The Little Things...Do ya get mad or not?


Cleopatra Jones
As long as you and your mate are attracted to each other and SECURE in the relationship it doesn't matter what the rest of the world thinks. But being secure is another BIG issue in itself. My crazy pyscho ex that I spoke of earlier was a decent looking guy but by his standards I was too attractive for him. If we went out and another guy so much as said hello to me the $hit hit the fan. I could not go out without him because he "knew" that I would cheat on him. Did I ever? Nope, that's not me. But he wasn't secure enough in himself to have an attractive woman.


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by pixiegirl
As long as you and your mate are attracted to each other and SECURE in the relationship it doesn't matter what the rest of the world thinks. But being secure is another BIG issue in itself. My crazy pyscho ex that I spoke of earlier was a decent looking guy but by his standards I was too attractive for him. If we went out and another guy so much as said hello to me the $hit hit the fan. I could not go out without him because he "knew" that I would cheat on him. Did I ever? Nope, that's not me. But he wasn't secure enough in himself to have an attractive woman.

That's one of my pet peeves. You see a guy walk in the bar with his pretty girlfriend, and he's starting at every man in the place, like he's challenging them to dare to look at his honey. How do women tolerate overly jealous guys? If it's anything I'm NOT, it's a green-headed monster! :)


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Actually, my husband doesn't get jealous. He's secure enough to know that at the end of the night, I'll be going home with him. I think he also finds it amusing to watch some guy hit on me.


Cleopatra Jones
Oh I would never tolerate it now. I was young (not that I'm very old now) and "In Love":barf: Live and learn. See boys and girls we've managed to come full circle.... Don't sweat the small stuff, be nice, breaking up can be a good thing, date people you are compatible with, don't sweat the small stuff....etc, etc, etc. Oh the Pixie is so wise, LMAO!


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I hear ya Joe. He liked to watch these guys try and try and then when I had had enough, I would introduce them to him. He's 6'2" about 230 pounds. He would just smile and let it go.


Cleopatra Jones
My ex was 6'3" and 165. But did he ever think he was tough. Once we were out and a guy twice his size who was sitting right next to us at the bar said "hi" to me, my ex freaked out. First of all he was probably just being polite we were sitting right next to each other, secondly he probably could have pounded my ex's
d!@k in the dirt. I started to yell at him for being an ass and luckily the guy didn't get bent about it.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
My hubby is a biker so he can be a bit intimidating. Although he is a big giant teddy bear!

I have only seen him MAD once in 8 years, that was last summer when some kid almost plowed over us in front of the Dew Drop. I thought he was going to pull him out the window and beat the snot out of him!:eek:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
The best time was when I used to tend bar and this guy was relentless and my hubby (fiance then) was sitting right there just listening, smiling and laughing the whole time.

When I introduced him to my fiance the guy just about fell out since he knew what he said to me was heard by him! All his buddies gave him Hell! My guy just laughed at him in good fun. The guy didn;t say anything really out of line.

I still laugh thinking about it.


Attire Monitor
I dated a girl from Mechanicsville who was definitely NOT the jealous type, and would have freaked if I had been the same, but one night at Casey's in La Plata, two women at the end of the bar kept trying to talk to me, and flirting, etc, and she showed her (green) colors. I'm not sure I'd have liked it constantly, but it was nice on that particular night! It was my birthday...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If the girls were being pests, then it was her duty to run them off. It's just plain rude to hit on someone right in front of their date. And if you were encouraging them, she should have run you off, too.


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by vraiblonde
If the girls were being pests, then it was her duty to run them off. It's just plain rude to hit on someone right in front of their date. And if you were encouraging them, she should have run you off, too.

Wait a second, I said I was GLAD she ran them off. I was sitting at the corner of the bar and she was next to me. They were on the other corner, and kept hitting me in the elbow, trying to get my attention. Like I said, from a non-jealous girl, it was nice to see her "mark her territory" for a change!
I did not, however, try to encourage them in any way, and was trying desperately to ignore them.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Okay, just checking. There are some guys who flirt around just to piss the girlfriend off so they can stoke the catfight. Glad you're not one of them!


One of the sinners
As for the break ups. Im glad I got divorced cause I have a wonderful guy now. He may not be every womans ideal man but to me he is "perfect"

Jealousy......well lets say I have my share of it. But so doesnt Jaime (sgtsprout) It depends on how it is used and how you deal with as to whether its a bad thing or not.

I like for other women to notice Jaime..Its nice to be able to give that "you can look but not touch " look. If you let the jealousy rule your relationship it makes you controlling and who ever wants someone who is like that. Plus in my opinion....A LITTLE jealousy can sometimes go to show that the person cares. Notice I say a little. lol


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Okay, just checking. There are some guys who flirt around just to piss the girlfriend off so they can stoke the catfight. Glad you're not one of them!

I may have my faults but cheating isn't one of them. Today's women, on the other hand, seem to have a different set of values.


One of the sinners
Dont judge all women by a handful

Bk, I have my faults as well. I have cheated one time (my last relatioship) I ahve values though. I know what I did was wrong. I also know that I could not do that to someone who I love and care for. I couldnt do it to my ex hubby and he was well not such a great guy. There are some women out there who think it is ok to cheat but there is some like me who know its wrong.


One of the sinners
At least I can admit I was wrong

I can say it was wrong and I can say Im sorry but the thing is how many people will believe it.........

You Jaime only want to see my ass lit up cause you are too little to do it hehehe


Mr. Shud da hell up
Watch your language

there are kiddies running round here lol
I myself need to watch my prcious virgin ears


aka Mrs. Giant
hey - I have been in Cheney's in North Beach - it was fun in a kinda beer brawl - grab the cue stick, break the beer bottle kinda way (and that was just the women!!!) I met lots of interesting people that night - very good friendly people I am sure. Never made me second guess myself about moving to MD in the least;)