Gay persons don't choose to be that way, God makes them that way.
Ken King said:Hey Bucko, keep up, I am a registered Democrat. I just choose not to march in lockstep with every breath that the leadership makes. Try it, you might just enjoy getting a whiff of air that isn't directly out of someone's sphincter.
Pull it out, UrbanUrbanPancake said:You really believe that??? Even after he "mislead you about WMD". You Republicans really are gullible!![]()
I think it's funny that Chenny disagrees with his boss about the Federal Marriage Amendment. You know you would think that Republicans (With Newt's and Chenny's lesbian daughters and all) would have figured out by now that Gay persons don't choose to be that way, God makes them that way.
Well in regard to Iraq he is fixing the problem. The problem was a hedonistic tyrant bent on our destruction, the destruction of neighboring nations, the destruction of any local opponents, and continued material breech of UN resolutions. Additionally, Iraq harbored and assisted terrorists and after 9/11 that made them a mandatory target in the war on terror. And this is a change from the years of sitting back fat, dumb, and happy that led us to where we are now.UrbanPancake said:I'm just tired of "The Same". We need a change. Bush can't admit that things are going wrong. He thinks everything is ok, so he can't fix the problem if he doesn't think its broke. This reminds me of the time when his Dad was up for relection...his father didn't think there was anything wrong with his domestic policy and he got voted out of office. The first Bush was worried to much about Iraq. It must run in the family.![]()
itsbob said:WMD's?? When are the demoncrats going to get over that? That was ONE item on a list of reasons to go to war in IRAQ,, Think the mass graves filled with women and children would have been reason enough.. but see the demoncrats have chose to ignore THOSE facts.. I mean what are a few thousand dead Iraqi women and children??
Ken King said:Well in regard to Iraq he is fixing the problem. The problem was a hedonistic tyrant bent on our destruction, the destruction of neighboring nations, the destruction of any local opponents, and continued material breech of UN resolutions. Additionally, Iraq harbored and assisted terrorists and after 9/11 that made them a mandatory target in the war on terror. And this is a change from the years of sitting back fat, dumb, and happy that led us to where we are now.
Get real. He has given Palestinian suicide bombers families $25,000 for doing their stuff, he has continually shot at coalition aircraft patrolling the no fly zones every chance he has had, he has invaded two countries over the years and could be expected to continue the same tactic if left to the way it was. He has also manipulated the Oil for Food program to try to re-establish his WMD program and has always had a desire to be nuclear capable.UrbanPancake said:![]()
Yeah, I guess that's why for the last ten years he's been nothing but trouble. Staying in his own country, not building WMD, tormenting his own people... not even bothering us. Wow...he's terrible. I'm scarred....
Talking about Terrorist... We have them in our own country. Does that mean we should airstrike an American city because there are Terrorist there????? No you don't. So why should that happen on foreign soil?
UrbanPancake said:Since you bring up "mass graves with women and children" I guess that means we should go to war with Sudan right now, or even Burundi, why stop there lets take China. I mean afterall we are the World Police. Lets spend our hard earned tax dollars on all kinds of wars.![]()
And that's exactly why the UN will not call it genocide...because then they would be obligated to act.itsbob said:ANY time I hear the word GENOCIDE I think that the UN should go in with a MASSIVE force and stop it.... and if the UN doesn't have the backbone, then we should.. who cares if it's in Africa, Iraq, Iran, China.. or anywhere else for that matter..
Bush signed his form 180 to allow his military records to be seen by the public. Kerry still refuses to sign his form 180. Something to hide? I think so.UrbanPancake said:I take offense to that comment. Our Veterans (including John Kerry) deserve better from inconsiderate citizens such as yourself. If your going to poke fun you should check Bush's record...if he lets you
Sparx said:I think the best shot of the debate was when they were talking about PEL grants. bush claimed 1.? million more applied for the grants to go to school and Kerry responded with the fact that's because of the state the economy is in, that many more people are broke and now qualify for them.
Pretty well sums up the economic state this country has fallen into in the last four years.
2ndAmendment said:Bush signed his form 180 to allow his military records to be seen by the public. Kerry still refuses to sign his form 180. Something to hide? I think so.
That is a LIE. God never makes anyone sin. Sin is a choice.UrbanPancake said:... God makes them that way.
2ndAmendment said:That is a LIE. God never makes anyone sin. Sin is a choice.
2ndAmendment said:That is a LIE. God never makes anyone sin. Sin is a choice.
And if the Congress raises the minimum wage to $7, we will have many, many more people below the poverty line. Raising the minimum wage never has and never will advance the low guy on the wage scale. It is an illusion for political purposes only. Only stupid people believe it helps. Prices always rise to consume multiple times the rise in the minimum wage and because of wage compression more people are earing the lowest wage. If you don't know what wage compression is you are not qualified to discuss this. But for the ignorant, wage compression is when the minimum wage is raised and those that are making above the minimum before the raise are now making the minimum. Example: Guy making $7.00 an hour and minimum wage is $5.15. Raise the minimum wage to $7.00 an hour. Now everyone that was making more than $5.15 and $7.00 or less are now making the minimum wage. The people that were making more than minimum wage are now reduced to the lowest wage level when they were above it.Sparx said:I think the best shot of the debate was when they were talking about PEL grants. bush claimed 1.? million more applied for the grants to go to school and Kerry responded with the fact that's because of the state the economy is in, that many more people are broke and now qualify for them.
Pretty well sums up the economic state this country has fallen into in the last four years.
Well, he didn't get an honorable discharge until the late 1990s or even as late as 2001. Could indicate that there is a real problem with his military record. He was still in the military when he met with the North Vietnamese in Paris. And he took their side. That is called aiding and abetting the enemy which is treason.UrbanPancake said:What's to hide? We know Kerry went to Veitnam. Where was Bush? That's right he had his Daddy pull his weight around! Ok I understand now.