The NCAA is friggin crazy


Charleston Southern @ Florida (1) ? Why? the line is -73

Why, besides money, would the Athletic Director for Charleston agree to go to Florida and march his kids out for a potential Guinness Book of World Records loss?

Get you school name out there? I would rather be unknown than be "the team who got beat by Florida 122-3?

Is Charleston Southern even a real university? Are they a TV/VCR repair vo tech school? The Fighting Technicians?

Come on! :burning:


that's all it's Some of the smaller schools athletic departments are barely able to operate so they have to go out and do these things...


that's all it's Some of the smaller schools athletic departments are barely able to operate so they have to go out and do these things...

Kind of a shame. I guess if you have people on reality TV eating smoked buffalo anus for the chance for some money it is not a reach for an entire school administration to shame themselves for a couple hundred thousand.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Charleston Southern @ Florida (1) ? Why? the line is -73

Why, besides money, would the Athletic Director for Charleston agree to go to Florida and march his kids out for a potential Guinness Book of World Records loss?

Get you school name out there? I would rather be unknown than be "the team who got beat by Florida 122-3?

Is Charleston Southern even a real university? Are they a TV/VCR repair vo tech school? The Fighting Technicians?

Come on! :burning:

"Hi, coach Pete? This is Billy Bob, head coach over at Tech State Poly U school for 9th graders seeking to be axe murders, brick layers and mattress tag thieves. Listen, we need a scrimmage to get mah boys ready for the regular season and, as I understand it, you got you a fine, fine squad of young men so, we was wonderin' ifin y'all wouldn't mind playin' a little ball this weekend? We'd be happy to rebuild all of your practice and play fields to the highest of standards as a kind of 'thank you' for hepin' us out. And, of course, any medical expenses, includin' the ambulances, we'd be happy to cover as well. What you say, Pete, my boy?"


"Hi, coach Pete? This is Billy Bob, head coach over at Tech State Poly U school for 9th graders seeking to be axe murders, brick layers and mattress tag thieves. Listen, we need a scrimmage to get mah boys ready for the regular season and, as I understand it, you got you a fine, fine squad of young men so, we was wonderin' ifin y'all wouldn't mind playin' a little ball this weekend? We'd be happy to rebuild all of your practice and play fields to the highest of standards as a kind of 'thank you' for hepin' us out. And, of course, any medical expenses, includin' the ambulances, we'd be happy to cover as well. What you say, Pete, my boy?"

I see that point.....a little EXCEPT, Florida gains nothing at all by playing these guys. as a matter of fact it is more risky for Florida to play Charleston Southern Fighting Collection Plates than it is for Charleston to play Florida.

Look at the way the rankings are done in college football. Suppose for just a moment......Charleston Southern comes in and .......I can't even believe I am going to suggest this, ........Suppose Florida only beats them by 45. They take a dump in the poll because they only "murdered" CS instead of impailing them and making wreaths out of their intestines and dancing about in a pagan ritual?


They're out to get us
First off...GO GATORS! :yahoo:

Now...why do FCS teams play against teams from the FBS? Money is a big reason. They are struggling athletic departments in comparison to the FBS, so they can use the funds. Even lower level FBS schools do this.

Another reason? Publicity. Check out this article from CSU... CSU vs. Florida - Gameday Central ::
Basically, they have received more publicity with this game than ever before. That can ONLY help their athletic department and their university overall. It'll definitely help them on the recruiting trail, because more people will have heard about them. They went from a nobody school to the team with big balls, playing the University of Florida, defending National Champions. Everyone is talking about the Gators and everybody is mentioning Charleston Southern in the same breath. This game can only help them out. You can bet their recruiting will be better this next season in at least football, if not other athletic and academic areas.

So sure, they might lose 100-0. But they'll gain enough money to fund their athletic department for awhile, gain recruits, and get a ton of publicity. That's a win for them.


They're out to get us
I see that point.....a little EXCEPT, Florida gains nothing at all by playing these guys. as a matter of fact it is more risky for Florida to play Charleston Southern Fighting Collection Plates than it is for Charleston to play Florida.

