The Little Things...Do ya get mad or not?



Originally posted by Sharon
My husband and I will celebrate our 7th anniversary in June. Luckily we hardly ever argue. I have a very short memory, so if he does or says something that ticks me off, he just apologizes and then I forget about it.;)

WOW! I'm going to ask my wife if she uses the name "Sharon" when she's on line 'cause those sound like her words!:D

Except for the 7 year part...we are only 2.
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Attire Monitor

Originally posted by sgtsprout
Well ya knew it was wrong but YOU did it just the same. BK light her A@@ up lol

You know, somehow I've managed to miss this one.

YOU WHAT? YOu cheated on him??? Whether you admit it was wrong or not, it's still WRONG!
And while you meekly say that you know it wasn't right, do you even consider the heartache you bring on someone when you do that? Do you know what races through HIS mind? What his friends say???

Shame on you!!!!


Mr. Shud da hell up

She cheated on the last guy. But the funny thing is I AM NOT suppose to have doubts about her on this matter.


b*tch rocket
Oh Puh Lease!!!!

Jeesh Sprout, where to start!

Can you say you've never cheated on anyone in your whole entire life? Good lord if my husband had looked at my track record on cheating (and vice versa) we'd have both run for the hills! Well, actually, I wasn't a cheater, just never a one man kinda gal ;) (which was always made clear)! Cut her a break, she's not cheated on you, and if she does, not meant to be, and you're both the better for it.

I think the whole nitpicking over the little bitty things is an indication of not wanting it in the first place. You know, like finding any excuse not to be happy with the person, because you simply can't be honest with each other and yourself about it just not being right.

My other half is a totally anally retentive human being when it comes to organization and neatness. I on the other hand am completely disorganized and could give a rats behind if the towel is folded properly (hell I could care less if it's hung up!) My disorganization makes him crazy, his organizition makes me crazy, but not to the point of not wanting to be together. Sometimes we even have fun with it all. He'll bark at me to hang my towel up, and I'll proceed to fling it on the floor along with whatever else happens to be around that can be flung, and he laughs at me and proceeds to tell me what total b!tch I am! :D


Mr. Shud da hell up

No i never cheated on anyone. never. Plain and simple.
Now I don't rag on her about cheating on some dude. I don't.

I do Nag about the little things. Noone here can tell me they don't ever get mad at little things. So don't go trying to pawn me off as some bad guy who doesn't want to be with Her and making excuses to get out of the relationship.

I may not exactly what I want right now, but I am under the impression. I do not have to know.

I admit I made some mistakes. Namely(as in the other forum), told her I wanted to move in, which at the time I thought I did.
Rather then make a mistake, I'd rather wait and work through some things. I.E. my nagging.

Now you and your tell me You never fight about leaving stuff anywhere? Never? Everyone is entitled to a bad day and everyone gets their panties in a bunch from time to time. Including moi.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry and I don't "fight" about his slovenly ways. I yell, "Who in the hell put the trash beside the trash can instead of popping the extra 2 calories to actually put it in the trash can!?!" (knowing full well who it was) He'll reply something like, "You said you wanted to get more exercise - I was just trying to help you!" or something smart like that.

We have grouchy days where it's best if we don't talk to each other but we don't really fight often. Maybe every three months or so we'll have a real yellfest and be mad - but even those are getting more civilized and shorter in duration.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
"Who in the hell put the trash beside the trash can instead of popping the extra 2 calories to actually put it in the trash can!?!"
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

...And I thought this only happened to me! My teenage kids are the culprit though. :rolleyes:


New Member
Sgt--just a Suggestion........

I understand your trying to get some "help" on these forums, but maybe the best place to turn for help would be your g/f. I think she's the one who can give the best input and help make your decision a little easier.

It's not wrong for someone to change their mind about a situation, but the more you delay your true feelings, the more your g/f will get hurt. She's a good gal (from what I can tell) and she deserves the truth, as do you.

*If you settle for 'potential' you will learn to live with deprivation*


Attire Monitor
Originally posted by SxyPrincess
Sgt--just a Suggestion........

I understand your trying to get some "help" on these forums, but maybe the best place to turn for help would be your g/f. I think she's the one who can give the best input and help make your decision a little easier.

It's not wrong for someone to change their mind about a situation, but the more you delay your true feelings, the more your g/f will get hurt. She's a good gal (from what I can tell) and she deserves the truth, as do you.

*If you settle for 'potential' you will learn to live with deprivation*

Great suggestion, really! Go straight to the source and resolve the problem.
And, while it's been interesting to read all this, kind of like "Reality Net", I also feel a little voyeuristic at the same time. I think I'll go take a shower now...


