The long-distance relationship.


New Member
I was listening to Gabrielle and when I heard this song it reminded me of this post as although not exactly applicable to your worries it is a beautiful song about a lady pondering whether to stay or go.
I am not saying that is how you are feeling but just thought I would put it out there.

Sorry for the double posting-not sure why it does that sometimes...


To make a long story short. I met a guy on AOL. He live in Oregon, me in Mechanicsville. The relationship lasted a few years - we both travelled for our jobs and were able to get together quite a lot, in addition to flying back and forth. We were going to get married and my son was grown and I was going to move to Oregon. He was my soulmate (so I thought). Then I found out he was ALREADY married. The relationship ended. He betrayed my trust. Needless to say, he is not married anymore either. :killingme