Hi libby,
You raise an interesting point here regarding Yeshua's humanity through being born of a virgin human woman and His Divinity through being born as a result of direct Intervention of the Holy Spirit. The miracles He performed and ability to discern the thoughts of others indicate, of course that He was more than just an ordinary "human".
Yes, Yeshua had human traits and attributes in the physical sense but His ability to be indwelled by The Spirit of God gave Him greater power and ability to overcome the world in the sense of temptations and trials that He endured.
The Holy Bible states that Yeshua was "tempted in all points" yet remained without sin. That means His total being was sinless even though born of a woman.
Now, here is the deciding point that you raise: Did Yeshua inherit sin because of His human mother. The answer, is NO due to the fact that according to the Holy Bible the sin seed is passed down through the genes of the human father (Adam). In other words, the woman does not genealogically carry the sin seed although she would be be the recipient of a sinful nature from her human father. Did I lose you here?
Without a human father to pass along the sin-seed, the virgin birth through Mary allowed Yeshua's blood to be sinless, without blemish and void of the curse that was placed upon Adam and Adam's seed. In other words, Mary was still a human of sinful flesh and in need of forgiveness but Yeshua was not.
Of course, this was a unique birth that could only have been accomplished by Yahweh whereby even the prophets had proclaimed the uniqueness of His birth: "Unto us a child is born..." There had to be something unique about the Son of God and it was His attribute to relate to mankind as a human but walk among His people as God; Perfect and Sinless in all manner from birth to death and Resurrected unto Glory.
One other point to add here: In Judaism, the family genealogy of Jewishness is passed down through the mother not the father. So, Yeshua was able to have inherited the lineage of David through Mary - and did not come through Joseph since Joseph was not the father anyway!
A child born of a Jewish mother is Jewish; a child born of a Jewish father and non-Jewish mother does not inherit the Jewish line.