The Presidential Seal -- Obama


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
Is the Great Seal of Barack even legal?

18 USC Sec. 713 ...
(a) Whoever knowingly displays any printed or other likeness of the great seal of the United States, or of the seals of the President or the Vice President of the United States, or the seal of the United States Senate, or the seal of the United States House of Representatives, or the seal of the United States Congress, or any facsimile thereof, in, or in connection with, any advertisement, poster, circular, book, pamphlet, or other publication, public meeting, play, motion picture, telecast, or other production, or on any building, monument, or stationery, for the purpose of conveying, or in a manner reasonably calculated to convey, a false impression of sponsorship or approval by the Government of the United States or by any department, agency, or instrumentality thereof, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.

(b) Whoever, except as authorized under regulations promulgated by the President and published in the Federal Register, knowingly manufactures, reproduces, sells, or purchases for resale, either separately or appended to any article manufactured or sold, any likeness of the seals of the President or Vice President, or any substantial part thereof, except for manufacture or sale of the article for the official use of the Government of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.​

Behold the Great Seal of the United States of Obamaland! Even the New York Slimes noticed the arrogance.



New Member
Now I have had it. He has changed the seal, putting Obama on it.

This is pure arrogance. And we want him to lead us? With his nose up in the air?

La Times

It may just be designed so you could get used to seeing him behind that seal.

He's doing you a favor...breaking you in gently. :yay:


New Member
:bawl: :baby:

Like you even know who I am!! :killingme

If you think you can post anything on the internet without it being traced back to your physical address, you're an idiot.

Especially when you've openly advocated the assassination of a Presidential candidate.

Vrai's not going to like it when the Secret Service take her computers. And you're not going to like it when they takel you.



Obama destroyed America
If you think you can post anything on the internet without it being traced back to your physical address, you're an idiot.

Especially when you've openly advocated the assassination of a Presidential candidate.

Vrai's not going to like it when the Secret Service take her computers. And you're not going to like it when they takel you.

Well since you said you'd toast my demise, you must be one of dem deer USSS agents. Now you git goin and hop to trackin me ok. :bubble:

P.S. You're the idiot. :poorbaby:


New Member
Well since you said you'd toast my demise, you must be one of dem deer USSS agents. Now you git goin and hop to trackin me ok. :bubble:

P.S. You're the idiot. :poorbaby:


Vrai's really going to love you.

I am personally not Secret Service, but I know those that are. And you're ####ed. :yay:



Obama destroyed America

Vrai's really going to love you.

I am personally not Secret Service, but I know those that are. And you're ####ed. :yay:

:clap: I'm impressed!! :clap: er.....a..... I mean I'm skeered!!

P.S. I know a few too! :jet: So go play in front of the mirror and amuse yourself.