The Glance That Won't Let You Sleep...

A question for those of us that are married or otherwise involved wit h someone...
Have you ever been out, it really doesn't matter where.....a club, dinner, work.....and been the recipient of a glance that simply took your breath away?

The kind of look that made you feel wanted, vibrant, alive.....

The glance that wouldn't let you sleep at night......that left you hungry for more?....

If did you deal with it?....

Awesome!!!'s see.....the person who gave this glance...may have been a significant other.....or.....not.. :)..?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Boat, get over it. You know what they say: no matter how good she looks, there's some man who's sick of putting up with her sh*t.

You're better off fantasizing about her and not acting on the attraction - real life is never as good.


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Boat, get over it. You know what they say: no matter how good she looks, there's some man who's sick of putting up with her sh*t.

You're better off fantasizing about her and not acting on the attraction - real life is never as good.

Truer words were never spoken!!!


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Why bust your bubble?

no matter how good she looks, there's some man who's sick of putting up with her sh*t.

Truer words were never spoken!!!
for the record......:)

This is more of a thought provocing question than sharing an actual event......
Don't get the wrong idea guys.....all is well :)
But..the question still stands....have you ever experienced such a glance?


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by BchBns

:roflmao: too funny vrai ... and so truthful! same could be said for for some guys. I gotta wonder, sometimes, why someone who is in their 30s/40s, etc., single (never been married), and says they cannot find someone. If it's not obvious based on appearance, they must have some serious character/moral/other flaws going on. Not to say looks is everything ... just that something is amiss.

I have a serious character flaw: I LOVE women! I love to spoil them, entertain them, treat them well, pamper them in bed, cook for them...etc.
I know you've heard this before, but today's woman just doesn't like that!


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by BchBns

no ... today's woman doesn't want to be smothered. there is a difference!

You know nothing about how I interact with women. I don't smother them, and there IS a difference!
Still mad about the Tootie thing, is that it?


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by BchBns

no ... today's woman doesn't want to be smothered. there is a difference!


This is why I like firemen. You can find a really nice guy who has to be at work every other day so they can't smother you!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
When I was unhappily married I got more excited by the "glance". When I was single and could jump on it if I wanted to, they didn't interest me anymore. Now that I'm happily married I don't even notice (or maybe it's that they don't look anymore?).



American Beauty
PREMO Member
I have had the glance before too, but now that I am married, I wouldn't act on it.

But a little flirting doesn't hurt.... :wink:


Beloved Misanthrope
Originally posted by BchBns

:roflmao: too funny vrai ... and so truthful! same could be said for for some guys. I gotta wonder, sometimes, why someone who is in their 30s/40s, etc., single (never been married), and says they cannot find someone. If it's not obvious based on appearance, they must have some serious character/moral/other flaws going on. Not to say looks is everything ... just that something is amiss.
Hey! Wait a minute... I resemble that remark! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


Attire Monitor
Just to set the record straight...

Maybe it's my fault for bringing it up in the first place. My bad.
I take a lot of ribbing here, and, as I've learned lately, I now know that it's all in fun.
However, this is the ONE and only subject that strikes very close to home with me and I find it hard to take ribbing.
Only I know what my experiences with women have been. It's very easy to sit back and speculate from your easy chair, but I'm the only one who's been through it, and when you say stuff like "smothering", it's not only completely untrue, but it's unfair and a bit hurtful.
I used to be the biggest jerk in the world. One of my favorite hobbies in college was throwing beer on women and seeing how many different ones I could "bag" during the course of a weekend. I finally met the girl of my dreams and lost her when I cheated on her. I got on my knees and begged her to come back; I told her I'd change. She denied me because she didn't believe it. I DID change, however, and since then, have treated women with nothing but kindness, respect, love, and devotion. I haven't cheated on a woman since then, and I've always gone out of my way to make them feel special. This, for some reason, has resulted in repeated heartbreak for me.
It's my bad, really, for bringing it up, I know...


Beloved Misanthrope
Originally posted by pixiegirl
Kyle, I've asked, you won't marry me ....:bawl:
I know you have! I'm just too hard-headed to recognize what's good for me I guess! :wink:


Cleopatra Jones
Re: Just to set the record straight...

Originally posted by bknarw
Maybe it's my fault for bringing it up in the first place. My bad.
I take a lot of ribbing here, and, as I've learned lately, I now know that it's all in fun.
However, this is the ONE and only subject that strikes very close to home with me and I find it hard to take ribbing.
Only I know what my experiences with women have been. It's very easy to sit back and speculate from your easy chair, but I'm the only one who's been through it, and when you say stuff like "smothering", it's not only completely untrue, but it's unfair and a bit hurtful.
I used to be the biggest jerk in the world. One of my favorite hobbies in college was throwing beer on women and seeing how many different ones I could "bag" during the course of a weekend. I finally met the girl of my dreams and lost her when I cheated on her. I got on my knees and begged her to come back; I told her I'd change. She denied me because she didn't believe it. I DID change, however, and since then, have treated women with nothing but kindness, respect, love, and devotion. I haven't cheated on a woman since then, and I've always gone out of my way to make them feel special. This, for some reason, has resulted in repeated heartbreak for me.
It's my bad, really, for bringing it up, I know...

Bk, I know I wasn't talking about you in particular and I don't think anyone else was either. I think we were talking about how a lot of men are. Don't take things so personal babe. We all love you here.


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by Kyle
I know you have! I'm just too hard-headed to recognize what's good for me I guess! :wink:

Most men are too hard headed to recognize what's good for them. They need a woman to tell them! :biggrin:


Lead Penguin
Re: Just to set the record straight...

Originally posted by bknarw

I used to be the biggest jerk in the world. One of my favorite hobbies in college was throwing beer on women and seeing how many different ones I could "bag" during the course of a weekend. I finally met the girl of my dreams and lost her when I cheated on her. I got on my knees and begged her to come back; I told her I'd change. She denied me because she didn't believe it. I DID change, however, and since then, have treated women with nothing but kindness, respect, love, and devotion. I haven't cheated on a woman since then, and I've always gone out of my way to make them feel special. This, for some reason, has resulted in repeated heartbreak for me.

Isn't there a saying... "What goes around comes around"...
that whole Karma thing.

really BK.... u were a jerk to women in the, ur being jerked around by women.... maybe the ones that are jerking u around had dealt w/ jerks earlier in their life...and have the negative attitude towards men that u have towards women....

I couldn't bite my tongue on this...