The Obama disaster...


Lovin' being Texican
yep, bigoted, ignorant, and retarded.

Bigoted? Possibly.

Ignorant? Hardly.

Retarded? That's transferrence on your part.

Wanna meet someplace an swap credentials? You will be humbled. But it's best we not meet in my neighborhood because it borders on 'the hood.'

For God's sake, don't go here.
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New Member
Bigoted? Possibly.

Ignorant? Hardly.

Retarded? That's transferrence on your part.

Wanna meet someplace an swap credentials? You will be humbled. But it's best we not meet in my neighborhood because it borders on 'the hood.'

For God's sake, don't go here.

and what part of american did that happen in?

like i said, retarded ignorant bigot


New Member
Why in Barack Hussein Obama II very own country of origin.

Point, Set, Match. S'long, loser.

you are an idiot. Obama, the presidential candidate, was born in Hawaii. and you are insinuating that americans are going to riot over election results. the FACT of the matter is, thats all a bunch of bigoted BS.

what a total freaking retard.


New Member
Over the Labor Day weekend in 1989, Virginia Beach experienced the worst civil disturbance in its history. This came to be called the "Greekfest Riots" and resulted in over 500 arrests and citations and millions in property damage, as well as the damage to the city's reputation. Many students attending the annual "Greekfest", an annual festival named for the Greek alphabet designations used by the fraternities and sororities involved, as well as local youths became intoxicated and rioted in the streets, breaking windows, looting shops, and vandalizing property.


New Member
Over the Labor Day weekend in 1989, Virginia Beach experienced the worst civil disturbance in its history. This came to be called the "Greekfest Riots" and resulted in over 500 arrests and citations and millions in property damage, as well as the damage to the city's reputation. Many students attending the annual "Greekfest", an annual festival named for the Greek alphabet designations used by the fraternities and sororities involved, as well as local youths became intoxicated and rioted in the streets, breaking windows, looting shops, and vandalizing property.

and which election was that related to you freaking bigoted tard?

keep up the hate:bigwhoop:


NOT Politically Correct!!
you are an idiot. Obama, the presidential candidate, was born in Hawaii. and you are insinuating that americans are going to riot over election results. the FACT of the matter is, thats all a bunch of bigoted BS.

what a total freaking retard.

I agree, they won't riot, Al and Jessy with just demand a piece of the US be given to NObama to be king of...:whistle:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
and which election was that related to you freaking bigoted tard?

Tommy! Stop ranting on and on about elections. There has never been a black presidential candidate, so your whole stupid "point" is moot.


Come up with a better argument or shut up. :smack:

If Obama loses will black people riot? Probably - right alongside their white counterparts. Inner city people don't seem to need a reason to start busting stuff up - they're already on a low boil. But you will also see rioting on college campuses all over America, watch and see.


Super Genius
If Obama loses will black people riot? Probably - right alongside their white counterparts. Inner city people don't seem to need a reason to start busting stuff up - they're already on a low boil. But you will also see rioting on college campuses all over America, watch and see.

I actually wouldn't be surprised to see rioting if he wins either...kinda like when sports teams win big games. Of course, i don't think those riots would be as destructive, last as long, or have long-term impacts.


New Member
Tommy! Stop ranting on and on about elections. There has never been a black presidential candidate, so your whole stupid "point" is moot.


Come up with a better argument or shut up. :smack:

If Obama loses will black people riot? Probably - right alongside their white counterparts. Inner city people don't seem to need a reason to start busting stuff up - they're already on a low boil. But you will also see rioting on college campuses all over America, watch and see.

tell that to jesse and al....

the fact of the matter is that it is retarded and bigoted to insinuate that black people will riot over election results. There have been literally thousands of black canidates that have lost elections of all sorts over the past 40 years. were are all the riots related to those?

if you want to make a friendly wager......


NOT Politically Correct!!
I actually wouldn't be surprised to see rioting if he wins either...kinda like when sports teams win big games. Of course, i don't think those riots would be as destructive, last as long, or have long-term impacts.

And they normally don't gut their own neighborhood in the process...
your pics are blocked, but i am sure you aren't showing me any pictures of riots that happened after elections in america.

BTW, I dont care that you are bigots, its just retarded.
Democratic Convention Chicago Riots 1968

Happy now?

Here's what I think will happen in Denver. Hillary will get a roll call vote. Obama won't get enough votes first time around to win the nomination. They will do a second vote with Hillary in it. Hillary will get the nomination. There will then be riots by the Obama supporters (of no one specific race, I am thinking more along the lines of the anarchists that protest anything and everything they don 't like) all around the country, but mostly in the the major cities of LA, Chitown, New Yawk, San Fran and Seattle.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
tell that to jesse and al....

Okay, I will, you fool. Neither of them made it past the primaries, AND were actually winnowed out fairly early on. So they were not serious candidates, unlike Barack Obama. So, okay, I will happily tell Jesse and Al something they already know.


Anyway, it's not racist to think blacks will riot. Am I a racist because I think whites will riot?? History tells us that there will be riots.



New Member
Okay, I will, you fool. Neither of them made it past the primaries, AND were actually winnowed out fairly early on. So they were not serious candidates, unlike Barack Obama. So, okay, I will happily tell Jesse and Al something they already know.


Anyway, it's not racist to think blacks will riot. Am I a racist because I think whites will riot?? History tells us that there will be riots.


nope, just an idiot.

please show the history of riots related to elections. there is none.