Mr. Shud da hell up
Well thing is

Thing is I am just open. I talk to Crys. We talk about things. It was I just wasn't sure from the beginning. And SHE knew this. But I did say I was ready to move in. I took it back...My right to do as well. Yes it hurt her. Yes I am an A$$ for doing so. But I'd rather do that then go somewhere I am not ready to.

I can tell anyone anything, I just don't care about anything considered personal. That doesn't bother me. And it seemed a good place, "these forums" to maybe get some oppinions whatever. If nothing else, provide some entertainment.

Brknarw--I am not the type to run off and get married without living together.

thats all i have ;-)


New Member
Sorry...but I'm gonna bust into this topic, again. :D

Sgt....Ok, so your g/f is upset because of your decision to not move in together. Ok...understandable but...what are her reasons for being upset? Maybe she loves you and doesn't want to be without you. Maybe she wants you to support her. Maybe she's never been on her own before. Who knows!

If she loves you, she should be happy and content waiting until you are ready to move in with her. I think that if you rush into things, it may cause more problems.

Best of luck to the two of you! :cheers:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by bknarw
And, while it's been interesting to read all this, kind of like "Reality Net", I also feel a little voyeuristic at the same time. I think I'll go take a shower now...
Not me! I'm an unrepentant nosy busybody. Sit back and relax, Sarge...tell us ALL about it....

Something for you to think about, Sarge - you hurt her by not moving in, but you'd hurt her a LOT worse by moving in before you're ready.


New Member
Big Heart


First off let me be the first to tell you that you have a big heart brother. Thinking about taking on fatherhood of 3 kids when your use to the single life. WOW! But hey it might not be as bad as I picture it out to be. But when everything is said in done, if your not comfortable with the switch then don't do it. Maybe you and the future SGTSPROUT can do a couple weekend live togethers. Get a feel of what family life will be like and go from there. You might change your mind or stick with the orginal plan.

But what do I know, I have hard enough time keeping my selve straight.


One of the sinners
OK well.. I DO NOT want to live off of any man. I have been on my own before well to what I consider on my own. I dont live with "mommy and daddy" I right now may not have a job but that is only because my son is 4 months old with GERD. The places in my hometown consider him a liability issue. With it being a small town not even private babysitters wish to watch hime cause they do not keep insurance. I was married once before to a controling guy who would not allow me to work among other things. I want to live with Jaime because I love him. I don't like living in WV and him here. It is hard to ahve a relationship like that. Plus I like having him around. We stayed in my apt for a little over a month together in Jan It was the happiest time I have ever had. So I may be selfish or whatever for wanting it right now. But I will not push him into I will not make him do what he cant. I will wait and I will be there for him. In my eyes its that or nothing and probably the same to him.


Catch Me If You Can!
I hope you don't mind me asking, but what is GERD?:confused: And why won't they watch him, that's not nice!!


Mr. Shud da hell up
two threads one topic

Funny how my life and hers is on these two threads. God I bet most women would have KILLED me by now.

True Vrai. And yes princess she is hurt by my lack of ummm consistency is all. She is getting over it. She snot going to push, but of course you all would be hurt a bit I think in the same circumstance.

This is a groovy little web page. The forums :)


One of the sinners

It is a reflux where when he eats he throws it up. But as most people it will come out or go back to their doesnt happen that way with my son. When he throws up it goes into his lungs and cause his lungs to fill with fluid. The real defintion is on just look up GERD for infants. He may have to be put on meds a littel later but for now he isnt. He does though have to remain propped up and cant be laid flat. There were times when he was first born and the past 4 months that when he would throw up he would asperate so much he would almost stop breathing.


One of the sinners

Thats one site that may help you understand. Jacob(my son) has alot of problems he has to do. He like I said has to be propped up all the time. He also has to have a little cereal added to each bottle to help the food stay down. He is getting better with it. Not that his GERD is getting better but I have learned things to do to help it from happeneing so often.

The places in town say they have have the time to care for him properly as in watching him to make sure he dont spit up and asperate it. I have yet to move him into his room cause I fear he would asperate some and quit breathing. He sits in his car seat and swings or on pillows during the day. At night I prop him up on pillows and ive had his bassinet elevated since I brought him home. If any one has dealt with this with their kids Id like to knwo how yall handled it. Maybe theres something else I could do to help him.


Catch Me If You Can!
I will do some research for you. My mom is a nurse, and she has alot of resoures. I'll get back to you!