The Kiss


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y'all practice this weekend

"Women say they can tell if a relationship is going to work after the first kiss, after the first night of kissing," he says. "They just get a feeling, an intuition." hmmmmm :love:

A serious, tongue-tangling French kiss exercises all the underlying muscles of the face - which some say could keep you looking younger, and certainly looking happier.

Kissing might even help you lose weight, says Bryant Stamford, PhD, professor and director of the health promotion center at the University of Louisville. "During a really, really passionate kiss, you might burn two calories a minute -- double your metabolic rate," he says. (This compares to 11.2 calories per minute you burn jogging on a treadmill.)


morganj614 said:
Kissing might even help you lose weight, says Bryant Stamford, PhD, professor and director of the health promotion center at the University of Louisville. "During a really, really passionate kiss, you might burn two calories a minute -- double your metabolic rate," he says. (This compares to 11.2 calories per minute you burn jogging on a treadmill.)
Dayum, all this time and I could have been exercising the fun way. Who woulda guessed. :banghead:

Nanny Pam

elaine said:
So tell it the gaping hole kiss, or the tongue down the throat kiss?
Ewww you made me gag when you said that. A little tongue is ok but not down my throat! :barf: