The Little Things...Do ya get mad or not?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This thread stands out in my memory as one of the funniest of all time. Sarge gets on to complain about his girlfriend, and two posts later the girlfriend shows up going, "Hello???"

"Uh...Hi, honey! :biggrin: :blushing: "



New Member
jazz lady said:

I wonder if they're still together. :confused:
Yep if you go to her web page on her profile, she updated it and her and sgt sprout were married in May of 2004! Ahhh a happy ending! :lmao:


sgtsprout said:
I am curious though hoiw other people deal with the little things? Or is everyone else realtionship peachy.

Just noticed the date on this.
old old stuff.
And I see the issues have been resolved for the better.

Anyway my post still applies, I think:

In my vast experience:

Having children (still alive) proves that you can tolerate obnoxious behavior. So, the things that really bother you now, you will grow used to, and you won't even notice them in a few years.


It could go in the other direction. Little things become like needles through your skin, the bigger issues become SPIKES through your head.

If the former turns out to be true, you've found love. Congratulations.

If the latter is true, enjoy the sex while it lasts, and make a backup plan for when it's gone.
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