The Glance That Won't Let You Sleep...


Chairman of the Board
Originally posted by vraiblonde
You should be glad that people look at you and say, "Why aren't you married?" The alternative is that they would look at you and KNOW why you're not married!

Ah, well, you got me there. I still get asked it quite a lot, usually in the form of some vague sense of a compliment -- which it isn't - but the various permutations of 'you're such a nice guy, how come ---' etc. Even women I date ask this, although I can never tell why they do that. I'm only a little annoyed when people *assume* I'm not married because of a lot of presumed flaws.


Hairball Magnet
Jeez, now I'm REALLY paranoid! :biggrin: Am I not remarried because I haven't met the "right" person, or am I just so screwed up that I'll NEVER get remarried?? Or is dating in general just so screwed up and stressful in this day and age that if you aren't married by now that there is NO HOPE?? Or if I'm not a "B", am I doomed to attract jerks??

Somebody please pass me a beer so I can cry in it...


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by Frank

Ah, well, you got me there. I still get asked it quite a lot, usually in the form of some vague sense of a compliment -- which it isn't - but the various permutations of 'you're such a nice guy, how come ---' etc. Even women I date ask this, although I can never tell why they do that. I'm only a little annoyed when people *assume* I'm not married because of a lot of presumed flaws.

Thank you, Frank...THANK YOU!
That's precisely what I was driving at before, and no one could understand why it bugged me so much.
Some of my friend's friends are starting to jokingly say I must be "gay" because I don't have a girlfriend/wife right now. I'm trying very hard to resign myself to the fact that I'm going to be single, miserable, and lonely for the rest of my life, and I'm going to LIKE IT!


Chairman of the Board
Originally posted by Sierra39
Jeez, now I'm REALLY paranoid! :biggrin: Am I not remarried because I haven't met the "right" person, or am I just so screwed up that I'll NEVER get remarried?? Or is dating in general just so screwed up and stressful in this day and age that if you aren't married by now that there is NO HOPE?? Or if I'm not a "B", am I doomed to attract jerks??

I'm marginally resigned -- not quite -- to the fact that anyone I meet from here on out, is what is left after the previous crowd went through, picked over, selected, rejected or returned, the original crop of choices. You arrive late to dinner, the good pieces are gone, and you have to deal with it.

However, I only partially believe in the 'right' person concept at all - because from here on out, every relationship -- I'm clear on the fact that there are going to be things I won't like, and that aren't going to change. I learn to accept it. I can't change others, but I *can* change MYSELF. I just HOPE this is a concept I meet in anyone I meet, because it works both ways.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Frank

I'm marginally resigned -- not quite -- to the fact that anyone I meet from here on out, is what is left after the previous crowd went through, picked over, selected, rejected or returned, the original crop of choices. You arrive late to dinner, the good pieces are gone, and you have to deal with it.
I'm thrilled that Larry feels he got the cream of the crop, not someone's picked-over reject.


Originally posted by Sierra39
Jeez, now I'm REALLY paranoid! :biggrin: Am I not remarried because I haven't met the "right" person, or am I just so screwed up that I'll NEVER get remarried?? Or is dating in general just so screwed up and stressful in this day and age that if you aren't married by now that there is NO HOPE?? Or if I'm not a "B", am I doomed to attract jerks??

Somebody please pass me a beer so I can cry in it...

Maybe you met the right person but he was too screwed up from the evil "B's" of this world. Then again you could be screwed up from the jerks as well.

Make my beer a Corona...


My Sweetest Boy

Originally posted by vraiblonde

I'm thrilled that Larry feels he got the cream of the crop, not someone's picked-over reject.

Uh, Vrai...I think the word was piece..."good pieces." Geezz..glad I was fortunate enough that Otter found a good piece in a bowling alley, huh?:biggrin:


There are just too many good people in the world as well as bad! This topic went from a glance to a deep conversation about relationships. As a married women, I need single men to fantasize about. :blushing:


New Member
Originally posted by pixiegirl


This is why I like firemen. You can find a really nice guy who has to be at work every other day so they can't smother you!

Those days are getting closer! :wink: :wink:


aka Mrs. Giant
Re: for the record......:)

Originally posted by Boatbuilder
This is more of a thought provocing question than sharing an actual event......
Don't get the wrong idea guys.....all is well :)
But..the question still stands....have you ever experienced such a glance?

Yes. Made my knees turn into jelly, my breathing deepened and quickened, my heart pounded and I fixed him up with my best friend and they got married and had two babies and he still has that same effect on me. Ahhh...unrequited lust
WOW !!!

Damn Mig!!
I hope you have them over for all the holidays !!!!
Could make getting into the hot tub(if you have one) interesting !!!
See...that is the kind of glance I was talking about....
one that totally took you by surprise......maybe even made you take a second look because you weren't sure that you really saw....what you thought you saw......


aka Mrs. Giant
Re: Re: Re: for the record......:)

Originally posted by cariblue

dang, mig!

I know, I know. I guess I shouldn't think as much and quit being so logical and let the other side take over. I'd probably have a lot more "fun"! :wink:


BK and Boat, you really need to get some testosterone. I would bet that you two both hover over your women like vultures and that's what makes the run like you are the plague. Everyone wants their space and if you can't understand that, you are destined for failure.

Things of the visual nature are better left that way. It can never be as good as you in vision it to be, get over it.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by justhangn
BK and Boat, you really need to get some testosterone. I would bet that you two both hover over your women like vultures and that's what makes the run like you are the plague. Everyone wants their space and if you can't understand that, you are destined for failure.

Things of the visual nature are better left that way. It can never be as good as you in vision it to be, get over it.

Aren't you a nasty newbie :razz:
where did that come from ?

Just....not that it's any of your business......but for the record , I leave the hovering to the helicopters at NESEA....

And I respectfully disagree.....personal experience......has shown me that there are chances for reality to be even better ...than the glance....

Open your mind......maybe there really is something in there


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by pixiegirl

Not a newbie. He/she registered in January.
Yes, I saw that, but he had less than 20 posts when I made that comment. That's all.