The Presidential Seal -- Obama


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Two wrongs don't make a right.

Mikey's comments were way out of line. If you guys want to be just like the DU, go right at it. Show that Republicans are just as hateful and venomous as the Democrats have been the past eight years.

Wow. Your parents let you vist the DU when you were 12?

OH, and who died and left you in charge around here? If you don't like what the "righties" are saying -why do you keep coming back?


Obama destroyed America
Wow. Your parents let you vist the DU when you were 12?

OH, and who died and left you in charge around here? If you don't like what the "righties" are saying -why do you keep coming back?
That's the beauty of this board as compared to the DU. He can keep coming back over and over again!

Try posting an opposing opinion on the DU (the tolerance and free speech folks) and see how quickly they show you the door. :lmao:


New Member
That's the beauty of this board as compared to the DU. He can keep coming back over and over again!

Try posting an opposing opinion on the DU (the tolerance and free speech folks) and see how quickly they show you the door. :lmao:

the left gets unhinged when you challenge their thinking, as you are inferior and stupid, just let them rule you.

Now get over it.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
That's the beauty of this board as compared to the DU. He can keep coming back over and over again!

Try posting an opposing opinion on the DU (the tolerance and free speech folks) and see how quickly they show you the door. :lmao:

Right, but he's not really adding much opinion. Just running around like Barney Fife accusing all the righties of acting like lefties and telling everyone how to behave and how they should or shouldn't say something. :jameo:



NOT Politically Correct!!
The Great Seal of NObama....:killingme

I think he's actually starting to believe his own rhetoric...


24/7 Single Dad
Please, if everyone who wished a prez (or wanna be prez) dead online was arressted DU wouldn't still exist much less all the rabid lefty blogs!

That's OK since Bush isn't really president because he stole the election.


Lovin' being Texican
Wow. Your parents let you vist the DU when you were 12?

OH, and who died and left you in charge around here? If you don't like what the "righties" are saying -why do you keep coming back?

Andy has this 50 year old "friend" in California called Robert. You may see Robert soon on MSNBC being characterized as a predator. (note the 30 year age difference)

He's been grooming Andy for about three years now. They kind of share a couple blogs but Robert has taken over as the dominant one (if you know what I mean) on the pages. Andy is trying to exert some independence by posting as the 'butch' member. Not working, is it?

Good thing he has me on iggy, o/wise he'll be squealing soon.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Andy has this 50 year old "friend" in California called Robert. You may see Robert soon on MSNBC being characterized as a predator. (note the 30 year age difference)

He's been grooming Andy for about three years now. They kind of share a couple blogs but Robert has taken over as the dominant one (if you know what I mean) on the pages. Andy is trying to exert some independence by posting as the 'butch' member. Not working, is it?

Good thing he has me on iggy, o/wise he'll be squealing soon.

I've seen those blogs, too. Odd, huh?


Lovin' being Texican
I've seen those blogs, too. Odd, huh?

Would really explain a lot though, wouldn't it?

Andy has recently made his MySpace site a permission-required space. When it was open to anyone, you could see he lists a job in California as a current job. What's up with that?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Would really explain a lot though, wouldn't it?

Andy has recently made his MySpace site a permission-required space. When it was open to anyone, you could see he lists a job in California as a current job. What's up with that?

Hmmm. I have no idea! I thought he worked in Charles Co.


Lovin' being Texican
Hmmm. I have no idea! I thought he worked in Charles Co.

Yes, he does "computer repair" for the Chuck Co. Board of Education. That explains why he can spend so much time online posting his tripe and watching all the cable networks. Bet he can't wait for the new computer science High School. It'll have television all over the place. He's be in a constant state of wood.


New Member
Hmmm. I have no idea! I thought he worked in Charles Co.

Amazing, Lenny will spew anything out of his arse. :pete:

I work for a racing website, based on California, which has nothing to do with politics. :coffee:

Just more of :loser: :blahblah: pointlessly because he's a :dork: with nothing better to do than look at everyone's myspace that's ever disagreed with him because he's the all-knowing one. :notworthy


Lovin' being Texican
Again, you fail....

Enjoy my 2 year-old blog postings now Lenny. :smile: read my entire post. Did you not see where I said the blogs had been cached? For a computer professional, you're pretty light there.

WHAT'S THIS? There's your old buddy Robert at the very top of the blog. Now anybody can check him and his blogs.
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Lovin' being Texican
Dude, it's only a mirror?

Amazing, Lenny will spew anything out of his arse. :pete:

I work for a racing website, based on California, which has nothing to do with politics. :coffee:

Just more of :loser: :blahblah: pointlessly because he's a :dork: with nothing better to do than look at everyone's myspace that's ever disagreed with him because he's the all-knowing one. :notworthy

Having trouble seeing yourself again?

But you do raise an interesting question. Since you work for a "racing website based in California," why are you still drawing a paycheck from Charles County and wasting my tax money by posting to this and other sites? Why do you believe you are entitled (Ah, Yes. There's that lefty word that's so popular) to waste my hard-earned money playing like you're an adult?
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