The Glance That Won't Let You Sleep...


Attire Monitor
Thanks,'re a sweetheart.
This is a tough subject for me and I HAVE to get off of it.
I don't think I take EVERYTHING personally, just this one particular thing.
You have no idea the heartache it's caused.
I reacted viscerally to what bch said, that's all.
I even took Vrai's comment with a grain of salt (I keep a salt LICK handy for Vrai's comments). :biggrin:
And AP, you know, the funny thing is, right after the LAST girl broke up with me, while I was in the pits of depression, my mother told me the exact same thing you did!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by pixiegirl

Most men are too hard headed to recognize what's good for them. They need a woman to tell them! :biggrin:
There are times I think you may be right about that. :biggrin:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
BK, I'm not saying you DON'T treat women nicely - what I'm saying is that you have an attraction to women who have "issues". Just from what you've said, you go after these evil vampire women who are pre-destined to break your heart. You should let one of us set you up with someone nice.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
...have an attraction to women who have "issues". ....
Damn. Seems to be a common malady! Do they give shots for this? :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And you know what? Now that I'm running my mouth...

Most guys who are TRULY nice seem to like women who are hate-filled dogs. Why is that? It's like they're hoping their niceness will spill over onto this she-devil and make her nice, too. Some of the nicest guys I know are FOREVER being victimized by these witches.


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by vraiblonde
BK, I'm not saying you DON'T treat women nicely - what I'm saying is that you have an attraction to women who have "issues". Just from what you've said, you go after these evil vampire women who are pre-destined to break your heart. You should let one of us set you up with someone nice.

Or...they have an attraction to me...

And I'd GLADLY take you up on your offer, but I really think that I just need to stay single and keep it that way. I guess I get a little testy sometimes because people have a tendency to speculate on WHY you're still single, or lonely, or whatever.
I'm having great fun with things as they are...


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Vrai, I've seen the reverse of that more times than I can count as well. Where the guy treats a woman like $#&% and she stays and takes it or leaves and runs back to him over and over.

It's a head-shaker.


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by Kyle
Vrai, I've seen the reverse of that more times than I can count as well. Where the guy treats a woman like $#&% and she stays and takes it or leaves and runs back to him over and over.

It's a head-shaker.

<------ Raises hand

I did this. On and off with my ex husband for 5 years. He was a huge jerk! I don't know why I stayed really I guess I just figured one day he'd change and grow up. After I had my son I was tired of sitting around and waiting. He treated Noah with the same disrespect he always did me. No one and I mean no one was going to treat my baby like that so I left. Smartest thing I ever did!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by pixiegirl

<------ Raises hand

I did this. On and off with my ex husband for 5 years. He was a huge jerk! I don't know why I stayed really I guess I just figured one day he'd change and grow up. After I had my son I was tired of sitting around and waiting. He treated Noah with the same disrespect he always did me. No one and I mean no one was going to treat my baby like that so I left. Smartest thing I ever did!
Good for you. I kind of understand it with women who have kids because they're looking out for the childs welfare, or what some believe may be better for the child, and they leave reluctantly. But there are some single women I've known/dated etc. that seemed to seek out the scum of the scum sometimes and fall over flat for them. UFB.

As a guy who has found more than his share of flakes, it happens to us too. Can't explain it... Just know if there is a chemically dependant, schitzoid in the room I'll instantly be attracted to her! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
WOW !!

Didn't this thought provoking thread take an interesting turn lolol
Vrai...I have a thought on the attraction that some of us guys have towards a bi--h........I found once,...that the nastiest bi...I knew...was an incredible this always true?....have no idea....but as crazy as she be was so unbelievably exciting...the seduction....almost a fatal attraction..

And...most Bi.....carry themselves with confidence.....which is one hell of an afrode...afr....afroesia.....oh hell , it's a turn on !!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Yeah, there are the Kittens With A Whip - but then there are those who are just evil. Women are only mean if they have low self-esteem. Why else would you be mean to someone? So that "confidence" is fake - she's really a mess inside. Same with guys.

The mistake the BK's of the world make are feeling sorry for these women - kind of like feeding a wild dog in hopes your kindness will tame it and turn it into a loving and loyal creature. Best to just stay away from them.


Chairman of the Board
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Just from what you've said, you go after these evil vampire women who are pre-destined to break your heart.

Yeah, that's what they say about me, too. Even my last girlfriend said that, and she was that way herself - probably unable to really be close to anyone that way. I think psychologically, it's that way with both men and women -- there's an attraction to someone who can never love you back.

But -- I'm not crying in my beer -- my last few weekends have been pretty good.


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Yeah, there are the Kittens With A Whip - but then there are those who are just evil. Women are only mean if they have low self-esteem. Why else would you be mean to someone? So that "confidence" is fake - she's really a mess inside. Same with guys.

The mistake the BK's of the world make are feeling sorry for these women - kind of like feeding a wild dog in hopes your kindness will tame it and turn it into a loving and loyal creature. Best to just stay away from them.

Again, you amaze me with your insight!

It reminds me of the story of the woman who found a snake on the pathway in the woods. She took it home, fed it, cared for it, and nursed it back to health.
Then one day it bit her. She said "Why did you do that? I took care of you, fed you, and nursed you back to health!"
And the response was:
"You knew I was a snake when you picked me up."

Vrai.....interesting perspective...I like that...
That really puts a reat deal of things in order....Thank you !!!

Now...I know damn well that there are some women out there that are self confident...and carry themselves as such...cudos to them !!


Chairman of the Board
Originally posted by bknarw

I guess I get a little testy sometimes because people have a tendency to speculate on WHY you're still single, or lonely, or whatever.

Me too. I didn't get married. Does that mean, there's something WRONG with me? So I didn't want to get married. I could just as easily turn it around to those who have been divorced once or twice and say "so what was YOUR problem?". Maybe it's not about flaws or blame.


Cleopatra Jones
Amen to that Bch! I got married for the first time because I was trying to do the right thing. He was ok to date but not the marrying type and I knew it. I got prego and he wanted to get married, my family wanted us to get married and so did his. Two months after my son was born I realized he was more "sperm donor" material then father material and left for both me and my son.

Though I'm not in any big rush to get married again I would like to do it again one day and do it right. I know where I went wrong the first time. That was marrying someone I wasn't happy with thinking he would change. I've learned a lot from being so young and getting a divorce, being a single mom and having to try to balance work, family and play. The most important thing I think is to find someone who wants the same things out of life that you do.


Chairman of the Board
Originally posted by BchBns

If you don't want to get married, and just date, some women might have an issue with that, too (they might see it as someone who wants to have and eat his cake but not clean up after himself, if you catch my drift -- commitment-shy -- and they don't want to wait forever ... our clocks are ticking away :biggrin: )

With ME - a great deal of it is significantly more complicated than that. But I'm not getting down on divorce either. And you know me - I'm not the tiniest bit bothered by this- I'm saying that the "what's wrong with you" thing applies all over. I went out on Saturday with a woman who gets asked that all the time -- "why aren't you married?".

Now, who here would make the same comments about a *woman* who is in my shoes, and not married -- saying she wants her cake, and eat it too -- is commitment shy -- and so on. I don't hear that, certainly not from women. There's a stigma of recklessness and immaturity about MEN if they are that way, but not that I've seen, for women. If some of our single moms here were to raise their kids, and grow old and die, and not re-marry --- would someone ask, what's wrong with them? Why is that?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You should be glad that people look at you and say, "Why aren't you married?" The alternative is that they would look at you and KNOW why you're not married!