Look at the way the rankings are done in college football. Suppose for just a moment......Charleston Southern comes in and .......I can't even believe I am going to suggest this, ........Suppose Florida only beats them by 45. They take a dump in the poll because they only "murdered" CS instead of impailing them and making wreaths out of their intestines and dancing about in a pagan ritual? risk really. It's a tuneup game. The Gators could have went ahead and played Boise State this week, like Oregon did. Oregon's offense was absolutely HORRIBLE because they weren't ready. They'll be clicking in a few weeks and would have rampaged Boise if the game was held in November. But just like last season, the offense wasn't ready yet, and they lost. That's the importance of early warm-up games. Could Florida have tried playing another low level non-BCS FBS team? Sure, but everyone in the BCS gets those games...sometimes you need to drop to the FCS when there are no FBS teams available that you want to play.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I see that point.....a little EXCEPT, Florida gains nothing at all by playing these guys. as a matter of fact it is more risky for Florida to play Charleston Southern Fighting Collection Plates than it is for Charleston to play Florida.


"Hi, this is coach Pete! I understand you folks down at Lil' Tots Day Care Center and Germ Emporium have y'all a fine football team! Listen, I gotta get m'ah boys ready for the coming season and we could use a little confidence building kinda scrimmage thing. We got us some new boys that might do well to kinda get some playing time and we'd like to see how they's all doing against some new folks instead of practicin' against each other day after day. We'd be happy to get y'all a life time supply of handiwipes and Barney videos. What y'all doing Saturday afternoon?"

Florida's starters go out, run wild for a quarter and then hit the showers as the 2nd and third and fourth teamers, who would all start for Poly Tech Sho'nuff U, get some dirt under their nails.


First off...GO GATORS! :yahoo:

Now...why do FCS teams play against teams from the FBS? Money is a big reason. They are struggling athletic departments in comparison to the FBS, so they can use the funds. Even lower level FBS schools do this.

Another reason? Publicity. Check out this article from CSU... CSU vs. Florida - Gameday Central ::
Basically, they have received more publicity with this game than ever before. That can ONLY help their athletic department and their university overall. It'll definitely help them on the recruiting trail, because more people will have heard about them. They went from a nobody school to the team with big balls, playing the University of Florida, defending National Champions. Everyone is talking about the Gators and everybody is mentioning Charleston Southern in the same breath. This game can only help them out. You can bet their recruiting will be better this next season in at least football, if not other athletic and academic areas.

So sure, they might lose 100-0. But they'll gain enough money to fund their athletic department for awhile, gain recruits, and get a ton of publicity. That's a win for them.

OK the money is a given.

Lets talk the "recruiting" bullchit.

Lets suppose I am a dad who has a son who is a good football player, but who is not going to get a ride at a big school. I have the Charleston Southern coach sitting on my porch trying to convince me that he is going to take care of my boy. The same guy who voluntarily marched his kids out for the ass whipping of the century for a dollar just a couple years ago. He SHAMED his players for some frigging money! This is the guy I want looking out for my kid?

I just don't see how being the recipient of brutal anal sex on TV at the hands of a Defending national championship team is going to boost the schools cred as a player in the NCAA.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
OK the money is a given.

Lets talk the "recruiting" bullchit.

Lets suppose I am a dad who has a son who is a good football player, but who is not going to get a ride at a big school. I have the Charleston Southern coach sitting on my porch trying to convince me that he is going to take care of my boy. The same guy who voluntarily marched his kids out for the ass whipping of the century for a dollar just a couple years ago. He SHAMED his players for some frigging money! This is the guy I want looking out for my kid?

I just don't see how being the recipient of brutal anal sex on TV at the hands of a Defending national championship team is going to boost the schools cred as a player in the NCAA.

:tap: Come on.

"OK, Gude, it says here you didn't even start in high school and that you throw a football lefty but a frisbee righty. That's just ####ed up, son. Not a single school worth a crap in the nation wants anything to do with you. However, we've got some great video of you getting absolutely wiped out by that kid from DeMatha and, frankly, none of us could believe you got back up. It seems either you real tough or real stupid, maybe both. In any event, we got a full ride for you here at CSU, a solid ag program and you only have spend one day a week in the barrel. If you don't want it, the kid across the street will take it and you can go drive trucks for the old man."


low 5... hi 5......
id put $ on +73 in a heartbeat.....

because UF wont play there starters past the 1st half....


They're out to get us
OK the money is a given.

Lets talk the "recruiting" bullchit.

Lets suppose I am a dad who has a son who is a good football player, but who is not going to get a ride at a big school. I have the Charleston Southern coach sitting on my porch trying to convince me that he is going to take care of my boy. The same guy who voluntarily marched his kids out for the ass whipping of the century for a dollar just a couple years ago. He SHAMED his players for some frigging money! This is the guy I want looking out for my kid?

I just don't see how being the recipient of brutal anal sex on TV at the hands of a Defending national championship team is going to boost the schools cred as a player in the NCAA.

Bullchit. You're looking at it the wrong way. You're a kid that's playing in the FCS. Sorry but your football dreams are ticking away and only have a few more years of life, cuz the chances of you making the NFL are next to nothing. Not only that, but you won't even get any big games in the FCS because the FCS is garbage. But then you hear "well you may not get nationally televised games, but you will be on TV when we play against the BCS national champions!" or against some other good FBS school. Sure it might be 1-2 times a year, but you still get some games against better competition and be on TV! Go out and have fun. Say that you played against that school and even if we got killed, you can cherish the memory for a lifetime and always say that YOU played at the Swamp. Come on, how many people can say they played there? Record the game and when you tackle Tim Tebow, you can show it to everyone for the rest of your life.

But what if he is a pretty good player that just slipped through the FBS cracks and has NFL potential? Steve McNair and Rashean Mathis come to mind. If they have the chance to showcase their skills against FBS competition, then they have a MUCH better chance of getting a look at the next level, than if they only play against FCS competition.


They're out to get us
id put $ on +73 in a heartbeat.....

because UF wont play there starters past the 1st half....

I was thinking the same thing. Our backups will be pretty sick too, especially on defense. But we'll probably try some things out and tinker here and there. We never run up the score THAT bad against low competition. Usually takes a few games for the offense to click anyway. Last season it wasn't humming til game 5 or 6.


:tap: Come on.

"OK, Gude, it says here you didn't even start in high school and that you throw a football lefty but a frisbee righty. That's just ####ed up, son. Not a single school worth a crap in the nation wants anything to do with you. However, we've got some great video of you getting absolutely wiped out by that kid from DeMatha and, frankly, none of us could believe you got back up. It seems either you real tough or real stupid, maybe both. In any event, we got a full ride for you here at CSU, a solid ag program and you only have spend one day a week in the barrel. If you don't want it, the kid across the street will take it and you can go drive trucks for the old man."

Which is exactly why the "it will help recruiting" argument is silly. CS isn't going to lure good players anyway let alone if they go to Gainesville and get axe murdered.


They're out to get us
Which is exactly why the "it will help recruiting" argument is silly. CS isn't going to lure good players anyway let alone if they go to Gainesville and get axe murdered.

Have you ever in your life looked into FCS recruiting? If not, stop talkin out of your ass because it's pretty obvious that's what you're doing. They schedule these games a few years in advance and use them as talking points for the recruits. EVERY FCS school tries to get these games. I'm not throwing out "arguments", I'm simply explaining it to you since you were asking a question. If you want to turn it into an "argument" then you'll lose, because that's exactly how it works.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Which is exactly why the "it will help recruiting" argument is silly. CS isn't going to lure good players anyway let alone if they go to Gainesville and get axe murdered.

No, they are not going to get a Tebo to skip Florida for them. They may, however, get a Gude or a Pete to go there instead of Tech-Poly State instead of a Nonno or a FF. So, they win their league. :yahoo:


They're out to get us
you see the punch dude from Oregon threw last night haha

lol talk about a dumbass. Before the game, he was tellin everyone to keep themselves in check. Then after he went 8 carries for -5 yards, he was the one bein the biggest idiot.


They're out to get us
No, they are not going to get a Tebo to skip Florida for them. They may, however, get a Gude or a Pete to go there instead of Tech-Poly State instead of a Nonno or a FF. So, they win their league. :yahoo:

Oh damn, I didn't even notice...he thought I meant luring players away from FBS schools? :killingme I just meant so they could win their conference or maybe the FCS championship!! Playing top teams isn't going to get a guy to switch from Texas to Charleston Southern :killingme