morganj614 said:
But kissing style is subjective. Someone might like the tongue thruster or the drooly kisser :shrug:
For me the kiss is either the start of the passion or it just dies right there on the vine, so to speak.
OMG, you just reminded me. When I was 12y/o there was a cousin of a neighbor who was visiting from NC and he was an older guy about 16 and we liked each other but his cousins (6 of them) didn't really like me. Well we lived in an apartment and two of the apartments were of his family so he would sometimes go from one apt. to the next like they all did.
He took notice of me one day started peeping at me (I was a hallway dweller) and so finally he stopped to talk or something but we ended up being hallway kissers and he was a BAD kisser. Cute, tall, nice body but I had more bite marks on my lips from him than was normal. Matter of fact, I have never been bit since him.
I hope he isn't still biting women.
Bad kissers are a turn off sometimes to the point that you don't have the motivation to even try to get it to work you just become bored with kissing them and then probably any chemistry would just dwindle off.